DREAM Collective to host webinar on diversity training – AdVantageNEWS.com

Southern Illinois University Edwardsvilles DREAM Collective and Anti-Racism Task Force are hosting a webinar, Re-thinking Diversity & Multicultural Trainings for Professions, from 10:30 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Sept. 16.

Registration is available athttps://siue.zoom.us/webinar/. College faculty, administrators, presidents and others are invited to join.

For a few decades, higher education has operated under the model that having a designated diversity or multicultural course in certain program curricula would provide degree seekers with competency in these areas. With the growing presence of movements like #BLM and #metoo in the cultural zeitgeist, is an update to this model warranted?

This panel discussion will explore the experiences of teaching multicultural content in the training of helping professionals, including examples of how said content has been/can be embedded across program curricula.

Featured speakers will include SIUEs Courtney R. Boddie, associate dean of students for diversity and inclusion and director of counseling services; J.T. Snipes, assistant professor and co-director of the College Student Personnel Administration program in the Department of Educational Leadership; Jayashree George, assistant professor in the Art Therapy Counseling program; and Jennifer Hernandez, assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning.

A team of faculty activists from the SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior launched the DREAM Collective in June. The group is building on decades of scholarship to conduct the important work of Dismantling Racism through Education, Advocacy and Mobilization. SIUEs Anti-Racism Task Force includes university administration, and a faculty of experts in equity scholarship and advocacy.

For more information, contact the DREAM Collective atTheDREAMCollective@siue.eduand follow the DREAM Collective on Facebook @dreamcollective20, Twitter @DREAMcollect20 and Instagram @DREAMcollective20.

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DREAM Collective to host webinar on diversity training - AdVantageNEWS.com

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