Expert Reveals Effective Ways To Break Bad Habits – Medical Daily

Many, if not all of us, have some bad habits that we like to change in ourselves. For some, it might be something as simple as biting our fingernails a lot. For others, it might be something as life-changing as losing weight, eating healthier and becoming an overall better person for it. No matter what bad habit we have to change though, recognizing it as one is the first step, and is just as valid as the others.

Unfortunately, most never get past this first step and just end up getting stuck with their bad habits. Thats not to say, however, that you didnt try since human behavior is a complex thing and we know changing a bad habit isnt as simple as it sounds.

Thankfully, world willpower expert Dr. Heather McKee is here to give you some tips to help break down your bad habits and make some good ones from here on forward. Heres how you should do it, according to her:

So this is why it's so hard to break a habit. Charles BERNELAS; CC by 2.0

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Expert Reveals Effective Ways To Break Bad Habits - Medical Daily

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