Year in Review: 2012

North Haven began 2012 with news of several projects designed to improve the infrastructure and the economic development picture in town. Voters approved a bonding package to improve the town's firehouses and roads, as well as build a new sanitation garage. Ground was also broken on one medical center project in January, while a separate project spearheaded by Yale-New Haven Hospital got underway later in the year.


North Haven residents vote to approve a $14 million bonding package that includes $9.23 million in funding for the construction of a new firehouse and the renovations of three other firehouses, $4 million to mill and pave approximately 20 miles of town roadways, and $710,000 for the construction of a new public works garage.

Ground is broken for a new medical center at Devine and State streets, near the Crossroads building and Healthtrax. Expected tenants are cardiologists, gynecologists, orthopedic professionals, and primary care physicians.

Republican State Senator Leonard Fasano and Republican State Representative David Yaccarino announce plans to run for re-election. Democrat Steve Fontana announces plans to run against Fasano for the 34th District Senate seat.

The North Haven Fire Department celebrates its 100th anniversary on Jan. 31.


Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH) announces it will open an outpatient center in the former AT&T building at 6 Devine Street in January 2013. The plan calls for the facility to house a walk-in primary care center, a Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center, an Inflammatory Disease Center, MRI and digital X-ray imaging, and laboratory and blood-draw services.

Plans get underway for a child abuse prevention program in the spring. North Haven resident Raymond Fowler presents the idea and receives support from First Selectman Michael Freda and selectmen Tim Doheny and Alan Sturtz.

The 2011 Grand List grows by 0.15 percent-about $4.5 million-in net assessed value, with rising motor vehicle values accounting for the bulk of the increase as home values dropped. Rising assessments on personal property, which applies primarily to business equipment, also bolster the town tax base.

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Year in Review: 2012

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