Princess the Reindeer Gets Royal Treatment at Good Zoo – Wheeling Intelligencer

WHEELING For the fourth straight year, the public has the opportunity this holiday season to meet one of Santas reindeer and the zookeepers who train it during a unique 30-minute Reindeer Encounter at the Oglebay Good Zoo.

Good Zoo Director Joe Greathouse said while the Reindeer Encounter experience is offered year-round, it is obviously extremely popular throughout the Christmas season. He said the zoo typically averages between 125 to 150 sessions just over the holiday season.

About 50 percent of the guests are from here in the Ohio Valley region and about 50 percent come in and are staying at the resort, Greathouse explained.

Greathouse said the zoo offers the Reindeer Encounter year-round because its good for the reindeer to have that continued interaction with guests. The zoo is currently booked up with appointments through Christmas Day.

The vast majority that we book are typically at the beginning of the Festival of Lights through the end of Festival of Lights, Greathouse said.

While all patrons have the option of viewing the reindeer Princess at the outdoor exhibit, which includes a small sheltered area, signing up for the actual encounter includes a 30-minute small group session in which separate rates apply.

Those signing up for the encounter not only have the opportunity to learn about reindeer in general, they also have the opportunity to do some hands-on activities with the reindeer, such as feeding her as zoo employees offer assistance.

The zookeeper leading the experience will talk about the physical characteristics of reindeer and talk about their natural habitats.

Reindeer, also known as caribou, are a member of the deer family.

In addition to North America they are native to the arctic, tundra, evergreen forests of northern Europe and Asia. They are the only species of deer in which the male and female both possess antlers.

Good Zoo Senior Program Keeper Courtney Snyder, who leads all education programs at the zoo said the Reindeer Experience has been very popular with all ages.

Everyone loves reindeer, Snyder commented. She said while young children are most in awe of the reindeer, its surprising how adults are very interested in the physiology and stories behind the animal.

While they are booked through Christmas, encounters are offered daily throughout the Festival of Lights season at 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 6 p.m.

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Princess the Reindeer Gets Royal Treatment at Good Zoo - Wheeling Intelligencer

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