Letters to the editor for March 22, 2020 – Opinion – Ocala.com – Ocala

Dealing with COVID-19

Floridians know well the preparations for a hurricane. We understand the general timeframes and the potential problems in the aftermath. We're strong, resilient and do what needs to be done to prepare, riding it out then beginning the clean up afterward.

But COVID-19 is not a hurricane with a relative known pattern or timeframe. COVID-19 is an insidious virus that we've never before experienced. There isn't a vaccine, treatments are still in a trial period and, for those who are hit hardest, the care is extremely intensive. Yet no matter how dedicated those brave men and women are to care for these patients, the outcome is too often heartbreaking. This virus makes no distinction between age, race or economics all are vulnerable though it is our older members and those with other other health issues who are least able to fight off the course of the virus.

Self isolation is, at this time, perhaps the best first line of defense for those who are most vulnerable, though time may show that self isolation might become the norm and not the exception. We need to take those actions that help ensure those who are the front lines of this disease our medical professionals, EMTs, police and firefighters, and those who literally keep the lights on, the water flowing and waste from becoming a secondary health problem are able to keep doing their jobs.

State and federal mandates from assistance to small businesses and their employees to initiating programs to offer COVID-19 testing as kits become available and an efficient means of getting those testing capacities into communities. Local authorities will enact those measures that are necessary to help try to slow the spread of this virus, which might include closing schools and limiting or closing public venues. The end goal of all of this is to flatten the curve of infection in the hopes to keep from overwhelming our health care system. We're a modern society with incredible medical capacities, but no society is prepared for the potential influx of patients flooding the system.

Nia Diebel, Ocala

Managing COVID-19 locally

What are the plans of our county commission to manage the impact of COVID-19 on our local economy?

We have been getting much information about health and environmental issues related to the virus situation from the local school district and medical experts at all levels of government. Also, it appears that sooner or later there may be some federal legislation to address the problems created by the COVID-19 outbreak.

However, the local economic impact will likely be just as troubling (or more so) than the potential health and daily inconvenience issues. It seems our county commission has not been forthcoming when it comes to letting us know what it can do to help supplement any actions by the federal or state governments. As we all know, bureaucratic action at those two levels is slow to get down to the local levels.

We need some out-of-the-box, unique solutions to be sure local businesses and employees don't become victims of an economic downturn short- or long-range. Get the business community involved in defining problems and solutions.

Let's hope and pray our county commission has the vision and strategies, beyond just spending money, to help get our community through some potentially tough economic times.

Stan Hanson, Ocala

Dangerous vaccinations

Vaccinations have saved the lives of thousands of humans through the years. Now we are hoping to use one to protect us from the Coronavirus. But, sadly to say, we in America have been pricked with a needle that is destroying our very soul and foundation. Its not terrorism, illegals, drugs or politicians. Apostasy from the pulpits is the culprit.

When truth became irrelevant and a feel-good religious encounter entered our society, we basked in the knowledge that everything was OK. Moral laws that govern human behavior are given by a moral law giver. There is only one, and guess what, its not the government.

Jerry Rodeheaver, Dunnellon

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Letters to the editor for March 22, 2020 - Opinion - Ocala.com - Ocala

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