Grey’s Anatomy: The Worst Thing About Each Main Character – Screen Rant

The characters in Grey's Anatomy are wonderfully human, which invariably implies that they are flawed and have less than desirable traits.

The medical dramaGrey's Anatomyalreadygave acheck-out pass from the show to most of its original cast, as old characters were replaced by new ones, or these were added tocreate new storylines. From stormy romances and surprising personal experiences to impossible-turned-possiblepatient cases, fans have seen it all. Yet, the series' shocking and complex characters are one of the main reasons why viewers are still stuck with the showafter 17 seasons.

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Currently, the resident cast is very different than it was just a few seasons ago. And as much as the audience continues to want to be engaged with life lessonsthroughthe physicians' lives, thesedoctors are flawed like everybody else. All of them have a single trait that distinguishes them (and, at times, can make them almost unbearable).

Yes, Dr. Wilson's tough life deserves to not be forgotten as she has been through difficulthardships like only a few other of her peers did. Nobody can say she didn't havea traumatizing past and that was probably what made her union with Alex much more special since they both understood relationship failures.

While she is a very strong character, and the audience has empathized more with her as she startedopening up about her backstory and vulnerabilities, Jo is seen venting too often and, in turn, can involuntarilyseem annoying.

As Teddy is introduced in the show as a fan-favorite character in season 6, nobody imagined the confusing events that would follow her choices in her personal relationships.While Dr. Altmanhas a good heart and can be a charming person at times, she is also a frustrating one. Fans hate her for what she has put Owen through while being unsure of her back-and-forth affair with Koracick.

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Right from the beginning,Altman and Huntshared a friendship that was built on a strong foundationbut her lack of decision-making capacity has completely ruined things. To this day, herfears make her act in very hurtful ways.

Most fans would agree that Owen doesn't do almost anything wrongin the series. Unfortunately, he is a traumatized PTSD surgeon who had to witness a lot of death and loss while on a war mission, plus a fair share of personal losses in his life.

If anything, the majority of people feel sorry for the man who has also poured his heart out to several women but has not been able to get his "happy ending". However, his quick-tempered personality has certainly contributed to the failure of hisromantic relationships. His aggressive style, whetherprojecting his dreamsonto his lovers or (quite literally!) with his own hands, has scared all ofthem.

She has been called "selfish" by manyand for good reason. While some characters have made decisionsbased on a specific motivation,likeclimbing the career ladder or finding true love, Amelia's story arc has, more often than not, proved that she tends to be self-absorbed and pitiful.

However, she has had a fewphases where she redeemed herself when supporting her sisters through their low moments or when Owen discovered his sister's whereabouts. Now, with the birth of her child alongsideLink's support, viewers hope that thisnew chapter intomotherhood willchange Amelia into a more compassionate,selfless person.

DeLuca's mental health storyline didn't reveal itself in the first few seasonswhen this character was added to the show. While Grey's Anatomy is used to approachmental illnesses and the stigmas that come with them, including struggles with addiction, there are fans who are not happy with the show portraying Andrew as an unstable manand feel like it's a result of poor writing, rather than wanting to portray bipolar disorder in a compassionate and realistic way.

Frequently,Dr. Webberaka "The Chief" has played the role of the wise, responsible, paternal figure to his younger and less experienced medical team. However, his character has developed ever since the first season, and fans got to see many layers of who Richard really is.

Even though viewers lovehim as a leader, a teacher, and a role model for a new generation of surgeons, there have been events where his softness while dealing with others has put him in a tough spot.Sure, he had a heavy storyline around his fight against alcoholism and another one about his troubled family life. But it's in his work that his biggest weakness shows off: being too understanding and forgiving of others' mistakes.

Not only does Dr. Bailey wear plenty of hats on the show (the mother, the superwoman, the advisor, the wife, the compassionate doctor, and so on), she has also been around since day one. That means she got to help dozens of characters grow into amazing doctors. But if there is one majorthing that could bepointed out asher worst trait is that she tends to be too uptight.

As her character grew from a resident surgeon into becoming the Chief of Surgery, fans got to see her taking on too many responsibilities - to the point that it almost killed her. Hence, the nickname "The Nazi" she earned from her colleagues for having revealed a very serious and strict side of her while on duty.

It might be hard to be humble when you're a rich heartthrob who is used to naturally (and easily!) steal women's hearts all the time, due to your obvious good-looking physique and attractive charisma. Jackson is very intelligent and extremely competent in what he does but the worst thingabout him is coming off with a certain level of arrogance. This attitude has been shown in several moments and pride is certainly not something that this character lacks.

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Even if in later seasons he has started to reveal more humility and maturity, especially since becoming a dad,he often thinks he is right and is quick to endrelationships out of nowhere - hurting other people's feelings. Even if in later seasons he has started to reveal more humility and maturity, especially since becoming a dad,he often thinks he is right and is quick to endrelationships out of nowhere - hurting other people's feelings.

In Grey's Anatomy'sworld, if anyoneneeds adoctor that is perfect in their craft, particularly in the Cardio area,Dr. Pierce is the woman other characters will call.Few other surgeons take their work as seriously as her, almost likeCristina Yang did.Like her predecessor, Maggie is bright, a little genius, and her medical performance is outstanding for her age and work experience.

Yet, herpassion for herjob cango to any lengths to ensure she learns what it takes to be the best - ending up being too much of a perfectionist and always trying to do things 100% right. The toll the pressure of perfectionism has taken on her has been the worst thing about this character as it has prevented her to live her personal life more fully.

The protagonist of the showis apragmatic, fierce, andimpeccable doctorwhoisn'tafraid to speak her mind. She is almost that kind ofphysicianwho believes that she's so talented that she can't ever be wrong. Whether it's working or inher personal life, she barely ever admits that she is wrong.

Grey's stubborn attitude is definitely the worst thing about her. Of course, any big fan ofGrey's Anatomycan make a list ofMeredith's greatest qualities and feel empathy for the losses she had to endure, but there's a dark and twisty side to her that when allied to stubbornness, can be quite frustrating.

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Soraia Ferreira is a self-called Dreamer Virgo Artist. She has always been fascinated with films and stories, especially writing and producing them. Both her creativity and her too freaky organizational skills have greatly supported her work as a TV/Digital/Media Content Producer for more than 10 years.At heart, Soraia is a storyteller that has learned to shape her talent into various platforms and different communication channels (offline and online media).She believes Art represents a huge spectrum of lifes expressions and exploring its many forms is a continuing process of learning about the world and us individually. So, she likes to think that she is a dreamer because she looks for fulfilling her hearts passions while also being a great doer and turning those passions into concrete solid action steps like a disciplined Virgo. So, here it is: a Dreamer Virgo Artist!

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Grey's Anatomy: The Worst Thing About Each Main Character - Screen Rant

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