Home [immunology.ucsd.edu]

UC San Diego and the La Jolla Institute's unique partnership fosters shared research interests, collaboration, and the application of young scientists to all aspects of host immunity, with the goal of advancing immunological research and further distinguishing the San Diego region as a leader in the field.

The Program converges diverse individual and departmental research efforts from 86 laboratories at UC San Diego's Division of Biological Sciences and School of Medicine and the La Jolla Institute, to cultivate interdisciplinary alliances and effect clinical translation of Immunology research. Our collaboration encompasses a nascent Graduate Program, a Seminar Series, andCollaborative Pilot Grants for joint research projects between UC San Diego and the La Jolla Institute, and applications for postdoctoral and predoctoral training grants.

The Program in Immunology is a collaborative effort joining the resources, faculty, and laboratories of the La Jolla Institute and UC San Diego.

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Home [immunology.ucsd.edu]

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