Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Applied Anatomy job with UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL | 188877 – Times Higher Education (THE)

Centre for Applied Anatomy

Contract type: Open endedWorking pattern: Full time

Closing date for applications: 12-Jan-2020

We have an exciting opportunity to appoint a new member of academic teaching staff to the Centre for Applied Anatomy at the University of Bristol. The Centre focuses on the excellence of practical applied anatomy teaching which is delivered with clinical and professional relevance.

You will work with the Head of Centre in providing educational direction, leadership and management for the Centre for Applied Anatomy (CAA) and to assist in its continued development. You will also act as the Director of Teaching for CAA.

You may teach across all teaching streams in the Centre for Applied Anatomy (Science, Veterinary, Medical, Dental) and will be expected to contribute substantially to practicals, lectures, seminars and project supervision. As Director of Teaching, you will provide leadership to ensure that the Centres educational offerings are distinctive, innovative, high quality and competitive

For informal enquiries please contact:Michelle Spear;; 0117 33 17839

We welcome applications from all members of our community and are particularly encouraging those from diverse groups, such as members of the LGBT+ andBAME communities, to join us.

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Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Applied Anatomy job with UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL | 188877 - Times Higher Education (THE)

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