Grey’s anatomy hanged the audience on the point where they don’t have information about their loved show – News Lagoon

The head-shaving scene from Unorthodox. Everyone involved was very nervous because you just have this one take, said director Maria Schrader.By Anika Molnar/Netflix.

The beauty of the scene, to me, is the contradiction of feelings, said director Maria Schrader, calling from Berlin. Haas, in her translucent performance, is a prism of emotion: tears careening down her cheeks as she lets out proud, anguished smiles. The stakes were high. Hair off is hair off, Schrader said of the nail-biter take, which happened on a loaded first day of shooting. Haas began the morning filming the one glimpse of her own honey-colored hair, as she floats nude in the cleansing mikvah bath. A different kind of vulnerability followed, with the buzz cut staged inside Estys pink childhood bedrooma warm, sunlit moment witnessed by the households wide-eyed young girls. It was a deliberately bright counterpoint to a prevailing association with the Holocaust, when the heads of Jews were shaved, Schrader told me. In a similarly upbeat way, she sent Haas a flurry of images of Jean Seberg via WhatsApp. Its that same short pixie that Esty embraces when she ultimately sheds the wig in Berlin.

The experience of a cloistered Hasidic woman is arguably far from those binge-watching her story on the couch, a forkful of Alison Roman pasta in hand. Still, feeling trapped and isolated, balancing communal duty with personal will, it all seems to net out at the buzz cutif youre lucky enough to have the tools at hand.

I dont know if youve ever seen sheep shearing, but thats actually what it used to be before 1919, said Steven Yde, vice president of marketing at the grooming company Wahl. He was describing the old-fashioned monstrosities, with a hulking engine and long attachment, that barbers used during World War I to buzz soldiers heads. An enterprising Leo Wahl returned from duty in France and patented the first handheld clipper, which hit the market in the waning days of a global pandemic. His great-grandson, Brian Wahl, now oversees the business, with a handful of global manufacturing sites and a 1,300-employee factory in small-town Sterling, Illinois.

Were literally out of stock everywhere across the United States, Yde said, still incredulous as he recounts the sudden boom in demand. To get a Wahl clipper right now is like trying to find a nugget of gold. (In an origin-story twist, the closure of off-base barbershops and the need for social distancing has spurred several branches of the military, including the Navy and the Air Force, to temporarily ease grooming standards; a recent video showing a crowd of Marines lined up for regulation haircuts sparked concern that bubbled up to the Secretary of Defense.)

Yde last witnessed a spike in sales during the Great Recession, in the late 2000s. When times are tough, people cut hair at home, he said. (I asked about his own. Yde answered brightly that hes been doing his own fades since college, having learned from his hairdresser mother; he has been cutting his sons hair too, until one of them unveiled a buzzed head last month.) But this is unprecedented territory. Since the Illinois factory halted production on March 21, letters have poured in from major retailers, supporting Wahls designation as an essential business. Desperate emails from would-be customers pour in by the thousands. With the governors green light, Wahl has been readying its facility for a cautious, volunteer-based reopening this week. Along with supplying protective gear and restricting common areas, the company has incorporated practices learned from its Chinese site, which is nearly back to full capacity; one example is creating discrete zones of fewer than 50 people, to minimize possible spread.

Originally posted 2020-04-24 00:27:16.

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Grey's anatomy hanged the audience on the point where they don't have information about their loved show - News Lagoon

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