Attack on Titan Anatomy: 5 Weird Things About Eren Yeager’s Titan – CBR – Comic Book Resources

As the combination of two powerful Titans, the anatomy of Attack on Titans lead protagonist Eren Yeager is the weirdest in the series.

The nature of the Titans that walk the forsaken lands beyond Wall Maria is one of thebiggest questions of Attack on Titan. While all Titans are gargantuan human-like creatures, there exist massive variations in their anatomy and unique abilities. Pure Titans are mindless, deformed giants whose deadliness varies depending on traits such as their height and nocturnal adaptations, while intelligent Titans are those controlled by humans and designed to have unique combat specializations of their own. The Titan ErenYeagercontrols, naturally, falls into the latter category.

But even among the ranks of humans with Titan powers, Erens situation is nothing close to simple. As someone who was never intended to wield a Titan -- or at least not according to the schemes of his king or the enemy beyond the walls -- his Titan anatomy has both great limitations and great potential.

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Here's a breakdown of the five most unique details about the anatomy of Eren Yeagers Titan:

This first detail neatly sums up why Erens Titan is so different from the rest: Eren technically has access to two Titans instead of just one. Thanks to the efforts of his father,Grisha Yeager,Eren has full access to the powers of the Attack Titan and limited access to the Founding Titan. This was brought about by his father as the Attack Titan eating Frieda Reiss as the Founding Titan, and then Eren as a pure Titan eating his own father. Titan powers are inherited by eating someone who already has access to those powers, and because of the Eren-Grisha-Frieda chain of consumption, Erens Titan anatomy mostly resembles that of the typical Attack Titan, but has notable exceptions.

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Nine Titans can be controlled by humans in Attack on Titans world, and throughout the series each one is characterized by the combat specializations unique to that Titan. For example, the Armored Titan has plated segments protecting its body that render it invulnerable to swords and cannons, and the Colossus Titan stands at a 60 meter height that dwarfs the other human-controlled Titans. Each of the nine Titans is defined and distinguished by these signature characteristics.

However, Erens Attack Titan is a strange exception to the rule. The Attack Titan has all the characteristics that are universal to Titans -- with the most important being super regeneration -- but it lacks any unique abilities of its own. When every other human-controlled Titan has its own weird abilities, the lack of a weird ability suddenly becomes weird.

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The traits of Erens Titan are weird, in large part because they seem contradictory at first glance. Although the Attack Titan lacks any unique abilities at its base, thischanged in Season 3 of the animedue to a special serum possessed by the Reiss family. The serum upgraded the Attack Titan, allowing Eren to harden its skin into a crystalline substance that is invaluable for both defense and delivering devastating punches.

Its still not an ability unique to the Attack Titan, since in Season 1 the Female Titan naturally possessed it, but its arguably the most vital Titan power Eren wields. All Titans carcasses are known to disintegrate once theyre slain or the human controllers are cut free from the body, but in hardened form the crystalline carcass can remain. Its this anatomical trait that allows Survey Corps to patch up the walls using hardened skin from the Attack Titan.

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Eren may have inherited the Founding Titan, but even though he theoretically has access to this Titans abilities, he cant fullyuse them. The Founding Titan was meant to be passed down through the Reiss familys royal bloodline. Because Eren lacks royal blood, under normal circumstances he cannot access the Founding Titans incredible abilities -- namely, human memory manipulation and total command over the wandering hordes of pure Titans.

Yet these abilities are not utterly lost to Eren. If he comes into physical contact with a Titan from a royal bloodline, hes able to temporarily command Titan hordes and delve into the memories stored within the Founding Titan.

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The final trait on this list is possibly one shared by every human-controlled Titan, but so far weve only seen Eren contend with it in the series. Its also one of the lesser-explored details of Titan anatomy. If Eren lacks a strong force of will, its possible for him to fall into a trance-like state and lose control of the Attack Titan. He nearly killed his adopted sister Mikasa in a state of feral rage when this occurred, but since that day we havent seen him struggle to control his Titan again. This raises an interesting question -- does the Attack Titan have a mind of its own when Eren isnt in control?

Whatever the case may be, theres no doubt that Eren Yeagers Titan anatomy is quite strange, and Attack on Titan approaches its final season, its only likely to get stranger.

Attack on Titan Season 4 is scheduled to premiere this Fall.

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Alex Lukas is a freelance writer and rookie novelist. He graduated as a double major in Film Production and International Relations from Occidental College in Los Angeles, and is well-versed in media analysis from both an entertainment and political perspective. In his spare time he tames leopard geckos.

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Attack on Titan Anatomy: 5 Weird Things About Eren Yeager's Titan - CBR - Comic Book Resources

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