Alumni Relations | NYU School of Medicine

The NYU School of Medicine alumni reunion was Saturday, April 26, 2014. An exciting line-up of activities and scientific programs was scheduled throughout the day. Alumni Hall was full with happy faces as alumni gathered to rekindle friendships, reminisce, and celebrate. Participants learned about the future of the Medical School and its achievements. This year's program featured talks by distinguished faculty and Berson Awardee alumni:

David Oshinsky, PhD, Director of the Division of Medical Humanities, spoke about "Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin, and the Battle Against Polio".

Eduardo D. Rodriguez, MD, DDS '82, Chair of the Department of Plastic Surgery, spoke about "Redefining the Future of Facial Reconstruction".

Robert M.Friedman, MD '58, recipient of the Solomon A. Berson Alumni Achievement Award in Basic Science, spoke about "The Peculiar Story of Interferons: From Panacea to Pariah to Paragon".

Mark Taubman, MD '78, recipient of the Solomon A. Berson Alumni Achievement Award in Clinical and TranslationalScience, spoke about "Tissue Factor, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer".

Lee M. E. Morin, MD '81, PhD '82, MS '78, recipient of the Solomon A. Berson Alumni Award in Health Science, spoke about "Overview of Space Medicine - Enabling Expansion of Our Species".

The Julia Zelmanovich Young Alumni Award, presented each year to an alumnus/a who early in his or her career has already demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the profession and our School, was presented to Jennifer A. Stein, MD '04. PhD '02, MS '00.

As part of the morning program, Laurie and Isaac Perlmutterwere installed as honorary alumni of NYU School of Medicine, paying tribute to these two remarkable leaders and humanitarians. Dean Robert I. Grossman, Hon.'08, gave his report of the year's advances at NYU School of Medicine and NYU Langone Medical Center. Following luncheon with classmates, there was a demonstration of theBioDigitalHuman which is used as an adjunct to teaching anatomy dissection. In the afternoon, student-led nostalgia tours were provided of our School and of Bellevue. Later in the evening, the Alumni Reunion Ball was held at the Ritz-Carlton Downtown.

Dean's Honors Day

On Monday September 30, 2013 faculty members, benefactors, family and freinds gathered in Farkas auditorium for the 12th annual Dean's Honors Day. The event recognizes three outstading faculty members as "Masters" - one clinician, one scientist, and one educator as well as those who have been promoted, named to an endowed professorship, received tenure, or served as chair of a department, including newly named chairs.

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Alumni Relations | NYU School of Medicine

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