Falling In Love: Logan Ury Breaks It Down To A Science : Life Kit – NPR

Lucinda Schreiber for NPR

Lucinda Schreiber for NPR

Dating in a pandemic is no walk in the park. Well, actually, often it is literally a walk in the park but that doesn't mean it's easy. For over 15 years as a dating coach, people have come to me in a state of panic that their moment to find a match may have already passed.

I always try to convey to my clients that dating is a learned skill, with a step-by-step process and if you follow the plan, you will meet your future partner. Logan Ury has a plan and walks readers through every step of that process in her new book, How to Not Die Alone.

Not only is Ury a behavioral scientist for the dating app Hinge, she also has over a decade of experience studying human behavior at various technology companies, including Google.

In her book, Ury categorizes frustrated daters into three primary categories, and they each have unique challenges.

In her book, Ury spells out eight questions daters should ask after they meet someone. She says these questions can help people get in touch with how a date made them feel and stay away from a "checklist" dating mentality.

Each of these types has unique challenges and recommendations but some of Logan's advice is universal, regardless of your dating style. Here are three things you can do today to shift your love life for good:

Understanding your dating pitfalls and developing a strategy can help you move into the relationship you want. It might not come in the exact package that you envision, but a deep connection and relationship that can blossom over time is worth more than a million dead-end dates.

Damona Hoffman is a Certified Dating Coach and host of The Dates & Mates Podcast.

The podcast version of this story was produced by Meghan Keane.

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Falling In Love: Logan Ury Breaks It Down To A Science : Life Kit - NPR

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