Branjae teams up with Nathan Wright to tackle willful ignorance in new socially conscious single, Free Facts – The Black Wall Street Times

Free-spirited singer, Branjae, is unapologetic with her art. And through her collaboration with producer Nathan Wright, they created the song Free Facts, which is currently streaming on all music platforms.

Free Facts challenges human behavior, calling out our worlds comfortability existing in ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, meaning that a lack of knowledge makes for a guilt-free, delightful living.

To know or not to know, that is the question. And in so many ways, that sentiment revealed itself this past year as so many grappled with: believing science; accepting that racism is still pervasive in American culture; acknowledging that patriarchal norms work to diminish womens lived experiences; and, realizing that capitalism only benefits the rich as they became richer during this global pandemic.

In his book Metaphysics, Aristotle opens with a seemingly obvious truthAll men by nature desire to know. This desire for knowledge, according to Aristotle, is our defining instinct; it is the quality that sets our mind apart.

For songstress Branjae and her producer Nathan, crafting the concept of Free Facts was an ode to the cognitive dissonance that so many Americans live with and suffer from day-to-day.

Branjae is a triple threat: She sings, she acts, and she dances. Branjae is an artist that empowers women while inspiring hope for all. In addition to being a hell of a live performer, she is also an international hit with her song, Streetlight.

Branjae sings, Im a need the facts to set us free, in her collaborative effort with Nathan Wright. This idyllic concept of freedom, in which Branjae so beautifully sings, holds so many alternative realities. Freedom from the panic surrounding an unknown pandemic that has stolen thousands of lives. Freedom from police shootings of unarmed Black men and women. Freedom from the male gaze and a male-dominant world. Freedom from capitalistic systems that deem restaurant servers essential workers so the masses may indulge in bottomless mimosas during a weekend brunch.

Ignorance is not bliss, though most people still prefer an ignorance is bliss mindset.

Producer and Tulsa Native, Nathan Wright, is a multi-instrumentalist songwriter, composer, producer, and performer known for his genre-bending mix of musical styles.

He spearheads the dense and eccentric Count Tutu with Branjae, creates hip-hop dreamscapes with We Make Shapes, and contributes to Autumn Shades forestry sweetness. Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, he has shifted his focus to the studio and has a slew of releases slated for 2021.

Ones mindset is a double-edged sword, your results are based on your actions, and your mindset determines your actions. The facts, or an awakening, no matter how uncomfortable, leads one out of ignorance.

Branjae sings, Tryna understand all this human behavior. Holding to the notion our beliefs might save us. Swearing by the ignorance just wont change us

Existing in a state of ignorance deprives ones chance of taking any actions that could ultimately lead to ideal results. In other words, ignorance holds you back from what you want to achieve by limiting your belief.

Free Facts calls for us all to raise our level of critical consciousness. Branjae and Nathan Wright musically raise awareness around the dangers that latch onto a decision to remain comfortable.

The lyrical spark that is Free Facts is a nudge to the world that life is a journey of learningin the long term, real fulfillment and satisfaction in life comes from accepting the facts that are free for consumption.

The Black Wall Street Times has the honor of releasing the official lyric video for Branjae and Wrights collaborative project, Free Facts. The artists believe the listener must understand the lyrics and connect to a message in the song. Knowing what is being spoken is the doorway to understanding it, Branjae says.


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Branjae teams up with Nathan Wright to tackle willful ignorance in new socially conscious single, Free Facts - The Black Wall Street Times

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