Medical Student Education | Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine | UNM School of Medicine | School of Medicine – The University of New Mexico

All third year UNM medical students complete a one-week rotation in anesthesia. This rotation is conducted through the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care.

As a medical student in this phasetworotation, you will learn basic concepts in applied pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, IV placement and airway management. These skills are crucial not only for those becoming anesthesiologists, but for physicians in other specialties such as family practice.

Build on your current medical and pharmacology knowledge.Examples of concepts you will learn include:

You will also participate in an interactive teaching sessionusingsimulated patientsto practice general anesthesia scenarios.

Several sessions of your rotation involve using passive mannequins to learn proper placement of IV lines and the essentials of advanced airway management. Master these skills on a mannequin and then spend two days in the operating room using these interventions on patients.

All students are expected to demonstrate insertion of a laryngeal mask airway, use an effective bag-mask ventilation on an anesthetized patient and start two IVs. You will be encouraged to perform endotracheal intubation, if possible.

Timewill be spent in the high-fidelity human simulator lab. Gain experience in applied pharmacology as well as additional experience in airway management in the context of patient scenarios.

At the end of rotation, the students will have experience in didacticsincluding practical experiencein IV and airway, hands on experience in the operating room and simulation environments. For more information, contact PramodPanikkath, MD,AssociateProfessor,

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Medical Student Education | Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine | UNM School of Medicine | School of Medicine - The University of New Mexico

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