Anatomy of the School Board Selection of Joy Klineberg – The Peoples Vanguard of Davis

The school board managed to get from 15 candidates to 1 in just three votes.

In round 1 on June 25, each board member had five votes.

Here is how they voted:

Tom Adams: Asmundson, Fulp-Cooke, Jackson, Klineberg and Taylor

Joe DiNunzio: Asmundson, Fulp-Cooke, Jackson, Klineberg and Panigrahi

Alan Fernandes: Asmundson, Jackson, Klineberg, Mauro and Taylor

Bob Poppenga: Asmundson, Darrah, Fulp-Cooke, Jackson, and Panigrahi.

That left Asmundson and Jackson with 4 votes, Klineberg and Fulp-Cooke with three, Taylor and Panigrahi with 2 going onto the next round with the other candidates as well as Darrah and Mauro not making the first cut.

Round 2 each board member had two votes.

Adams voted for Jackson and Klineberg

DiNunzio voted for Asmunson and Klineberg

Fernandes for Asmundson and Klinberg

Poppenga for Asmundson and Fulp-Cooke

That left Asmundson and Klineberg with three votes each.

Round 3 Asmundson versus Klineberg

Klineberg got three votes from Adams, DiNunzio and Fernandes

Bob Poppenga cast the lone vote for Asmundson.

It is worth noting that, at no point in time, did Bob Poppenga vote for Klineberg which meant that Klineberg was not even in Bob Poppengas top 5.

Read the original:
Anatomy of the School Board Selection of Joy Klineberg - The Peoples Vanguard of Davis

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