Mask, hand washing and stress cause an increase in dermatological consultations – Explica

He Massive and constant use of a mask to avoid the spread of Covid-19 has had an impact on the health of the skin of many people. With the arrival of the pandemic, dermatologists have seen a progressive increase in patients who come to consultations for skin problems, said the Dr. Franco Gemigniani, a dermatologist at the new Cordillera Clinic.

He prolonged use of the mask is one of the reasons for this increase. The constant pressure that clogs the pores, moisture and heat concentrated under the area of the mask can cause breakouts of acne and rosaceaThe specialist clarified, adding that around half of the patients he has seen during the pandemic are due to aggravation of pimples or pimples.

Since it is impossible to think about stopping using a mask, the expert recommended having appropriate care routines for your skin type. In the case of oily or acneic skin, I recommend the use of cleansing gels, mattifying creams and creams with a peeling effect for this type of skin.

Meanwhile, for cases of rosacea, the advice is use micellar waters for cleaning, because soaps can be very aggressive and cause irritation, in addition to anti-redness creams. In severe cases, the use of oral antibiotics or medicated creams is necessary, for the control of these pathologies.

The doctor indicated that other factors related to the pandemic and that have an incidence in the greater number of dermatological consultations are the high level of stress derived from prolonged confinement and the uncertainty generated by the situation. The skin is the reflection of our state of mind, and this is explained from embryology. Both the skin and our nervous system come from the ectoderm, which is one of the 3 germ layers of the embryo. There is an important connection between our nervous system, the skin and its annexes; as are the hair and nails. Skin diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis present outbreaks of deterioration in times of stress .

Also, the constant hand washing and the use of alcohol gel, one of the most effective measures for infection control, It can cause extreme dryness in the hands, with flaking, even leading to cracking, redness and burning. This is a fairly common condition today, which we call irritant contact dermatitis of the hands. The basis of the treatment is the constant use of moisturizing or emollient hand creams hopefully neutral without perfumes or other possible sensitizers. Severe symptoms require the use of corticosteroid creams and special creams for the treatment of fissures , explained the dermatologist.

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Mask, hand washing and stress cause an increase in dermatological consultations - Explica

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