What 2019 Was Like for the First Space Nation – Asgardia Space News

It has been an extremely productive year for Asgardia: major accomplishments were made, new goals set, amazing historic event held. Lets take a look at these 10 great steps the First Space Nation took this year, and see the progress weve made so far

Asgardias First Space Science and Investment Congress Oct 14, 19 - Oct 16, 19 (Oph 07, 03 - Oph 09, 03)

The historic FirstAsgardia Space Science and Investment Congress, held in Darmstadt, Germany, gathered scientists, experts, entrepreneurs, students, investors, media representatives and Asgardians to pave the road to living in space! This fascinating event lasted for 3 days, new promising approaches were suggested, problems associated with long term space missions were discussed in unprecedented detail, economical aspects of space travel were studied. Among the speakers were such extraordinary and well-known aerospace industry specialists as Laurence Young, the Apollo Program Professor in MITs Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Satoshi Iwase, Professor of the Department of Physiology at Aichi Medical University (Japan), Jeffrey Manber, CEO of Nanoracks,Frank De Winne, Belgian astronaut, Dr. Mark Shelhamer, Former Chief Scientist of the NASA Human Research Program. The congress was a unique event that brought people from all around the world united by one dream together under the umbrella of Asgardia.

Asgardia Presented in Davos Jan 22, 19 (Aquarius 22, 03)

The population of Asgardia as of today exceeds 1 million Earthlings who reside in more than 200 countries all over the globe. Asgardias motto is: One humanity one unity.

Asgardias main mission is the birth of the first human in space, said the special representative of the Head of Nation of AsgardiaRuslan Ashurbeyli. Leon Shpilsky, the Minister of Finance of Asgardia,delivered conceptual model of Asgardian economic system proposed by theHead of Nation.Asgardia is the only Nation focused on networking cooperation and digital economy. It is a digital society connecting people who either already currently, or plan to in the near future, conduct their economic affairs both in the digital and non-digital formats, saidMinister of Finance. Shpilskypresented the mainEconomic Principles of the First Space Nation to international officials and businessmen at Caspian Week.

Second Asgardian Executives Congress starts in Tallinn Nov 24, 19 (Sag 20, 03)

The Congress held in Tallinn, Estonia brought together membersof theAsgardian Parliament, the Ministers, the Mayors and, of course, theHead of Nation. Dr Igor Ashurbeylilaid out a plan for expanding Asgardias representative offices and emphasized the importance of attracting new residents to the space nation: 'We can achieve a population of 1.5 million Asgardians by 2020, saidDr Ashurbeyli. Reaching out to new Asgardians and evolving the lawmaking process these challenges were the most important ones that Executives face. During the Congress everyone was deeply involved in the process of legislation, Asgardiaseconomy was another main topic of discussion.

Head of Nation addressed the government and parliamentary officials at the First Asgardia Executive Congress Apr 12, 2019 (Tau 18, 03)

Head of Nationgave an inspiring speech about Asgardias main goals and the achievements of the First Space Nation at the Executive Congress in Vienna, Austria. Head of Nation announced Asgardias key mission the birth of the first human in space, once accomplished, it will allow humanity to become independent of its home planet. Spaceflight is very similar to seafaring, and its time for mankind to prepare to leave its native harbor and venture out to unknown shores the Head of Nation said in his inspiring speech. Dr Ashurbeyli then discussed Asgardia's population, political structure and economic development. The concluding phase of Asgardias political construction must be full UN membership, saidHead of Nation. Asgardia has already become a reality, said Dr Ashurbeyliin conclusion I dont know what awaits Asgardia down the road, but today, by the very fact that we are all here earthlings from 10 different countries, MPs from 42 countries, and Asgardians from 200 countries we are living proof that Asgardia is a reality. I thank all of you for believing in Asgardia. Now, lets make sure that the spark of hope for mankinds continued existence and procreation in the endless Universe burns bright, and never goes out.

Asgardian Government gets assembled Apr 12, 19 (Tau 18, 03)

With the fully assembled government, all the Ministers and Committee Chairswere confirmed at theAsgardia Executives' Congress.Using the ceremonial Constitution, the Head of Nationconducted the swear in ceremony. Dr. Ashurbeyliread the oath together with the Parliament Chair Lembit Opik, Prime Minister Ana Mercedes Diaz, and Supreme Justice Yun Zhao: We, the highest officials of Asgardia, solemnly swear to be loyal to the Space Kingdom of Asgardia, to perfectly comply with its Constitution and laws. To be devoted to our high mission, to direct all our activities for the benefit of the State and the people of Asgardia. To perform our duties responsibly, with due dedication and professionalism.' 'Yes, I swear, Parliamentary Committee Chairs and Government Ministers repeated three times.

National Award received by three laureates Oct 15, 19 (Oph 08, 03)

Three people were honored with theGold Medal for Achievements in Space Exploration for the first time in history: Dr. Mark Belakovsky from Russia, Dr. Michael Gillonfrom Belgium and Dr. Robert Thirsk fromCanada. The laureates received the awards from the hands of Head of Nation on the second day of the Asgardias First Space Science and Investment Congress in Darmstadt, Germany. TheGold Medal of Asgardia is a national award established to recognize extraordinary contributions to the advancement of human civilization into space.

Fourth Sitting of the Supreme Space Council of Asgardia Held in Moscow Nov 28, 19 (Sag 24, 03)

The sitting of the Supreme Space Council was attended by the Head of Nation Igor Ashurbeyli, the Chairman of Parliament Lembit pik, the Prime Minister Ana Mercedes Diaz, the Supreme Justice of Asgardia Yun Zhaoand Executive Secretary of the sitting Dmitry Gulko. That day, a new concept of building Asgardia'spopulation was revealed by Dr. Ashurbeyli, and next, the methodological guidelines for this work will be developed. The work of eachMinisterand Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee was evaluated, further steps in establishment of a judicial system were taken: a unanimous decision to create a working group in order to prepare a draft law on the judicial system ofAsgardiawas made during the meeting. The draft will be presented for the first reading during the February Sitting of Parliament. Relations with other countries were brought up by the Head of Nation. Dr Ashurbeyliproposed to start immediately implementing actions to establish bilateral relations with earthly countries.

Asgardia Lectorium opened in Moscow Aug 6, 19 (Vir 22, 03)

Asgardian Mayor Aksana Prutskovalaunched a new educational initiative in Moscow, a lectorium,with the help and support of Asgardias local team. We will talk about technology, design, creativity everything that takes the human mind beyond the ordinary. Our goal is to unite enthusiastic people from all walks of life, help them feel theyre kindred spirits, part of something big, and allow them to exchange ideas, because genius is born where differences meet. Frankly, this is what Asgardia was built for, said the lectorium organizer.

Mayors Met in Tallinn to Discuss Plans for Asgardias Community Nov 25, 19 (Sag 21, 03)

During the Second Asgardian Executives' Congress,9 Mayors from around the globe met their Government for the first time in person. Later, Mayors held their own official meeting communicating with the ones who couldnt attend via conference call. Mayors are the active Asgardians who build up the Space Nation, making it extremely important they have proper communication, so they can share their experiences in the development of local communities.

Exhibit In Cosmic Unity: Time and Space held in Moscow Jul 16, 19 (Vir 1, 03)

Moscow hosted an exhibit In Cosmic Unity: Time and Space dedicated to the creation of Asgardia and the Inauguration anniversary of the Head of Nation.

The exhibition brought together talented sculptors, bold artists, Asgardians, cosmonauts and film directors. Many guests joined Asgardia, and have since then supported the mission of the First Space Nation.

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What 2019 Was Like for the First Space Nation - Asgardia Space News

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