Forum, July 11: You Snubbed a Good Parade; Math Rules Dont Add Up; Vanity and Immorality; The Co-op Debate

Paper Snubbed a Good Parade

To the Editor:

The Lebanon High School Alumni Day parade is a long-time tradition for us folks who live in Lebanon. Its a big deal! Its a fun time for classmates working on the floats as a team and a joy to behold for people watching the parade.

The floats this year were excellent. The theme Beatles songs. Very creative.

Ive been watching the alumni parade since I was a kid as well as marching in the band. And I am no spring chicken now.

Whats up with the Valley News ? It used to do a half-page to full page showing at least the first, second and third-place winners. One couldnt wait to get the paper and see who won.

This year the Valley News showed one small picture of the third-place float in back of City Hall.

Why cant our local paper cover our once-a-year parade of floats? Why the snub?

Linda Facto


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Forum, July 11: You Snubbed a Good Parade; Math Rules Dont Add Up; Vanity and Immorality; The Co-op Debate

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