Worlds Leading Genomics Conference | Global Meetings …


ConferenceSeries LLC provides the perfect platform for global networking and we are truly delighted to invite you to attend our 9thInternational Conference on Genomics & Pharmacogenomics, during June 15-16, 2017London, UK. Genomics-2017 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Genomics & Pharmacogenomics and its allied areas Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering.

Track 1:Cancer Genomics

TumorGenomicsis the investigation ofhereditarytransformationsin charge of malignancy, utilizinggenomesequencingandbioinformatics. Diseasegenomicsis to enhance growth treatment and results lies in figuring out which sets of qualities and quality associations influence diverse subsets of tumors. UniversalCancer GenomeConsortium (ICGC) is a deliberate experimental association that gives a discussion to joint effort among the world's driving growth andgenomic analysts.


5th InternationalConference on Integrative BiologyJune 19-21, 2017 London, UK; InternationalConference onGenetic Counseling and Genomic Medicine,December 07-08, 2016 Madrid, Spain; 9th InternationalConference on Genomics and PharmacogenomicsJuly 13-14, 2017 Chicago, USA;Conference onSynthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED), June 20-23, 2017 Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 28th Annual Lorne Genomics Conference 2017 February 12-14, 2017 Mantra Lorne, Victoria, Australia. 29th Fungal Genetics conference March 14-19, 2017 Pacific Grove, CA

Related Societies:

Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors, Canada. European Cytogeneticists Association, Europe. Human Genome Organisation, South Korea. Biochemistry Moroccan Society and Molecular Biology, Africa, Federation of African societies of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Kenya. South African Stem Cell Transplantation Society, South Africa. National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago. Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada. German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 2:Functional Genomics

UtilitarianGenomicsuse incomprehensible abundance of information created bygenomic transcriptomictasks to portray quality capacities and cooperations. Patterns inFunctional Genomicsare Affymetrix developed as an early trend-setter around there by imagining a commonsense approach to examine quality capacity as a framework.


6th International Conference onTissue Engineering &Regenerative Medicine,Baltimore, USA,Aug 20-22, 2017; 8th World Congress and Expo onCell &Stem Cell Research,Orlando, USA,March 20-22, 2017; 15thWorld Congress onBiotechnologyand Biotech Industries Meet,Rome, Italy,March 20-21, 2017; 2nd International Conference onGenetic Counselling andGenomic Medicine,Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2017; International Conference onClinical andMolecular Genetics,Las Vegas, USA,April 24-26, 2017. Internation Plant and Animal Conference XXV January 14-18, 2017 San Diego, CA, USA. Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress Conference Asia April 10-11, 2017 Hong Kong.

Related Societies:

Swiss Society of Medical Genetics, Switzerland. Human Variome Project, Australia. American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, USA. International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa. Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia. Belgian Society for Human Genetics, Belgian. Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics, Asia.

Track 3:Next Generation Sequencing

Cutting edge sequencing(NGS) is regularly alluded to as greatly parallel sequencing, which implies that a large number of little parts ofDNAcan be sequenced in the meantime, making a gigantic pool of information. Cutting edge sequencing (NGS), hugely parallel or profound sequencing is connected terms that portray aDNA sequencinginnovation which has upsetgenomic research.


2nd International Conference onMolecular Biology, London, UK,June 22-24, 2017;3rd WorldBioSummit & Expo, Abu Dhabi, UAE,June 19-21, 2017;5th International Conference onIntegrativeBiology, London, UK,June 19-21, 2017;2nd World Congress on HumanGenetics, Chicago, USA,July 24-26, 2017;9th International Conference onGenomicsand Pharmacogenomics, London, UK,June15-16, 2017. 28thAnnual Lorne Genomics Conference2017 February 12-14.

Related Societies:

International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa. Europe. Human Genome Organisation, South Korea. National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago. Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada. International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa. Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia. German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 4:Biomarkers & Molecular Markers

Biomarkerscan be trademark organic properties or particles that can be distinguished and measured in parts of the body such as the blood or tissue.Biomarkerscan be particular cells, atoms, or qualities, quality items, chemicals, orhormones.Atomicmarkeris a section of DNA that is connected with a specific area inside of thegenome. Atomic markers are utilized as a part of sub-atomic science andbiotechnologyto distinguish a specific grouping of DNA in a pool of obscure DNA.


7th International Conference onPlantGenomics,Bangkok, Thailand,July 03-05, 2017; 15th EuroBiotechnologyCongress,Valencia, Spain,June 05-07, 2017; International Conference onIntegrative Medicine& Nutrition,Dubai, UAE,May11-13, 2017; 14th Asia-PacificBiotechCongress, April 10-12, 2017; Beijing, China,15thBiotechnologyCongress,Baltimore, USA,June 22-23, 2017. 29thFungal Genetics conferenceMarch 14-19, 2017 Pacific Grove, CA.

Related Societies:

Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors, Canada.European Cytogeneticists Association, Europe.Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.Biochemistry Moroccan Society and Molecular Biology, Africa,Federation of African societies of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Kenya.South African Stem Cell Transplantation Society, South Africa.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track: 5Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine

Pharmacogenomicsis a piece of a field called customized solution that means to tweak human services, with choices and medications custom-made to every individual patient inside and out conceivable.Pharmacogenomicsandpharmacogenomicsmanages new developments in the field of customized meds and advancements in modified medication revelation utilizingproteomeinnovation.


5th International Conference and Exhibition onCell and Gene Therapy,Madrid, Spain, Mar 2-3, 2017;International Conference onCell Signalling andCancer Therapy,Paris, France,Aug 20-22, 2017; 7th Annual Conference onStem Celland Regenerative Medicine,Paris, France,Aug 04-05, 2016;3rd International Conference & Exhibition onTissue Preservationand Bio banking,Baltimore, USA,June 29-30, 2017.Internation Plant and Animal Conference XXVJanuary 14-18, 2017 San Diego, CA, USA.

Related Societies:

Swiss Society of Medical Genetics, Switzerland.Human Variome Project, Australia.American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, USA.International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia.Belgian Society for Human Genetics, Belgian.Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics, Asia.

Track 6:Clinical Genomics

Clinical Genomicsis the utilization of genome sequencing to educate understanding analysis and care.Genome sequencingis relied upon to have the most effect in: portraying and diagnosinghereditary infection; stratifying patients for fittingmalignancytreatment; and giving data around an individual'simaginable reactionto treatment to lessen antagonistic medication responses.


6th International Conference onTissue Engineering &Regenerative Medicine,Baltimore, USA,Aug 20-22, 2017; 8th World Congress and Expo onCell &Stem Cell Research,Orlando, USA,March 20-22, 2017; 15thWorld Congress onBiotechnologyand Biotech Industries Meet,Rome, Italy,March 20-21, 2017; 2nd International Conference onGenetic Counselling andGenomic Medicine,Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2017; International Conference onClinical andMolecular Genetics,Las Vegas, USA,April 24-26, 2017.Plant Genomics and Gene Editing CongressConference Asia April 10-11, 2017 Hong Kong.

Related Societies:

International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Europe. Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 7:Micro RNA

MicroRNAscomprise a novel class of small, non-coding endogenous RNAs that regulategene expressionby directing their targetmRNAsfor degradation or translational repression. miRNAs represent smallRNA moleculesencoded in thegenomesofplantsand animals. These highly conserved 22 nucleotides longRNA sequencesregulate the expression of genes by binding to the 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTR) of specific mRNAs. A growing body of evidence shows that mRNAs are one of the key players in cell differentiation and growth, mobility andapoptosis.


2nd International Conference onMolecular Biology, London, UK,June 22-24, 2017;3rd WorldBioSummit & Expo, Abu Dhabi, UAE,June 19-21, 2017;5th International Conference onIntegrativeBiology, London, UK,June 19-21, 2017;2nd World Congress on HumanGenetics, Chicago, USA,July 24-26, 2017;9th International Conference onGenomicsand Pharmacogenomics, London,UK,June 15-16, 2017. 28thAnnual Lorne Genomics Conference2017 February 12-14, 2017 Mantra Lorne, Victoria, Australia.

Related Societies:

Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors, Canada.European Cytogeneticists Association, Europe.Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.Biochemistry Moroccan Society and Molecular Biology, Africa,Federation of African societies of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Kenya.South African Stem Cell Transplantation Society, South Africa.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 8:mRNA Analysis

mRNAis a subtype of RNA. AmRNAatom conveys a segment of the DNA code to different parts of the cell for preparing.mRNAis made amid interpretation. Amid the translation handle, a solitary strand ofDNAis decoded by RNA polymerase, and mRNA is incorporated. Physically, mRNA is a strand of nucleotides known asribonucleiccorrosive, and is single-stranded.


7th International Conference onPlantGenomics,Bangkok, Thailand,July 03-05, 2017; 15th EuroBiotechnologyCongress,Valencia, Spain,June 05-07, 2017; International Conference onIntegrative Medicine& Nutrition,Dubai, UAE,May11-13, 2017; 14th Asia-PacificBiotechCongress, April 10-12, 2017; Beijing, China,15thBiotechnologyCongress,Baltimore, USA,June 22-23, 2017. 29thFungal Genetics conferenceMarch 14-19, 2017 Pacific Grove, CA.

Related Societies:

Swiss Society of Medical Genetics, Switzerland.Human Variome Project, Australia.American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, USA.International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia.Belgian Society for Human Genetics, Belgian.Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics, Asia.


Bioinformaticsis the exploration of gathering and breaking down complex organic information, for example,hereditary codes. Sub-atomic solution requires the joining and examination of genomic, sub-atomic, cell, and additionallyclinical informationand it in this way offers a momentous arrangement of difficulties to bioinformatics.


5th International Conference and Exhibition onCell and Gene Therapy,Madrid, Spain, Mar 2-3, 2017;International Conference onCell Signalling andCancer Therapy,Paris, France,Aug 20-22, 2017; 7th Annual Conference onStem Celland Regenerative Medicine,Paris, France,Aug 04-05, 2016;3rd International Conference & Exhibition onTissue Preservationand Bio banking,Baltimore, USA,June 29-30, 2017.Internation Plant and Animal Conference XXVJanuary 14-18, 2017 San Diego, CA, USA.

Related Societies:

International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Europe. Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 10:Comparative Genomics

SimilarGenomicsandgenomicmedicinenewfieldofnaturalexaminationinwhichthegenomegroupins of variousspecies- human, mouse and a wide assortment of different life forms from yeast to chimpanzees-are looked at. The assessment of likenesses and contrasts betweengenomesof various life forms; can uncover contrasts in the middle of people and species and also transformative connections.


6th International Conference onTissue Engineering &Regenerative Medicine,Baltimore, USA,Aug 20-22, 2017; 8th World Congress and Expo onCell &Stem Cell Research,Orlando, USA,March 20-22, 2017; 15thWorld Congress onBiotechnologyand Biotech Industries Meet,Rome, Italy,March 20-21, 2017; 2nd International Conference onGenetic Counselling andGenomic Medicine,Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2017; International Conference onClinical andMolecular Genetics,Las Vegas, USA,April 24-26, 2017.Plant Genomics and Gene Editing CongressConference Asia April 10-11, 2017 Hong Kong.

Related Societies:

Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors, Canada.European Cytogeneticists Association, Europe.Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.Biochemistry Moroccan Society and Molecular Biology, Africa,Federation of African societies of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Kenya.South African Stem Cell Transplantation Society, South Africa.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 11:Plant Genomics

Late mechanical headways have generously extended our capacity to dissect and comprehendplantgenomesand to diminish the crevice existing in the middle of genotype and phenotype. The quick advancing field of genomics permits researchers to dissect a huge number of qualities in parallel, to comprehend the hereditary building design ofplant genomesfurthermore to separate the qualities in charge oftransformations.


2nd International Conference onMolecular Biology, London, UK,June 22-24, 2017;3rd WorldBioSummit & Expo, Abu Dhabi, UAE,June 19-21, 2017;5th International Conference onIntegrativeBiology, London, UK,June 19-21, 2017;2nd World Congress on HumanGenetics, Chicago, USA,July 24-26, 2017;9th International Conference onGenomicsand Pharmacogenomics, London,UK,June 15-16, 2017. 28thAnnual Lorne Genomics Conference2017 February 12-14, 2017 Mantra Lorne, Victoria, Australia.

Related Societies:

Swiss Society of Medical Genetics, Switzerland.Human Variome Project, Australia.American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, USA.International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia.Belgian Society for Human Genetics, Belgian.Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics, Asia.

Track 12:Personal Genomics

Individualgenomicsis the branch of genomics worried with thesequencingand examination of the genome of a person. Thegenotypingstage utilizes diverse strategies, includingsingle-nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) examination chips or incomplete or fullgenome sequencing.


7th International Conference onPlantGenomics,Bangkok, Thailand,July 03-05, 2017; 15th EuroBiotechnologyCongress,Valencia, Spain,June 05-07, 2017; International Conference onIntegrative Medicine& Nutrition,Dubai, UAE,May11-13, 2017; 14th Asia-PacificBiotechCongress, April 10-12, 2017; Beijing, China,15thBiotechnologyCongress,Baltimore, USA,June 22-23, 2017. 29thFungal Genetics conferenceMarch 14-19, 2017 Pacific Grove, CA.

Related Societies:

International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Europe. Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.International Federation of Human Genetics Societies, South Africa.Human Genetics Society of Australasia, Australia.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 13:Microbial Genomics

MicrobialGenomicsappliesrecombinantDNA,DNAsequencingroutines,andbioinformaticsto succession, gather, and dissect the capacity and structure of genomes in organisms. Amid the previous 10 years, genomics-based methodologies have profoundly affected the field ofmicrobiologyand our comprehension of microbial species. In view of their bigger genome sizes,genome sequencingendeavors on growths and unicellular eukaryotes were slower to begin than ventures concentrated on prokaryotes.


5th International Conference and Exhibition onCell and Gene Therapy,Madrid, Spain, Mar 2-3, 2017;International Conference onCell Signalling andCancer Therapy,Paris, France,Aug 20-22, 2017; 7th Annual Conference onStem Celland Regenerative Medicine,Paris, France,Aug 04-05, 2016;3rd International Conference & Exhibition onTissue Preservationand Bio banking,Baltimore, USA,June 29-30, 2017.Internation Plant and Animal Conference XXVJanuary 14-18, 2017 San Diego, CA, USA.

Related Societies:

Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors, Canada.European Cytogeneticists Association, Europe.Human Genome Organisation, South Korea.Biochemistry Moroccan Society and Molecular Biology, Africa,Federation of African societies of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Kenya.South African Stem Cell Transplantation Society, South Africa.National Society of Genetic Counselors, Chicago.Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, Canada.German Society of Human Genetics, Germany.

Track 14:Future trends in Genomics

Genomics researchholds the way to meeting a considerable lot of the difficulties of the coming years. Right now, the greatest test is in information investigation. We can produce a lot of information modestly, yet that overpowers our ability to comprehend it. The significant test of theGenomeResearch is we have to imbuegenomic datainto restorative practice, which is truly hard.


6th International Conference onTissue Engineering &Regenerative Medicine,Baltimore, USA,Aug 20-22, 2017; 8th World Congress and Expo onCell &Stem Cell Research,Orlando, USA,March 20-22, 2017; 15thWorld Congress onBiotechnologyand Biotech Industries Meet,Rome, Italy,March 20-21, 2017; 2nd International Conference onGenetic Counselling andGenomic Medicine,Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2017; International Conference onClinical andMolecular Genetics,Las Vegas, USA,April 24-26, 2017.Internation Plant and Animal Conference XXVJanuary 14-18, 2017 San Diego, CA, USA.Plant Genomics and Gene Editing CongressConference Asia April 10-11, 2017 Hong Kong.

Related Societies:

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Worlds Leading Genomics Conference | Global Meetings ...

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