Inside the Pandemic – Crikey

Lets find our bearings in this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Crikeys Janine Perrett and Amber Schultz, will be joined by one of Australias leading authorities on infection and immunity. Professor Peter Doherty shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for discovering the nature of cellular immune defence, and is the author of a new book entitled An insiders plague year.

Peter and his colleagues at the Doherty Institute have been at the forefront of the research and study of this highly infectious coronavirus. They are currently working with the federal government in assisting with official modelling to fill in those missing numbers from the four-stage plan.

He will be sharing insights into his new book and the role that science now plays in working with government to create effective health guidelines and policies.

What would you like to ask Peter about COVID-19, the pandemic, Australias response, and the way forward? The two most thoughtful questions will win a copy of the book at the end of the webinar.

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Inside the Pandemic - Crikey

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