Gray’s Anatomy – 9780702052309 | US Elsevier Health Bookshop


Preface Commentary: The continuing relevance of anatomy in current surgical practice and research, R Shane Tubbs



Historical introduction: A brief history of Gray's Anatomy, Ruth Richardson

Anatomical nomenclature

Bibliography of selected titles


Section Editor: Caroline B Wigley

1 Basic structure and function of cells, Abraham L Kierszenbaum

2 Integrating cells into tissues, Caroline B Wigley

3 Nervous system, Helmut Kettenmann

4 Blood, lymphoid tissues and haemopoiesis, Andrew JT George

5 Functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, Michael A Adams

6 Smooth muscle and the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, Jeremy PT Ward

7 Skin and its appendages, John A McGrath, Joey E Lai-Cheong


1.1 Fluorescence microscopy in cell biology today, Dylan M Owen

1.2 Stem cells in regenerative medicine, Jonathan M Fishman, Paolo De Coppi, Martin A Birchall

1.3 Merkel cells, Ellen A Lumpkin

1.4 Metaplasia, Jonathan MW Slack, Leonard P Griffiths, David Tosh

1.5 Electron microscopy in the twenty-first century, Roland A Fleck

1.6 The reaction of peripheral nerves to injury, Rolfe Birch


Video 1.1 - Mitosis in a cell with fluorescently-labelled chromosomes and microtubules, Jonathon Pines, Daisuke Izawa

Video 1.5.1 - Diagnostic histopathology by electron microscopy, Roland A Fleck

Video 1.5.2 - Serial block face scanning electron microscopy(SBFSEM), Roland A Fleck


Section Editor: Patricia Collins

8 Preimplantation development, Alison Campbell, Patricia Collins

9 Implantation and placentation, Eric Jauniaux, Graham J Burton

10 Cell populations at gastrulation, Patricia Collins

11 Embryonic induction and cell division, Patricia Collins

12 Cell populations at the start of organogenesis, Patricia Collins

13 Early embryonic circulation, Patricia Collins

14 Pre- and postnatal development, Patricia Collins, Girish Jawaheer

15 Development of the limbs, Cheryll Tickle


2.1 Human anatomy informatics, Jonathan BL Bard, Paul N Schofield

2.2 An evolutionary consideration of pharyngeal development, Anthony Graham, Victoria L Shone


Video 8.1 - Human in vitro fertilization and early development, Alison Campbell

Video 9.1 - Ultrasound features of the maternal placental blood flow, Eric Jauniaux

Video 14.1 - Ultrasound features of the fetus at 26 weeks, Jonathan D Spratt, Patricia Collins


Section Editor: Alan R Crossman

16 Overview of the nervous system, Alan R Crossman, Richard Tunstall

17 Development of the nervous system, Zoltn Molnr

18 Ventricular system and subarachnoid space, Jacob Bertram Springborg, Marianne Juhler

19 Vascular supply and drainage of the brain, Paul D Griffiths

20 Spinal cord: internal organization, Monty Silverdale

21 Brainstem, Duane E Haines

22 Cerebellum, Jan Voogd

23 Diencephalon, Ido Strauss, Nir Lipsman, Andres M Lozano

24 Basal ganglia, Tipu Aziz, Erlick AC Pereira

25 Cerebral hemispheres, Guilherme C Ribas


3.1 The resting human brain and the predictive potential of the default mode network, Stefano Sandrone


Video 18.1 - Interactive 3D rotation of the subarachnoid space, Jose C Rios

Video 18.2 - Interactive 3D rotation of the ventricles and cisterns, Jose C Rios

Video 19.1 - Rotational angiography of an intracranial aneurysm, Paul D Griffiths

Section 4 - HEAD AND NECK

Section Editor: Michael Gleeson

26 Head and neck: overview and surface anatomy, Michael Gleeson, Richard Tunstall

Head and Neck

27 External skull, Sue Black

28 Intracranial region, Juan C Fernandez-Miranda

29 Neck, John C Watkinson, Michael Gleeson

30 Face and scalp, Simon Holmes

Upper Aerodigestive Tract

31 Oral cavity, Barry KB Berkovitz

32 Infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae and temporomandibular joint, Barrie T Evans

33 Nose, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, Claire Hopkins

34 Pharynx, Stephen McHanwell

35 Larynx, Stephen McHanwell

36 Development of the head and neck, Gillian M Morriss-Kay

Special Senses

37 External and middle ear, Michael Gleeson

38 Inner ear, David N Furness

39 Development of the ear, Susan Standring

40 Development of the eye, Jane C Sowden

41 Orbit and accessory visual apparatus, John G Lawrenson, Ronald H Douglas

42 Eye, Ronald H Douglas, John G Lawrenson


4.1 Surgery of the skull base, Juan C Fernandez-Miranda

4.2 The role of three-dimensional imaging in facial anatomical assessment, Vikram Sharma, Bruce Richard

4.3 Anatomy of facial ageing, Bryan C Mendelson, Chin-Ho Wong


Video 28.1 - 3D surface rotation of the sella turcica in the horizontal plane, Michael D Luttrell

Video 28.2 - 3D surface rotation of the sella turcica in the multiaxial plane, Michael D Luttrell

Video 28.3 - 3D surface rotation of the sella turcica in the vertical plane, Michael D Luttrell

Video 30.1 - Pan-facial fractures, Simon Holmes

Video 30.2 - Postoperative cranio-orbital imaging, Simon Holmes

Video 30.3 - A comminuted zygomatic fracture (plus Le Fort I) pattern, Simon Holmes

Video 30.4 - A comminuted zygomatic fracture pattern - post reduction, Simon Holmes

Gray's Anatomy - 9780702052309 | US Elsevier Health Bookshop

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