How Matt Meola Breaks Down the Anatomy of an Air Wave – The Inertia

Youll be surprised what you can land if you commit, says Matt Meola in his Aerial Surfing class with Inspire Courses. Photo: @1more808 //Dayanidhi Das

Standing on the beach (or cliff) and checking the surf for 15 or 20 minutes is par for the course for every surfer.We check for a variety of conditions, from the intervals of time between sets to establishing landmarks we can line up with in the water. Matt Meola does this just like the rest of us, only when it comes to airs, his checklist becomes a little different.

I figure out what (the wave is) good for, he says in his Guide to Aerial SurfingonInspire Courses+, noting that once hes out there he then has to decide which specific maneuvers are even on the table that day given the conditions. Youre going to get all different types of air sections. Youre going to get closeouts. Youre going to get ones where its better for airing out of the pocket of the wave.

For Meola, being in tune with conditions has an entirely unique application for his air game. If he has a maneuver hes been waiting to work on, today might not be the day for it. Or maybe the takeoff section is just right and fitting reps into a closing window is a now-or-never proposition.

He takes this information into the water with him to inform his decision making in terms of finding waves that work for airs. He leans on these three points of emphasis:

1. Choose the right wave. 2. Decipher what the section is good for (what type of air will work in what section). 3. Commitment to the landing.

Advising surfers to check the waves before a surf isnt exactly a groundbreaking secret. But for surfers looking to add an above-the-lip repertoire to their game, Meolas pre-surf checks are a reminder that youll start observing an entirely new list of factors as you progress.

Before youre taking off, you have to have that in mind and know exactly what that wave is good for and be ready for that.

Editors Note: Access Matt Meolas Guide to Aerial Surfing and our entire library of digital courses with a membership to the brand new Inspire Courses+, which includes 18 classes (and counting) and 340 video lessons taught by icons of surf and the outdoors. For a limited time,The Inertiais offeringBuy One, Gift One Freewith each new membership. Perfect for the holiday season.

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How Matt Meola Breaks Down the Anatomy of an Air Wave - The Inertia

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