Columbia University Names Julie Mehretu Artist-in-Residence Focusing on Brain Science & the Arts at Tadias Magazine – Tadias Magazine

Artist Julie Mehretu is one of three trailblazers in visual arts, music and creative writing who have been named by Columbia University's Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute as the 2020 Artists-in-Residence. (Photo: Julie Mehretu in New York Nathan Bajar/The New York Times/Redux/Eyevine)

Columbia University

Columbias Zuckerman Institute Announces Three Artists-in-Residence, Fostering Connections Between Brain Science and the Arts

Year-long program embeds award-winning painter, jazz musician and author with scientists studying the mind, the brain and behavior

NEW YORK A trio of pioneers in the fields of visual arts, jazz and literature have been named as the 2020 Artists-in-Residence at Columbias Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. Artist Julie Mehretu, musician Miguel Zenn and author Nicole Krauss will spend the next year collaborating with scientists at the Institute in an endeavor that immerses artists in the cutting-edge field of neuroscience.

Science and the arts have much to learn from each other, and the Artist-in-Residence program provides a concrete way to bridge these disciplines. I cannot think of a better group of artists to enrich our scientific community, said Rui Costa, DVM, PhD, Director and CEO of Columbias Zuckerman Institute. By building bridges between neuroscience and creative expression, while also strengthening our links to our neighboring communities, these artists-in-residence will inspire scientists, artists and the public to think creatively about their work, how each of us, using our own medium and expertise, can provide a positive impact on society.

During their residencies, each artist will work with Zuckerman Institute researchers and scientists across the University, as well as engage with the neighboring communities in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx. The artists-in-residence, each hosted by a Zuckerman Institute faculty member, will develop, participate and lead a variety of events, from formal lectures, seminars and performances, to informal workshops, collaborations and conversations. By the end of their residencies, each artist as well as the scientists and members of the wider Columbia and neighboring communities stands to benefit from access to new knowledge and perspectives

More about the 2020 Artists-in-Residence:

Julie Mehretu, Alan Kanzer Artist-in-Residence

Julie Mehretu is a world-renowned painter, born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, who lives and works in New York City and Berlin. Mehretu is a MacArthur Fellow and recipient of the US Department of State Medal of Arts Award. She has shown her work extensively in international and national solo and group exhibitions and is represented in public and private collections around the world. Projects include completing two large-scale paintings for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Atrium in September 2017. Recent exhibitions include Venice Biennale and a mid-career survey at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which travels to The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York in 2020.

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Julie Mehretus Mid-Career Survey at LA County Museum of Art

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Columbia University Names Julie Mehretu Artist-in-Residence Focusing on Brain Science & the Arts at Tadias Magazine - Tadias Magazine

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