IUMS Hosting Reproductive Health Congress – Financial Tribune

An international congress on reproductive health organized by the Iranian Society of Embryology & Reproductive Biology (ISERB) will be held April 19-21 at the Iran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran. The 2nd International Congress on Reproductive Health and Childbearing (ICRHC) will provide a platform for exchange of data, information and scientific ideas in the field, icrhc-iserb.ir website reported. Sixteen panels will be held during the 3-day event, including medication therapy to enhance sperm quality, sexual health and strategies to improve marital relationships, endometriosis and POS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) treatment, screening embryo health before implantation in infertility treatment, social aspects of assisted reproduction, availability of infertility medications in Iran and their levels of effectiveness, and stem cells. Health experts who will address the confab are head of Food and Drug Administration Rasoul Dinarvand, deputy health minister Reza Malekzadeh, head of Avicenna Infertility Treatment Center Behzad Qorbani, head of ISERB Mohammad Mehdi Akhundi, head of FDAs Food and Drug Control Labs Hossein Rastegar, and head of Royan Research Institute Hamid Gourabi. Participants include doctors in reproduction biology and medical sciences and clinical experts in gynecology, obstetrics and infertility, urology, endocrinology and metabolism as well as in nutrition, midwifery, nursing, laboratory science. Besides, experts in paramedical sciences, veterinary medicine, sociology, psychology, law and ethics and general practitioners, will attend the congress. Introducing the latest scientific achievements in the field of reproductive health, motivating researchers in different branches of biology to apply biotechnology in reproduction issues, training physicians in diagnosis and treatment of different diseases, and creating research teams for interdisciplinary research, are the main goals of the congress.

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IUMS Hosting Reproductive Health Congress - Financial Tribune

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