Letter, 6/10: Planned Parenthood plates mislead – Lincoln Journal Star

Recently, the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles approved a license plate design proposed by Planned Parenthood -- "my body, my choice."

The inaccurate message conveyed by Planned Parenthood through the plate's message is because organism within a pregnant woman is a part of her body, it's her choice whether to abort the organism. By approving the license plate, the DMV agreed to perpetuate a falsehood.

In no stage of development is the human being within mother a part of her body. Human life begins with fertilization when sperm of male and oocyte from female unite to produce a new organism, the zygote.

Formed in the Fallopian tube, the new life travels down tube into uterus and implants into endometrial lining of uterus. Neither the fetus nor placenta is ever part of the mother. At childbirth, both baby and placenta are delivered. Any standard OB-GYN and embryology textbook will state these irrefutable, scientific and medical facts.

If baby were a part of the mother, surgery would be required in all not just C-section births. How the DMV could approve a license plate with such an inaccurate message is a puzzle. Is it a result of inaccurate information in school textbooks, from teacher(s) or misinformation from Planned Parenthood and other sources?

"My body, my choice" is just another way for Planned Parenthood to market abortion while misleading the public -- especially pregnant mothers -- into thinking unborn babies are a part of their mother. Medical science has proved otherwise.

Read the original post:
Letter, 6/10: Planned Parenthood plates mislead - Lincoln Journal Star

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