Style anatomy: With Daneese Ali – The Express Tribune

The super-stylish fashionista breaks down her style. Find out all her style secrets and learn the dos and donts

The super-stylish fashionista breaks down her style. Find out all her style secrets and learn the dos and donts in her fashion rulebook

Understanding your body is the key to looking good and a trait found amongst all impeccably dressed fashionistas. While people shy away from talking about their bodies, these brave souls explain how they work their anatomies to their advantage

How would you describe your body type?

Im tall, slim and slender. I have a straight figure, and Im glad. Im not one of those girls who like curvy or voluptuous figures anyway!

Has your body type changed over the last five years?

I wanted to get rid of my baby fat so I became proactive about going to the gym and dieting. But the one thing I never gave up on was sweets. Its a necessity in ones life!

How has your style changed over the years?

I dont really think my style has changed because Ive always kept it classy and simple, and I think that never goes out of fashion. At most, I experiment with whatevers trending but if it doesnt suit me then its a big no! Fashion for me is what you feel comfortable in.

In your opinion what is your most troublesome area?

Im happy with the way my figure is but I can be self-conscious about my calves. They are chunky compared to the rest of my body.

How do you dress your body according to your body type?

Since Im slim and slender, I like to add curves to my frame with peplum style dresses and tops. Im obsessed with bootleg jeans and trousers because they are great for slender women as they add shape and dimension. I also feel skinny jeans look fabulous on me. To be honest, I feel I can carry off most styles because I dont have a full figure and hence I wont end up looking vulgar. A long top or sweater with culottes or skinny jeans is my everyday casual look.

In your opinion what is the biggest mistake a person can make while dressing here?

The biggest mistake women make is showing too much skin. I strongly believe that showing too much skin doesnt make you look sexy! Also, dont hide in the folds of your baggy outfit and dont try to squeeze yourself into something just for the sake of being able to say Im a size so-and-so. Thirdly, playing up your outfit with a couple of carefully chosen pieces of jewellery is a definite do. I really admire women who have the talent to mix and match and can pull off a new trend. Overdoing it however, is one of the worst fashion mistakes out there and probably something you want to avoid. Lastly, women here dont dress according to their age. They dress more maturely and it makes them look much older. You have your whole life ahead of you to dress maturely; dont take away your youth and innocence already!

Which silhouettes suit your body the most?

I dont wear a specific style of silhouette that suits my body because no matter what I wear, I make it my own. Also, Im lucky because I have a petite frame and I can easily fit in all sorts of ensembles.

What is the one piece of clothing that you shy away from wearing and why?

What I have and always will avoid is low necklines. I feel it is very inappropriate and vulgar to show your cleavage. I dont think Ill ever be comfortable with that.

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Style anatomy: With Daneese Ali - The Express Tribune

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