UGA SGA approves proclamation asking for creation of undergraduate neuroscience major – Red and Black

The first Student Government Association Senate meeting of the semester addressed a wide range of topics as senators gathered in preparation for their remaining three months in office. Senators approved a proclamation asking for the creation of a neuroscience major at the University of Georgia.

Tonight is the culmination of over a decade of work, said Sen. Max Harris, who introduced the legislation on the floor.

Proclamation 32-12 addresses the benefits of an undergraduate neuroscience major, such as an increase in grant funding to the university, which is the case for universities such as Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology. A survey was created earlier in the year to determine initial student interest, Harris said.

This is an important thing for the state of Georgia as well, said Janna Jernigan, an undergraduate researcher of physiology and pharmacology.

Jernigan continued to discuss active grants available to universities with neurobiology and neurosurgery areas of study.

Sen. Selitha Haudey presented Proclamation 32-10 to support University Unions role in showing more diverse films in Tate Theater. Haudley said meetings will be held on Tuesdays where students can voice their opinions. Members voted to pass the legislation.

Next on the agenda was Proclamation 32-11, which acknowledged relief efforts for the Australian bushfires and supports students affected. Sen. Mennah Abdelwahab said there are strong connections to Australia that comprise a vital part of UGAs community.

In addition to legislation passed at Senate, executive members held their second Cabinet meeting of the semester. Madison Drummond, Alpha Smith, Grant Mitchell, Eisha Baig, Mahathi Mula, and Sam Driggers were sworn in by Treasurer Nav Singh to serve on the All Campus Allocations Committee. The committee works with Student Affairs to determine the distribution of funding for clubs and organizations on campus.

SGA members are also working to update the parking application process. Vice President Melissa Hevener said students have voiced their dissatisfaction with the current parking process. She said the current online map to determine what lot to apply for is confusing due to the map configuration and multiple color-coded keys.

I think there are ways we can modify the application so you know exactly what spot youre applying to, Hevener said.

President Rachel Byers discussed potential updates to bus signage on campus, including painting and renaming bus stops. Cabinet members worked in groups to brainstorm the most commonly used names for each bus stop.

We're going to pick your brains to make sure that we have the most accurate and reflective name as we possibly can, Byers said.

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UGA SGA approves proclamation asking for creation of undergraduate neuroscience major - Red and Black

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