Genetics | definition of genetics by Medical dictionary

genetics [j-netiks]

the branch of biology dealing with the phenomena of heredity and the laws governing it.

Many pediatric hospital admissions involve genetic disorders. In obstetrics and neonatal medicine, prenatal diagnosis of genetic defects and improvement of pre- and perinatal conditions are a major concern. In adults, such diseases as breast cancer, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus have all been found to have predisposing genetic components that are relevant to identification of risk factors and early diagnosis.

1. The branch of science concerned with the means and consequences of transmission and generation of the components of biologic inheritance.

2. The genetic features and constitution of any single organism or set of organisms.

[G. genesis, origin or production]

biochemical genetics the science concerned with the chemical and physical nature of genes and the mechanism by which they control the development and maintenance of the organism.

clinical genetics the study of genetic factors influencing the occurrence of a pathologic condition.

The branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited traits among similar or related organisms.


1 the science that studies the principles and mechanics of heredity, specifically the means by which traits are passed from parents to offspring and the causes of the similarities and differences between related organisms.

1. The branch of science concerned with the means and consequences of transmission and generation of the components of biologic inheritance.

2. The genetic features and constitution of any single organism or set of organisms.

[G. genesis, origin or production]

The study of hereditary traits passed on through the genes.

n branch of scientific study concerned with heredity and the causes of variance between related organisms.

1. Branch of science concerned with means and consequences of transmission and generation of components of biologic inheritance.

2. Genetic features and constitution of any single organism or set of organisms.

[G. genesis, origin or production]

n the science that deals with the origin of the characteristics of an individual.

the science concerned with the chemical and physical nature of genes and the mechanism by which they control the development and maintenance of the organism.

Q. Are there genetic factors involving allergies? My entire family suffers from different allergies. It is clear that there is a connection, is that true?

A. The risk of allergic sensitization and the development of allergies varies with age, with young children most at risk. It is known that there is a strong genetic relation and allergies are usually common among family members. Ethnicity may play a role in some allergies, however racial factors have been difficult to separate from environmental influences and changes due to migration.

Q. Is celiac genetic? I have one son with celiac disease from my first marriage and me second wife is now pregnant,I was wondering what are the chances for this soon to be born daughter of mine to have celiac as well- if I maybe carry the genetic flaw and is there a way to find out?

A. Celiac disease is a very common illness (about 1 in a 100 people suffer from it in different levels), and it is known to have a strong genetic connection. However, there is not one specific mutation that you can get genetic testing to see if you are carrying it. Your soon to be born daughter will have a higher chance than the regular population to suffer from the disease, but it does not necessarily mean she will.

Q. is Bipolar genetic?

A. Bipolar disorder has a very strong genetic background: The approximate lifetime risk of this disease in relatives of a bipolar patient is 40 to 70 percent for a monozygotic (identical) twin and 5 to 10 percent for a first degree relative, compared with 0.5 to 1.5 percent for an unrelated person.

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Genetics | definition of genetics by Medical dictionary

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