Future State Swamp Thing Rewrites The New Anatomy Lesson – Bleeding Cool News

Today sees the publication of Ram V, Mike Perkins, June Chung and Aditya Bidikar's Future State: Swamp Thing from DC Comics. Going forward thousands of years to a world that Swamp Thing either saved or destroyed, depending on your perspective. With a Swamp Thing who has solved problems that initially vexed him. And it goes back to that classic Swamp Thing issue by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette and Rick Veitch, The Anatomy Lesson. The comic that changed everything for DC Comics. That looked at Swamp Thing's body and found problems.

Lungs made of vegetable fibre, too course to allow oxygen to flow. And all the plant-made human organs that had no function at all in his body, created to fill a mental rather than a practical need. A mocking initiation of human life revealed that Swamp Thing was not Alec Holland, but the memory of him, preserved in vegetation.

In Future State: Swamp Thing, we get another anatomy lesson, that seems to recall the original one as it seems that Swampy has learnt a thing or two over the millennia.

Both the lungs that caused so much confusion and the rest of the bodies which the Swamp Thing is creating.

To recall another line from another comic written by Alan Moore,

VEIDT: But you'd regained interest in human life.DR. MANHATTAN: Yes, I have. I think perhaps I'll create some

Future State: Swamp Thing #1 is published today.

FUTURE STATE SWAMP THING #1 (OF 2) CVR A MIKE PERKINSRetail: $3.991120DC047| NOV207047 | DCC20110047 | DC Comics(W) Ram V (A/CA) Mike PerkinsFrom the ashes of a terrible war, life blooms anew in Swamp Thing's image. The remnants of humanity lie in hiding, forever in the shadow of the green god who now rules the planet. When the new avatar of the Green uncovers a stray human, a rebellion is revealed! But this Swamp Thing is no stranger to violent ends, and neither are his creations. If it's war humanity wants, it will be at their doorstepand Swamp Thing will never be the same! This title is fully returnable at a later date.Due Date: 11/27/2020 / FOC: 12/6/2020 / In-Store: 1/5/2021UPC: 76194137117700111

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.

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Future State Swamp Thing Rewrites The New Anatomy Lesson - Bleeding Cool News

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