‘Greys Anatomy’ Star Katherine Heigl Weighs in on Izzies Return in Season 17 – GoodHousekeeping.com

Grey's Anatomy set major expectations for season 17 when the show brought back Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) for a dream scene in the premiere. Shocking fans even more, another blast from the past, George O' Malley (T.R. Knight), returned a few episodes later. All of this is leading fans to wonder what other iconic characters the ABC medical drama is going to invite back. Will Katherine Heigl's character, Izzie Stevens, be next?

Right now, the answer appears to be one giant question mark, according to what Katherine told E! News's Daily Pop. "You know, I just I don't know, but I would never say never," Katherine explained.

While it might not be the definite "yes" some fans are hoping for, Katherine, who is front and center in the new Netflix series Firefly Lane, didn't give a firm "no," either. If you ask us, it's a bit more promising answer than the response she gave Entertainment Tonight back in 2019.

"I almost feel like that would just be distracting, again, to sort of what theyve done with that show in the seven years since I left and what thats become and what it is to the fans now," she at the time. "I almost feel like it would be like, Yeah we already let that go, why are you here?'"

But then again, Katherine said this before Justin Chambers exited the show last March and his character, Alex Karev, left his wife, Jo (Camilla Luddington), to be with Izzie. So who knows what may unfold in the future.

As fans can remember, Katherine walked away from Grey's in 2010 following the actress's controversial decision to withdraw her name from Emmy consideration in 2008. At the time, Katherine said in a statement per The New York Times that she based her decision on feeling like she wasn't "given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination."

Not surprisingly, this didn't sit well with show creator Shonda Rhimes, who later told Oprah Winfrey in 2012 that despite feeling "stung" by the comments, she was also "not surprised."

On The Howard Stern Show in 2016, Katherine claimed she left the show partly because she wanted to start a family (she now has three kids with her husband, Josh Kelley) and because she felt herself "floundering." She also revealed that she had apologized to Shonda behind closed doors about her Emmy comments.

"I was really embarrassed." she said. "I went in to [showrunner] Shonda [Rhimes] and said, I was so sorry, that wasnt cool. I should not have said that.' I shouldnt have said anything publicly, but at the time I didnt think anybody would notice."

So there you have it. Fans will have to keep tuning in when Grey's returns on March 11 to see what Shonda has in store for the Grey-Sloan crew.

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'Greys Anatomy' Star Katherine Heigl Weighs in on Izzies Return in Season 17 - GoodHousekeeping.com

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