Psychology and Jesus: 10 tips to tame anger from the Mayo Clinic – Standard-Times

Jean Stinnett, Special to San Angelo Standard-Times Published 4:30 a.m. CT Nov. 21, 2020

Anger is a normal emotion. When expressed in healthy and positive ways anger is not a problem.(Photo: Getty Images)

This is part 9 of a series. Read the other articles in this series online

Anger is a normal emotion. When expressed in healthy and positive ways anger is not a problem. But when anger is uncontrolled, passive, suppressed, or aggressive, it may lead to destructive behavior, anxiety, dysfunctional relationships, physical ailments (strokes, high blood pressure, headaches, coronary disease, autoimmune disorders, digestive disorders, insomnia, depression, and more) and sometimes suicide. In an on-line article the Mayo Clinic offers the following 10 tips to taming anger.

Reference: Feb. 29, 2020.

Life has been challenging in 2020. Uncertainties, turmoil, and restrictions from a pandemic in an electrifying election year have pushed us to the brink of the unknown. Our routines are shattered, relationships strained, and beliefs questioned at every turn. Anger and fear bring out the worst in human behavior because they stem from the wisdom of this world (James 3:15). However, God offers wisdom from heaven through His only Son, Jesus Christ.

Scripture says in James 4:1 that quarrels and disputes come from your desires that battle within you. The evil one thrives on envy, pride, ego, self-righteousness, and indulgence in worldly pleasures. This is spiritual warfare, Satans persistent desire to steal, kill and destroy our faith in God. But the Spirit whom God caused to live in us through Jesus gives us a greater gift than any earthly gain: grace upon grace which we did not earn for ourselves. Rather, that is the full benefit of life in Christ through His death and resurrection.

Here is my prayer: Yahweh, Jehovah God, You are who You say You are. You made Yourself known to Moses and the Israelites in their time of need and confusion (Exodus 3:14). From generation to generation in Your Word You were, and are, and always will be. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, the One and Only, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Thank You for Jesus, the light and truth on whom all hope depends. He is the only Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy (James 4:12). Jesus, hear my earnest plea. Forgive and heal my penitent and contrite heart of impatience, temper tantrums, and angry outbursts. Shield me from every attack of the enemy, Satan, who would hobble me to sin. Correct my errant ways. Discipline me in love. You alone are the Judge of humanity. This world is not my home. Guide me in Your way. Keep mebody, mind, and spiritas a holy temple. Abide in me, Jesus, as I abide in You. Amen Jean Stinnett LPC, author of Please Pray with Me (2018) and Our Monday Prayer (2020)

Jean Stinnett is a licensed professional counselor and author of 'Please Pray With Me' who retired in Mertzon after a30-year career in public education.

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Psychology and Jesus: 10 tips to tame anger from the Mayo Clinic - Standard-Times

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