Greys Anatomy: 10 Characters Who Deserved To Be On The Show Longer – Screen Rant

Many doctors and patients have gone through the hospital doors on Grey's Anatomy, including some characters who should have had more time to develop.

When a show has been on-air for close to two decades, its understandable why Greys Anatomy fans bring up characters who had more to offer than theywere able to in their time on the series.

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While Merediths role has played out well, along with close friends whose arcs were closed like Cristina and Alex over an extended run, other characters had untapped potential that needed more time to develop. They either had connections to Meredith,were alead character themselves, or were interesting in their own right to have a valid cause to be on the show longer.

Erica was by no means the most likable character on the show, but she wassomeone who helped Callie accept her sexuality. She was also on the brink of becoming a more empathetic person, yet this went nowhere.

Erica deserved to havethe story of accepting her own sexuality told, especially since she went about itdifferently than Callie did. Erica's exit was so sudden and unwarranted, with no resolution ever provided.

The issue with Burke was that he couldnt tackle the biggest flaw in his chaotic relationship with Cristina. Still, this was something that made him compelling, as Burke was a complex character who didnt quite find the right balance between being a doctor and a romantic partner.

He shouldve been on the show longer for his full journey to be shown, as his appearance in Season 10 basically fast-forwarded all his development to show him as a successful doctor, husband, and father. All this wouldve been better seen onscreen rather than presented in a one-off appearance.

Introduced as a spunky, mischievous woman with a penchant for memorable quotes, Sadie didnt get to show her full potential as she was written out. Many great promisingstorylines could have been explored if she had stuck around.

Sadie had a growing friendship with Lexie that got her involved with her and Marks relationship. She had a flirtation with Callie that seemed to be developing, and her friendship with Meredith had brought out the latters fun side.

For some time, Richards redeeming quality on Greys Anatomyhad to do with his attempt to reconcile with Adele. She was akind woman who forgave his indiscretions and only wanted the same effort in their marriagethat she had put in.

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Greys Anatomy never fully dove into Adele as a main character despite the actress receiving an Emmy for the role. Adele had a genuine arc of receiving the love she deserved, which would have been better played out in an extended run rather than have her show up every once in a while before she was killed off.

Addison was at the center of the shows main storyline in Season 2 before she made the life decision to move, leading to Private Practice. However, her time on Greys Anatomy was painfully short, as she was only portrayednegatively during the series and didn't get the same redemption arc that a character like Mark did.

Her final appearance was also a one-off guest spot that didnt resolve her Greys Anatomy storylines, meaning viewers who havent checked out Private Practice will continue to consider her as an underutilized character. Addison should have stayed longer to fully close out her role on the main series.

Always willing to help and someone people could relate to, Joe was the perfect person to have as a guest for the holidays. He wasnt just presented as a background character, as he was involved in storylines like Richards drinking problem and his own on-off relationship with Walter.

Its too bad that the show decided to cut his role out entirely, with Joes genuine links to characters like Meredith, Cristina, and Richard phased out. Had he been kept on longer, Joe could have developed into a faithful friend and an eventual father and husband as the series had teased for him.

Although she was kind and compassionate, Greys Anatomy didnt highlight these attributes of Stephanie, instead focusing on the times she got cheated on or lost her lover. There was a genuinely competent doctor and person in this character that needed more time to develop.

This wasnt the case, though, as Stephanie left rather tamely without much significance. Whats worse is that she even had recycled plots like her deceased love interest, an arc that was earlier given to Teddy. A few more seasons on the show would have allowed Stephanie to engage in more storylines that carved out her characterization onscreen.

A casualty of Greys Anatomys liking to kill off characters out of nowhere, Heather never got the chance to show who she was. Fans wanted more of herbecause she was a likable person, having a habit of making jokes and carrying a jovial attitude.

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Her arc seemed to hint toward Heather becoming a mature person who started taking things seriously, but that will always remain speculation since she was killed in the Season 10 premiere with not much to show for her time onscreen other than what could have been.

Finn could have become a main character in the series had the show decided to go that route. His backstory was firmly established, being a widower who wanted to find love again and as a compassionate man who nevertheless had a competitive streak.

His romance with Meredith was cut short after she chose Derek over him, but Finn had done enough to warrant further appearances since hed been able to capture fans interest. He didnt deserve the final shot of walking away to an uncertain future.

Many fans still havent gotten over the loss of George, with Greys Anatomy making up for it by bringing him back for a guest appearance in Season 17. The issue isnt so much with the way he was written out rather than his time on the show, as George was left doing nothing in Season 5.

He deserved to have a storyline of his own at this time because he was starting out as a resident and had shown talent in trauma surgery. The next season could have portrayed Georges attempts to find the right fit for his medical career or even depict his time with the army, which would have warranted him a longer role in the series.

NEXT:Grey's Anatomy: 5 Ways Cristina And Burke Made Sense (& 5 They Did Not)

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Saim Cheeda is an entertainment writer covering all of Film, TV, Gaming and Books. He's been a writer for Valnet since 2017, contributing 500+ articles for The Gamer, The Things, Game Rant, Comic Book Resources and Screen Rant. Apart from freelance writing, Saim is a lifestyle blogger, co-owning the blog 3 States Apart.

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Greys Anatomy: 10 Characters Who Deserved To Be On The Show Longer - Screen Rant

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