Episcopal Academy’s Maddie Masiko is Main Line Girls Athlete of … – papreplive.com

A sophomore, Masikos pitching and hitting have paced the Churchwomen (8-0 as of April 14). On the mound, she struck out18 batters against Shipley, had a no-hitter against Archbishop Carroll and as of April 14 had struck out 91 batters in 46 innings, compiling an ERA of 0.46 and WHIP of 0.54. She is the Churchwomens cleanup hitter, batting .481 with two homeruns and eight RBIs. As a freshman, she was named to All-InterAc and All-Main Line first team for softball, and was a big reason EA won the InterAc title last year.

Q: What was particularly working for you on the pitching mound in the Shipley and Carroll games?

A: Coming into the game, my curve ball and my rise were working well and spinning effectively. I was confident in my pitches and was willing to mix in my screwball and changeup as needed.

Q: What do you consider your best pitch? What aspect of pitching are you working on the most?

A: I would consider my screwball my best pitch. It was the fourth pitch I learned, but the quickest I picked up. I enjoy throwing it the most because it jams up righthanded batters and throws lefthanded batters off balance. Im working on mixing speeds the most. Change-ups are a big part of the game and something I would like to become more proficient at.

Q: As a pitcher, after facing a hitter a couple of times in a game, you probably have a better idea of what to throw her late in a game. Can you give us an example of how this has worked in your favor?

A: One example of how this has worked in my favor was in a game early this season. I had only played one of the girls on that team before in club ball, so the rest of the batters were new to me. It was a close game (2-1) and the bottom of the seventh inning with one runner on. There were two outs, and the next girl up to bat was one that had gone into deep counts with me both at-bats before. I remembered how she had chased rise and taken curve. This meant her eyes were elevated the entire game, and we threw two low curves at the knees for strikes, knowing she would take them. To finish the at-bat, I threw a riseball out of the zone, and that was the ballgame.

Q: What do you think has been the most important thing youve learned recently regarding hitting?

A: The most important thing Ive learned recently regarding hitting was patience and confidence. In my first couple of years of club ball, I was a very anxious hitter who would chase out of the zone. Ive learned to be more selective and only swing at the pitches that I know I can drive. Especially in hitting slumps, confidence is one of the hardest things to regain. Ive learned that taking pride in my past achievements and having positive reinforcement calms me down and allows me to perform better.

Q: What aspect of your game did you work on most during the off-season?

A: I worked the most on my pitch mix and speed building over the winter. This means that I worked on throwing all of my pitches and fixing my mechanics to make my pitches as efficient as possible. One specific mix I worked heavily on all winter was screw-change-rise. To a righty batter, the screw would break heavily into your hands. Followed up with a change of speed changing eye levels, and finally a riseball to chase out of the zone. In the fall this mix had been effective when it worked, and my coaches and I pushed to make it more consistent in the spring. Speed is very important for pitching if its mixed with good spins. I gained about 1-2 MPH over the off-season and am now clocking in at about 62 MPH.

Q: Tell us a little about your start in softball what sparked your original interest in competitive softball?

A: I started playing softball when I was 5 years old, and instantly fell in love with the game. I played for a rec-ball league and knew I wanted to get the most out of the sport. I tried out for my first club team when I was 9 and have been playing club ball ever since. Every year Ive played, the sport has allowed me to travel across the country, meet new coaches, friends, and teammates, and to play the game I love all year long.

Q: What is your favorite ballpark and why?

A: My favorite ballpark is Citizens Bank. Ive grown up watching the Phillies and Ive never had one bad experience in the stadium, even though I was at the Game 5 of the 2022 World Series (a loss to Houston). I recently went on Easter, and it was a great time to catch up with my extended family and spend time together rooting for the team we all love.

Q: You wear uniform jersey No. 7 for EA softball. Was there a reason you chose this number does this number have any significance to you?

A: No. 7 was the first number I had ever worn in softball, and there was only one year out of the nine years Ive played where Ive worn a different jersey. There isnt a specific reason I chose this number beside it being my favorite number and having the same number every year connects me further to the game.

Q: Tell us a little about your pre-game preparation the day of a game.

A: My pre-game preparation is pretty specific. I wake up 15 minutes earlier and pack my uniform and double check that everything is packed in my bag. During lunch I get my hair braided in the same way by one of my teammates before each game: two dutch braids into a fishtail. I do believe in superstition, as I always wear the same hairtie and bracelet the day of the game. Right before the start of the first inning, I sit on the bench by myself and take a few deep breaths and tell myself that Im playing this sport because I love it, and no matter what happens on the field, nothing will change that.

Q: Other than softball, what other extracurricular activities do you participate in at EA?

A: Varsity water polo, Fashion Club, Forensics Club, OneLove Club.

Q: What is your favorite academic course at EA? What do you think you might like to major in at college? Is there a career field that particularly interests you at the present time?

My favorite academic course at EA is chemistry. I would like to major in forensic science and chemistry in college because its what Im most passionate about. This year I took my second chemistry course, and Im planning on taking AP Chemistry next year, and organic chemistry and forensic chemistry the following. I love learning everything about atoms, elements, and molecules and the labs are my favorite part of the day, especially titrations. The career field that most interests me is forensics, although that covers a vast array of job opportunities. The career I have most looked into is becoming a CSI investigator or a forensic analyst.

Fun facts Maddie Masiko

Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds.

Favorite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You.

Favorite athlete: JT Realmuto.

Favorite team: Phillies.

Favorite place to visit: Florida.

Favorite pre-game meal: Caesar salad.

Person I most admire and why: My dad he is the hardest worker I know and my No. 1 supporter.

(To be selected as Main Line Girls Athlete of the Week, a student-athlete must first be nominated by her coach.)

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Episcopal Academy's Maddie Masiko is Main Line Girls Athlete of ... - papreplive.com

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