KEEPING THE FAITH: What can be said about the virus’ origin? – Wicked Local Stoughton

For more than three months now we have been inundated with information on the corona virus. Its universal presence and its punishing effects, even unto death, is enough to lead one to ask the sobering question, Oh, God, Why?

Let me suggest that God does not take pleasure in pouring out his eternal wrath on his creation, especially humankind. There are numerous texts within our scriptures which confirm this. That the Jews were the first to hear the word of God and their continued state of being chosen reflects Gods desire for his people from the earliest days. Likewise, there are numerous texts within the New Testament which further confirm this continued reality of Gods elect. To choose one among many instances from the New Testament, I think, for example of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Lets not overlook the providence of God as likewise expressed in the Quran.

It is important to accept the reality that God did not will the present global virus upon us as some sort of His punishing wrath. Such a conclusion is simply contrary to Gods will and his universal love for each and every one of us. It might be helpful to know that while the eternal will of God is the salvation of all, His permissive will does allow for the negative consequence of human behavior, expressed in the use of ones free will. God is never the cause of sin; we, however, are. Thus, while Gods permissive will allow sin to occur, it opposes His eternal will. The origin of the coronavirus is natural, not supernatural. As Jesus wept for Lazarus, so we might say that today he weeps with and for us.

In attempting to make some sense of the cause of this pandemic, Pope Francis suggests that the current coronavirus is a revenge of nature. With regards the current ecological crisis, he believes we have failed in our responsibility to be faithful guardians and proper stewards of the earth. Moving the whole notion of the coronavirus away from the divine wrath of God, Francis suggests that the global pandemic might be one of natures responses to the man-made climate crisis. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis calls for a global ecological conversion.

Whether the Pope is right or wrong, the consequences of this pandemic cries out for universal prayer and that response begins with each one of us. The healing power of prayer simply cannot be left out of the universal hope we must retain as we go forward filled with confidence.

Rev. Damian MacPherson, SA, is the spiritual leader of the Chapel of Our Savior in Brockton. He can be reached at

Original post:
KEEPING THE FAITH: What can be said about the virus' origin? - Wicked Local Stoughton

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