Greys Anatomy: The Worst Episode Of Each Season 9 Through 16, According To IMDb – Screen Rant

Grey's Anatomy is still going strong after 16 seasons. Here are the worst episodes, one per season, of seasons 9 through 16.

Medical drama Grey's Anatomy keeps pumping out season after season, each one filled with hit episodes that audiences can't get enough of. After sixteen seasons, the writers continue to find new stories and new characters that manage to keep viewers hooked time and time again.

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Unfortunately, not every episode is a crowd pleaser, as theratings on Grey's Anatomy's IMDb page reflect. While everyone working on the show does their best,some episodes just don't do as well as others, and each season has one that fans votedas their least favorite.

When a tanker carrying gas explodes on the highway, several patients come into the hospital, but the danger is not over yet. One patient covered in gasoline ignores Bailey's and Owen's warnings and goes outside for a smoke. Inside the hospital, everyone hears a loud sound,which was the man suddenly becoming engulfed in flames. More patients come in, including a pregnant woman with an issue with her baby, as well as Matthew the paramedic, who was also at the scene of the accident.This and one other episode received a 7.4 score.

It's Halloween at the hospital, and the doctors are dealing with a somewhat creepy situation. A patient comes in after being bitten, and he is convinced that the person who bit him is a zombie. The biter comes in as welland is very violentwith has two bullet holes in his chest. While having difficulty finding his heartbeat, Leah gets bitten by him as well. After looking at his scans, the doctors discover that the man has a condition where his organs are mirrored to a typical person, which explains why he survived the gunshot wounds to the chest and why Leah couldn't find his heartbeat.

This episode has many fans angry, as it involves the death of a major character. After helping assist at the scene of an accident, Derek gets hit by a semi truck and is rushed to a nearby hospital. Derek knows he needs a CT scan, and so does one of the surgical residents. However, the attending doctor dismisses the idea.

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By the time it's discovered that his pupil is blown, signalling a brain injury, it's too late. Derek soon becomes brain dead, and Meredith arrives, signing the paperwork to remove his life support soon after.

Jackson and April have had a very complicated relationship, and this episode begins with the two of them signing papers to finalize a divorce between them. Then, there are flashbacks to their relationship from the beginning, showing a lot of happy times together. Among the flashbacks was the two of them after their baby Samuel's death, and it showed how each of them was having trouble with it in their own way. They also discuss how April going to Jordan would have negative consequences on their marriage, and indeed it did.

At the advice of Catherine, a woman named Eliza Minnick has been recently hired to revamp the surgical team at the hospital, pushing Webber out of his position. Jackson is not happy about this, and things are tense when the four of them have to work together. Since Jackson works on the hospital board as the Avery Foundation representative and has that power over his mother, he plans to use his position to make the changes that he sees fit in order to set things right by his opinion. One other episode this season also had a score of 6.2.

Owen and Amelia are enjoying spending time together, agreeing that a no-strings-attached agreement was a great idea. There's no time to think about that now though, because Owen has trauma certification classes to teach.

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Jackson and Maggie are getting closer as well, but Jackson gets pulled away for a surgery with his mother and Richard. Meanwhile, Bailey and Jo are working on a patient named Marjorie who happens to be a famous astronautwhom Bailey has been following since she was a little girl.

Two episodes winlast place this season, and in this one, Maggie has accidentally spilled the beans about her origins. While being interviewed on a podcast and asked about why she became a surgeon, Maggie says that maybe it's in her blood, since her biological parents, Richard and Ellis, as well as her sister, Meredith, are all surgeons.Looks like the cat is out of the bag that she came from an affair between Ellis and Richard! While Meredith tries to assure Maggie that it will be okay, Richard is not happy about the secret getting out, as that is a part of his life that he is not very proud of.

Grey's fans seem to not like flashback episodes! In this one, Alex writes letters to Bailey, Meredith, and Jo, telling them that he has left. The episode goes on to show flashbacks and archive footage of his time at the hospital from thevery start to this point. Viewers get to see his relationship with Izzie, with whom Alex reveals he has had recent contact with. He found out that while she could not naturally have any childrenbecausethe cancer damaged her eggs, she did manage to have children with the embryos from when she was with Alex. Alex says in his letters that he has gone to see Izzie and their twins.

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Emily Bump has been writing her entire life. From stories to sonnets, she enjoys working in many genres. She was on her high school newspaper, and at 18 years old, she published a short novella entitled Must Keep Moving. Since then, she has continued writing, practicing privately for herself. When she is not writing, she enjoys expressing her creativity in other ways such as crafting and crocheting. Emily is excited to be a new staff writer, working with Valnet and ScreenRant to publish some new pieces, and she hopes to expand her writing even more with this opportunity!

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Greys Anatomy: The Worst Episode Of Each Season 9 Through 16, According To IMDb - Screen Rant

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