Earth Day: The relevance of land genetics in the time of COVID-19 – CNBCTV18

April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day across the world since 1970 after a UNESCO conference in San Francisco proposed a day in honour of the mother Earth a year earlier. On this day in 2016, a landmark Paris agreement -- The draft Climate Protection Treaty -- was signed by the US, China and 120 other countries to protect the planet.

Come 2020 and we're all fighting an unexpected war. What is ironic, is that this war is being fought by sitting at home. Yes, the worldwide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has a majority of people on the planet indoors. The condition is likened to land genetics and part of it is neuroarchitecture, which is a discipline that studies how the physical environment surrounding us can modify our brains and consequently out behavior.

Despite making ourselves busy at homes by indulging in news and entertainment on screens, most of us are facing anxiety issues.

Like the human body, planet Earth too has its anatomy, which can be positive or become sick. So while were at home, lets make use of land science and come out of this lockdown to a healthier planet. This science is purely based on geology, geography and human behaviour. Moreover, the application of land genetics can have a positive effect of our health and lives overall. The theory of land genetics suggests changes in our lifestyle -- the way we use the planet -- which can bring about a long lasting positive change.

With over 80 percent of humans locked indoors, lets consider our homes as the universe and energise the land where we live.

Here are some dos and donts according to the importance of directions that you could practice.

Sleep with your head towards the south. The head is the heaviest part of the body and acts as the North Pole and theory of physics suggests that opposite poles attract each other, this would have a calming effect on you.

If sitting for long, face the east or north, it helps you concentrate better.

A family should sleep from west to east or south to north beginning with the eldest member. The wavelength of land is bigger for elders and smaller for younger members.

If a member of the family is unwell, keep him in the first quadrant of the house which is in the north-east direction. They should sleep facing the south. It will help them fight the diseases effectively. The north-east wavelength is the smallest of all.

While cooking, one should face the north or east. This is similar to the flow of blood within the body and the magnetic force of the Earth. It helps focus and the food turns out delicious.

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Earth Day: The relevance of land genetics in the time of COVID-19 - CNBCTV18

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