Effects of Wearing Compression Stockings on Exercise Performance and A | OAJSM – Dove Medical Press

Gustavo R Mota,1 Mrio Antnio de Moura Simim,2 Izabela Aparecida dos Santos,1 Jeffer Eidi Sasaki,1 Moacir Marocolo3

1Human Performance and Sport Research Group, Department of Sport Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG, Brazil; 2Research Group in Biodynamic Human Movement, Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Federal University of Cear, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil; 3Physiology and Human Performance Research Group, Department of Physiology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil

Correspondence: Gustavo R MotaHuman Performance and Sport Research Group, Department of Sport Sciences/Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Tringulo Mineiro, Av. Tutunas, 490 Uberaba/MG, Uberaba 38061-500, BrazilTel +55 34 3700-6633Email grmotta@gmail.com

Abstract: This systematic review investigated the effects of wearing below-knee compression stockings (CS) on exercise performance (or sports activity) and associated physiological and perceived indicators. We searched articles on PubMed using the following terms: graduated compression stockings; compression stockings; graduated compression socks; compression socks combined with performance, athletes, exercise, exercise performance, fatigue, sports and recovery, resulting in 1067 papers. After checking for inclusion criteria (e.g., original studies, healthy subjects, performance analysis), 21 studies were selected and analyzed. We conclude that wearing CS during exercise improved performance in a small number of studies. However, wearing CS could benefit muscle function indicators and perceived muscle soreness during the recovery period. Future research should investigate the chronic effect of CS on Sports Medicine and athletic performance.

Keywords: ergogenic aid, fatigue, sports, medicine, prevention, soccer, running

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Effects of Wearing Compression Stockings on Exercise Performance and A | OAJSM - Dove Medical Press

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