The Best of This Week – MIT Sloan

Weekly Recap

The weeks must-reads for managing in the digital age, curated by the MIT SMR editors.

The Best of This Week is a roundup of essential articles for managers in the digital age, including content from MIT Sloan Management Review and other publications around the globe, curated by MIT SMR editors.

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Escalating work demands and chronic overload can leave employees burned out as they struggle to meet expectations, but employers can address the issue by making reasonable and feasible changes to how work is done. How can companies address overload and its consequences while avoiding the flaws inherent in flexibility as an accommodation? Consider three research-based conditions organizations should foster.

National Geographic explores why Zoom calls leave us with a perplexing sense of being drained while having accomplished nothing. The fact is, perceiving subtle social cues takes little conscious effort in person, but virtual interactions can be exhausting. Hyperfocused on searching for nonverbal cues that it cant find, the brain becomes overwhelmed, particularly when using the Brady Bunch-style gallery view. (Anyone else need a nap?)

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Working from home during a pandemic isnt easy for anyone, but it can be even tougher for working parents. Left unchecked, the challenges faced by employees trying to work in managed chaos could torpedo their productivity and creativity. Leaders and companies need to move rapidly to gain quick wins to help employees manage their work lives now and to prepare for longer-term changes.

Behavioral science is a powerful tool that can be used to direct human behaviors toward sustainable outcomes. But too often, it focuses downstream, on changing end users behavior, rather than upstream, on earlier design processes. A recent panel report explores the untapped potential of design behavior for sustainability and why engaging with diverse stakeholders is critical.

Sustainability and digitization, two significant global business trends over the past several years, have developed more or less independently of each other and are too often treated as distinct concerns. But sustainable practices are good for the environment and beneficial for business, too. Spanning four areas social, economic, technological, and environmental corporate digital responsibility merges sustainability and digitization.

I dont think of resilience as bouncing back. There is no back. Clocks dont go backwards. Calendars dont go backwards. Were moving forward. And the ability for people to move forward with hope is when you see resilience helping them bounce forward through that and then building trust. Every action, every decision you make throughout this crisis, is either going to build trust or degrade from it.

Eric McNulty, associate director of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative at Harvard University, in this weeks Three Big Points podcast episode, Leading Through a Crisis Day by Day

The Best of This Week is a roundup of essential articles for managers in the digital age, including content from MIT Sloan Management Review and other publications around the globe, curated by MIT SMR editors.

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The Best of This Week - MIT Sloan

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