Opinion: In reponse to Robert Wise – Northside Sun

In all my columns concerning this pandemic, I never mentioned attorney Robert Wise in any way, but he has chosen not only to attempt to insult me but even intruded on the border of slander by several not-so clever ploys. First, he searched the discredited attack professional groups who make a living attacking anyone who challenges the orthodoxy. I recognized the MO immediatelythey all use the same worn-out material. While not actually saying so, it might be construed from the way he presented it that I lost my medical license when in truth, I retired from my neurosurgical practice in 2007. When one retires it is customary to also retire ones medical license. Not mandatory, but if you never plan to return to clinical practice why continue to pay the fees each year? I am almost 76 years oldwe do retire.

There is an old saying that If you cannot answer a mans arguments, all is not lostyou can still call him vile names. Many of those attacking those of us who believe in informed consent, that is, the right of the public to know all the facts concerning a proposed treatment, think like despots in totalitarian countries, assuming that only official or state controlled information should have access to the public square. One can always tell when a groups so-called information is tainted and cannot be openly defended. The controllers of information immediately use the courts or bureaucracies to control the debate, and they resort to personal attacks. We call that dirty pool or attack journalism.

My opinion, reading Wises latest nonsense being sold as reasoned argument, is that it is a cry of desperation and frustration at being intellectually unarmed. As for my credentials, I am the associate editor-in-chief of the neuroinflammatory section of the international journal Surgical Neurology International, one of the most read international neurosurgical journal in the world. In this position, I peer review submitted articles from experts on subjects dealing with immunology, neuroinflammation and infectious diseases affecting the brain and spinal cord.

I have around 60 articles published in a variety of scientific publications, a number dealing with immunology and the effects of vaccines on the central nervous system. My articles have been cited by other scientific journal articles over 1000 times. I am cited in a number of prestigious scientific papers as well as having a textbook chapter on immunoexcitotoxicity as a major pathophysiological mechanism for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injuries, 2012, Dambinova SA et al eds). I have published articles on the pathophysiology of vaccine damage to the developing brain, articles that are widely cited in the scientific literature. I work with some of the top experts in immunology, vaccine complications and the effects of these vaccines on the nervous system. In addition, I have a two-part article published as an extensive primer for neurologists and neurosurgeons on immunology, both acquired and innate, which was reviewed by one of the top experts in immunology at UCLA Medical Center.

I have written six books on medical subjects and contributed chapters in four textbooks as well. What I find strange is that our illustrious attorney has, as far as I know, published nothing in the scientific literature on any of these subjects. All he can seem to do is tell emotional just-so stories and quote medical bureaucracies, such as the CDC and WHO, that are making millions off these and other vaccines. Both these bureaucracies are known to be corrupt to the core. The CDC has never treated a single patient for a covid-19 infection, yet they designed the protocol for most hospitals, that is generally rigidly enforced. Their protocol, in my opinion and others, was and continues to be responsible for a large percentage of the covid deaths in these hospitals.

The CDC also established the insane idea that infected people should stay at home, use no early treatments, until they were so sick, they require hospital or even ICU treatment. To compound this, they told people they should just take Tylenol and drink lots of liquids. Tylenol is a very dangerous drug and is responsible for a high percentage of serious complications seen in our hospitals. Each year we have over 700 deaths from Tylenol complications and during that same period there were only 2 deaths from Ivermectin. Every country that has initiated, as state policy, the use of Ivermectin has seen a dramatic and rapid drop in hospitalization and deaths. Some 27 randomized clinical studies from all over the world confirm that Ivermectin is very safe and dramatically reduces the death rate associated with this infection. Other early treatments, according to carefully controlled studies, have reduce death rates by as much as 80%, which if initiated by all states would have saved tens of thousands of lives. Instead, medical societies threaten our doctors with a loss of their license should they even speak anything but the incessant propaganda by the CDC and other medical bureaucracies. It is this massive control of medical information that is responsible, in my opinion and others, for the mass death associated with this virus.

Keep in mind that we would not be suffering from this never-ending pandemic had not Dr. Fauci, along with his cohorts, not supplied the Chinese communist bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China with millions of dollars in aid, as well as supplying critical information on viral gain-of-function from Dr. Ralph Barik in Chapel Hill North, Carolina.

Our Wise loves to quote stories of individuals who have died because they were unvaccinated, but he quotes none of the thousands of stories of those whose lives have been destroyed or ended by the vaccines, including the loss of a significant number of babies of pregnant women. In fact, according to an analysis of the data from the VAERS government reporting system, 4,524 cases of vaccine-linked myocarditis and pericarditis were reported from 9/3/2021. Of these, 385 occurred in children age 12 to 17 years of age. The figure continues to rise rapidly. Incredibly, 86% of healthy vaccinated boys required hospitalization. Those childrens lives have been ruined forever. They may never play sports, hike strenuous trails, or look forward to any semblance of a normal life, rather they can look forward to a life of cardiac incapacity of a progressive nature. All this over a vaccine that has been shown not to protect, was poorly tested before being released and used among an age group that was experiencing virtually no risk from this virus.

In my opinion and others, these children were the victims of the fear mongering and lying propaganda by the government agencies, medical associations, and the pharmaceutical-controlled media. As far as the so-called covid cases, there is no adequate testing to determine if a person has a clinical infection since the PCR test has been discontinued because it could not distinguish between the influenza virus and Covid-19. As we have seen all along, these so-called authorities are counting everything as being a covid hospital admission and/or death. As for the unvaccinated being the primary source of the viral transmission, we have learned that these authorities have a very interesting definition of being unvaccinatedeven a person who has had both doses of the vaccine, if they are admitted or die less than 14 days from the second dose they are labeledunvaccinated. This deception is used by all these vaccine promoting agencies.

I agree with a number of experts in this field, that it is the vaccinated that are primarily spreading this new virus variant, not the unvaccinated. Vaccinated parents are exposing their children in their home for very long periods. Fauci even admitted that the viral concentration in the nasopharynx of the vaccinated was very high and could be transmitted. Now we have most medical personnel acting as viral carriers and transmitters to their patients as they have been forced by hospitals and medical centers to be vaccinated.

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

See the original post here:
Opinion: In reponse to Robert Wise - Northside Sun

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