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Neuroscience | UCSF Graduate Division

The Neuroscience PhD program prepares students for independent research and teaching in neuroscience. It seeks to train students who will be expert in one particular approach to neuroscientific research, but who will also have a strong general background in other areas of neuroscience and related disciplines. To achieve this objective, students take interdisciplinary core and advanced courses in neuroscience, as well as related courses sponsored by other graduate programs. In addition, students carry out research under the supervision of faculty members in the program.

The UCSF Neuroscience program faculty, who are among the world leaders in their respective areas of neuroscience, utilize innovative cellular, computational, electrophysiological, genetic, imaging, and molecular strategies to address outstanding problems in neuroscience. These approaches are employed in an integrative manner to engage in research in all areas of neuroscience, including behavior, biophysics, cell biology, development, neural systems, and disorders of the nervous system. The collaborative nature of the UCSF environment offers a unique opportunity in which to take advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of research at the frontier of modern neuroscience.

facultyThe Neuroscience program currently has 80 faculty members from the following departments and areas: anatomy, biochemistry and biophysics, bioengineering, the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Center, cell and tissue biology, CMP, CVRI, the Diabetes Center, Gladstone Institutes, neurological surgery, neurology, the Neuroscience Imaging Center, ophthalmology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, pediatrics-medical genetics, pediatrics-neonatology, pharmaceutical chemistry, physical therapy, physiology, and psychiatry.

The Neuroscience program is a member of the Program in Biological Sciences (PIBS).


Cellular/Molecular NeuroscienceDevelopmental NeuroscienceNeuroscience of DiseaseSystems/Computational Neuroscience

The Neuroscience program is based primarily at Mission Bay, but also has faculty at Parnassus, the UCSF affiliated Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Francisco General Hospital, and Gallo Center. Visit the program website for more information.

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Neuroscience | UCSF Graduate Division

Allied Academies Conference – Neuroscience | Conferences

Session on: Neuroscienceand Neurosurgery

Neuroscienceincludes brain, spinal cord and nerves related study. It is a place wherepsychology related studies collaborate with biology. Whereas ClinicalNeuroscience which is a branch of neuroscience deals on the diseases anddisorders of the brain and central nervous system and serves as a base to the futureof Psychiatry.

Neurosurgeryis mainly related with surgeries related to CNS andBrainincluding operative measures with diagnosis and treats the patients withdiseases/disorders related to the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, andperipheral nerves within all parts of the body specializes for both adult andpediatric patients.

Related:Neuroscience Conference| NeuroscienceCongress | NeuroscienceEvents | NeuroscienceMeetings | NeuroscienceConferences | Neuroscienceworkshop | NeuroscienceSymposia

Related Associations& Societies: Societyfor Neuroscience, Socialand Affective Neuroscience Society, British NeuroscienceAssociation, ChineseSociety for Neuroscience, GermanNeuroscience Society, International BehaviouralNeuroscience Society (IBNS), EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS), Cognitive NeuroscienceSociety (CNS), NorwegianNeuroscience Society (NTNU), Federationof Neuroscience Societies of Latin America and the Caribbean (FALAN)

Session on: Neurology

Disordersrelated to Nervoussystem and also with the diagonstic and the therapeutic measures taken withthe help of a neurologist. Neurologist is a specialised in neurology relatedcases and studies. He can also be involved in the clinical practices or in thetranslational research. Further can be defined and explained as power ofgenetics involved in neurology, have made its transformations with the complexities of both neurology and neuroscience at thebasic, translational, and presently also with the clinical level. NeurologicalProcedures could be defined with certain divisional tests like Lumbar puncture,Tensilon test, Electroencephalogram are used to diagnose neurologicaldisorders.

Considerationwith the disorder type, medical therapies for Neurologicaldisorders stays quite different which mainly includes Gene therapy, Stemcell therapy, Cognitive Therapy can be used to treat disorders like Parkinsonsdisease, Epilepsy,Obsessive Compulsive Disorder etc. Some of the basic therapy involves Changesin Lifestyle, Physiotherapy, Pain Management and Medication.

Related:Neurologicaldisorders Conference | Neurologicaldisorders Congress | Neurologicaldisorders Events | Neurologicaldisorders Meetings | Neurologicaldisorders Conferences

Related Associations& Societies: AmericanNeurological Association (ANA), Ataxia Study Group,Association of Parkinsonismand Related Disorders, CitizensUnited for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), BritishEpilepsy Association, The InternationalHeadache Society,The National Migraine Association (USA), MultipleSclerosis International Federation, NationalInstitute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Session on: Disordersof the Nervous System

Brainand Spinal Cord neoplasm which are considered to be very dangerous and lifethreatening causes, these kinds of studies comes under the aspects of NeuroOncology. Which represents diverse group of malignant tumours affectingmainly CNS or peripheral nervous system. Causes of Addictionmight be due to Alcohol: Intake and preference and Alcohol: Tolerance,dependence and withdrawal Alcohol: Developmental effects, Alcohol: Behavioraleffects, Alcohol: Neural mechanisms, Nicotine: Neural mechanisms of addiction, Nicotine:Reinforcement, seeking and reinstatement, Nicotine: Developmental effects, Cocaine:Neural mechanisms of addiction, Cocaine reinforcement, seeking andreinstatement, Amphetamine and related drugs: Neural mechanismsof addiction, Amphetamine and related drugs: Reinforcement, seeking and reinstatement,Cocaine, amphetamine and related drugs: Toxicity, Cocaine, amphetamine andrelated drugs: Developmental effects, Opioids: Neural mechanisms of addiction, Opioidreinforcement, seeking and reinstatement, Opioids: Tolerance, dependence andwithdrawal, Opioids: Developmental effects, Opioids: Translational and clinicalstudies, Cannabinoids: Neural mechanisms and addiction, Cannabinoid reinforcement,seeking and reinstatement, Cannabinoids: Tolerance, dependence and withdrawal, Cannabinoids:Developmental effects, Sedative hypnotics and anxiolytics, Addiction: Genetics, Addiction treatment:Translational and clinical studies, Learning, memory, dependence and addiction,Neural plasticity, dependence and addiction, Addiction: Behavioral pharmacology.Neuroinflammation is cause of inflammation of the nervous tissues which leadsto several life-threatening neurodegenerativedisorders multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer'sdisease, Parkinson's disease, tauopathies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosisand prion diseases.

Related:Dementia Conference| DementiaConferences | AlzheimersConference | Alzheimerscongress | AlzheimersConferences | Dementiaworkshop | DementiaSymposia

Related Associations& Societies: Dementia Society ofAmerica, Alzheimer'sDisease International (ADI), AcousticNeuroma Association, AicardiSyndrome Foundation and Alliance for Aging Research, Alzheimers Association,Alzheimersand Related Disorders Society of India, ALSAssociation and ALS Therapy Development Institute, AlternatingHemiplegia of Childhood Foundation and Alzheimers Drug Discovery Foundation

Session on: Neuro-PsychiatricEpidemiology and Neuropsychopharmacology

Mostof drug effects lead to Neuropsychological disturbances with mental disturbances influencing behaviouralchanges, brainfunctioning mechanisms. Neuroepidemiology area includes researchmethodology and the epidemiology of neurological disease.To study the genetic and psychosocial related factors that correlate to theprevalence, incidence, and outcome strategies of different types of psychiatric and psychological disorder,which can be possibly studied under PsychiatricEpidemiology.

Related: NeuropsychiatryConference | NeuropsychiatryCongress | NeuropsychiatryMeetings | NeuropsychiatryConferences | Neuropsychiatryworkshop | NeuropsychiatrySymposia

Related Associationsand Societies: AmericanNeuropsychiatric Association (ANPA), BritishNeuropsychiatry Association, SpecialInterest Group in Neuropsychiatry (SIGN),Royal Collegeof Psychiatrists, Instituteof Neurology, EuropeanBrain and Behaviour Society, American Board ofPsychiatry and Neurology, American Osteopathic Boardof Neurology and Psychiatry, Institute for Music andNeurologic Function, American PsychologicalAssociation

Session on: Stemcells and Neuroimmunomodulation

Inducedpluripotent stem cells and models of disease with neural differentiation ofpluripotent stem cells are studied under these categories. Embryonic stem cellsand adult stem cells are the two main sources from which the stem cell arises.Embryonic stem cells are formed during the blastocyst phase of embryologicaldevelopment.

Stem cellregulation and neuronal differentiation of CNS stemcells derived from the embryonic stages. Immunological and nervous systemfunctions along with auto immune diseases are briefly studied under Neuroimmunomodulation.

Related:NeuroimmunologyConferences | NeuroimmunologyCongress | NeuroimmunologyWorkshop | Neuroimmunologymeetings | NeuroimmunologyEvents | NeuroimmunologySymposia

Related Associations& Societies: Myasthenia GravisAssociation, InternationalSociety of Neuro immunology, TheJapanese Society for Neuroimmunology, IndianImmunology Society, TheMultiple Sclerosis Association of America, Multiple SclerosisInternational Federation, Huntington's diseaseSociety of America and Hydrocephalus Association, InternationalDyslexia Association and International Essential Tremor Foundation, PeripheralNerve Society.

Session on: Autismand Neurodevelopmental disorders

Autismspectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities defined by

Significantsocial, communication, and behavioural impairments.

Majorfactors of improper functioning of the neurological system and brain are thesymptoms of NeurologicalDisorders. In children attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD), autism, learning disabilities, intellectual disability (alsoknown as mental retardation), conduct disorders, cerebral palsy, and impairmentsin vision and hearing, childrens and infants with neurodevelopmental disorderscan experience difficulties with language and speech, motor skills, behavior,memory, learning, or other neurologicalfunctions. While the symptoms and behavior of neurodevelopmentaldisabilities often change or evolve as a child grows older, some disabilitiesare permanent.

Related:Autism Conferences| AutismCongress | AutismWorkshop | Autism meetings| AutismEvents | AutismSymposia

Related Associations &Societies: World AutismOrganisation, AustralianAdvisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders, AutismAssociation of Western Australia, Bahrain Society forChildren with Behavioral and Communication Difficulties, Canadian NationalAutism Foundation, Autism Society of British Columbia, Autism SocietyOntario, Cyprus Association for Autistic Persons (CAAP), Beijing RehabilitationAssociation for Autistic Children (BRACC).

Session on: Migraineand headaches

Amigrainecan cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on just oneside of the head. It's often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extremesensitivity to light and sound.

Migraineattacks can cause significant pain for hours to days and can be so severe thatthe pain is disabling. Warning symptoms known as aura may occur before or withthe headache.These can include flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling on one side of theface or in your arm or leg. Medications can help prevent some migraines andmake them less painful.

Related:Migraineand Headache Conferences | Migraineand Headache Congress | Migraineand Headache Workshop | Migraineand Headache meetings | Migraineand Headache Events | Migraineand Headache Symposia

Related Associations& Societies: American MigraineFoundation, AmericanHeadache Society, MigraineResearch Foundation, National HeadacheFoundation, NYU | TheDivision of Headache, ANIRCEF (Italy), AustrianHeadache Society, BritishAssociation for the Study of Headache, Romanian Society of NeurologyHeadache Group

Session on: SpinalCord Compression

Permanentloss of neurologicalfunctions with initial injury on spinal cord leads to a need of emergencyconditions. Cause could be neurodegenerativediseases mainly like arthritis. When cancer cells develops near the area ofSpine that leads to Malignant spinal cord compression. Pressure on spinal cordcauses Spinalcord compression.

Related:SpineConference | SpineCongress | SpineEvents | SpineMeetings | NeuropathologyConferences | Spine workshop| SpineSymposia

Related Associationsand Society: American Spinal InjuryAssociation (ASIA), Canadian & AmericanSpinal Research Organization, Center for ParalysisResearch, Foundationfor Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Care & Cure, InternationalCampaign for Cure of Spinal Injury, NationalSpinal Cord Injury Association, Spinal Cord InjuryInformation Network

Session on: Alzheimer'sdisease, dementia and mild cognitive impairment

Alzheimer'sis a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enoughto interfere with daily tasks. Physiological functions and processing of APPand APP metabolites, Abeta assembly and deposition, APP/Abeta: Animal models, APP/Abeta:Cellular models. In vivo therapeutics and In vitro therapeutics can also beincluded. Immune mechanisms are also considered to check the cause of Alzheimers disease.

Dementia is ageneral term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere withdaily life. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer's is the most common type ofdementia. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases. Vasculardementia, which occurs after a stroke, is the second most common dementia type.But there are many other conditions that can cause symptoms of dementia,including some that are reversible, such as thyroid problems and vitamindeficiencies.

Mildcognitive impairment (MCI) causes a slight but noticeable and measurabledecline in cognitive abilities, including memory and thinking skills. A personwith MCI is at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's or another dementia.

Related:NeuropathologyConference | NeuropathologyCongress | NeuropathologyEvents | NeuropathologyMeetings | NeuropathologyConferences | Neuropathologyworkshop | NeuropathologySymposia

Related Associationsand Society: NationalAlzheimers Coordinating Center (NACC), University of WisconsinAlzheimers Disease Center, OregonHealth and Science University Aging and Alzheimers Disease Center, NationalCell Repository for Alzheimers Disease (NCRAD), AlzheimersDisease Cooperative Study (ADCS), AlzheimersSociety (UK), Alzheimers Drug Discovery Foundation.

Session on: Strokeand Cerebrovascular Disease

Stroke is nothingbut sudden Cerebrovascular accident which is a medical emergency.

Cerebrovasculardisease refers to a group of conditions that can lead to a cerebrovascularevent, such as a stroke. These events affect the blood vessels and blood supplyto the brain. If a blockage, malformation, or haemorrhage prevents the braincells from getting enough oxygen, brain damage can result.

Cerebrovasculardiseases can develop in various ways, including deep vein thrombosis (DVT)and atherosclerosis, where plaque builds up in the arteries. Stroke recovery:Pharmacological approaches to therapy, Stroke recovery: Non-pharmacologicalapproaches to therapy, Stroke imaging and diagnostic studies are elaborately studiedfor the patients under critical conditions.

Related:Stroke Conference| CerebrovascularCongress | StrokeEvents | StrokeMeetings | StrokeConferences | Cerebrovascularworkshop | StrokeSymposia

Related Associationsand Society: International Societyof Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, InternationalStroke Society, Societyfor NeuroAnesthesia and Critical Care, Association ofRehabilitation Nurses, EuropeanFederation of Neurological Societies, Neuropathology Societyof India, AmericanSpeech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

Session on: PsychiatricDisorders

Psychiatric Disordersleads to Mental Illness or Mental retardness which disturbs mood, thinkingability, behavior. Comprises of more than 200 forms of Mental illness whichcreates serious mood disturbances, personality, personal habits or Socialwithdrawal. Psychiatric disorders are major sources of disability and excessmortality, and are more widespread than many realise. Research in this themeexplores key aspects of the biological, epidemiological and social aspects of psychiatry,in order to better understand and treat them, and to improve outcomes.

Related:PsychiatryConference | PsychiatryCongress | PsychiatryEvents | PsychiatryMeetings | PsychiatryConferences | Psychiatryworkshop | PsychiatrySymposia

Related Associationsand Society: Barbados Association ofPsychiatrists, CostaRican Psychiatric Association, CubanSociety of Psychiatry, MexicanSociety of Neurology and Psychiatry, BolivianSociety of Psychiatry, AustrianAssociation for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, TurkishNeuro-psychiatric Society.

Session on: Neurobiologyof Brain Tumors

NeurologicalComplications are mostly complicated cases among the brain cancers and braintumors which are the most lethal entities in human health and mode oftreatment is difficult. Types include:

Primarybrain tumors where as those that begin in the brain mostly occur in people ofall ages, although they are more commonly seen in children and older adults.

Metastaticbrain tumors have their spread to the brain from another organ in the bodyfound to be seen more common in adults than in children ages.

Related:NeurogeneticsConference | NeurogeneticsCongress | NeurogeneticsEvents | NeurogeneticsMeetings | NeurogeneticsConferences | Neurogeneticsworkshop | NeurogeneticsSymposia

Related Associationsand Society: TheInternational Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS), Germansociety of Neurogenetics, National Society of Genetic Counsellors, The American Society ofHuman Genetics, Association for Clinical Genetic Science, Behavior GeneticsAssociation, HumanGenetics Society of Australasia, InternationalGenetic Epidemiology Society

Session on: Targetsof Drug Actions in CNS

Drugmainly targets enzymes and receptor regions in the form of proteins and nucleicacid in which activities can be modified relatedly by a dosage regimen i.e.drug whose activity can be modified by a drug. The drug could be alow-molecular weight chemically inert compound or a biological compound as arecombinant protein or an antibody. The targets of Drug should show chemical,mechanical and biological responses including their in-vitro and in-vivomethods relevant to diseases. Whereas the main Neurotransmitters during theprocess of Neurotransmission,chemical targets includes mainly GABA, Glutamate etc. that operates throughfunctioning of Neuromodulators like 5 Epinephrine, Prostanoids, 5-Hydroxytryptamine, Acetylcholine that acts through both ligand gated channels andG-protein coupled receptors. Function as both Neuromodulatorand Neurotransmitter.Lipid Solubility and Binding sites are the factors for chemical signallingvariations; Intracellular receptors occupy hydrophobic chemical signals to cellsurfaces. Agonists and Antagonists modify receptor activity. Chemicalsignalling in CNS takes place through blood or other fluids but is slow infunctioning process. The cell body, dendrites, axon are the major regions forintegration of signals in neuronal and organelle regions.

Related:CNSConference | CNS Congress | CNS Events | CNS Meetings | NeurogeneticsConferences | CNS workshop | CNS Symposia

Related Associationsand Society: AmericanAssociation of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), AmericanAssociation for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), AmericanSociety for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS), American Society forPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Associationof Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO), Centerfor Disease Control and Prevention, The InternationalSociety for Pharmacoepidemiology.

Session on: Nutrition-Gut-BrainAxis

Microbiotaand the connection to psychiatricand neurologicaldisorders. Gluten related antibodies in association with neurological andneuropsychiatric symptoms. Consequences of increased intestinal permeabilityseen in different gastrointestinal disorders and brain manifestations.

Related:Brainaxis Conference | StrokeCongress | BrainEvents | Braininjury Meetings | Braininjury Conferences | CNSworkshop | Braintumor Symposia

Related Associationsand Society: Brain InjuryAssociation of America, InternationalBrain Injury Association, NorthAmerican Brain Injury Society, AmericanBrain Tumor Association, EBIS- European Brain Injury Society, Federation of Associationsin Behavioral & Brain Sciences: FABBS.

Session on: Childand adult behavioural health

Correlatesthe studies of Stress and the Brain functions. Stressand neuroimmunologywith Cellular actions of stress mainly concerned with early-life Stress:Neural, neurochemical, and physiologic effects, molecular mechanisms andcellular effects, effects on anxiety, social function, and depression.Stress-modulated pathway of Hypothalamus, amygdala, and bed nucleus, Cortex,hippocampus, and striatum, brainstem are briefly studied.

Related:Childand adult behavioural health Conference | Childand adult behavioural health Congress | Childand adult behavioural health Events | Childand adult behavioural health Meetings | Childand adult behavioural health Conferences | CNSworkshop | Childand adult behavioural health Symposia

Related Associationsand Society: Brain InjuryAssociation of America, InternationalBrain Injury Association, NorthAmerican Brain Injury Society, AmericanBrain Tumor Association, EBIS- European Brain Injury Society, Federation of Associationsin Behavioral & Brain Sciences: FABBS.

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Allied Academies Conference - Neuroscience | Conferences

Neuroscience < 2018-2019 Catalog | Drexel University

Major: NeuroscienceDegree Awarded: Master of Science (MS) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)Calendar Type: SemesterTotal Credit Hours: 45.5 (MS, non-thesis); 55.5 (MS, thesis); 123.5 (PhD)Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 26.1501Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-9121

The College of Medicine School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies offers an interdepartmental and multidisciplinary graduate program in Neuroscience leading to MS and PhD degrees. The program provides a vibrant research component for both MS and PhD degrees leading to published scientific work in reputable journals, as well as training in the panoply of research and presentation skills required to conduct and disseminate the research. Students are provided with a curriculum of integrated courses that include the essentials for biomedical research as well as courses that span cellular, developmental, systems, and behavioral neurosciences, as well as neuroanatomy and injury and disease of the nervous system. Upon completing these programs, students pursue careers in academic, governmental, or industrial settings.

The MS program provides students a broad background in neuroscience and the techniques used in neuroscience research. In addition to the thesis-based MS program, Drexel offers a non-thesis degree program in which students can earn the degree without a research project by taking additional classes and writing a literature review paper. Students who wish to continue their graduate training after the MS degree may apply to the PhD program, and their credits may be applied to the doctoral program.

The PhD program trains individuals to conduct independent hypothesis-driven research and to teach in the neurosciences. The program includes two years of coursework as well as original research leading to published thesis work. Laboratory rotations begin in the fall of the first year.

For more information, visit the College of Medicine's Neuroscience Program web site.

Students interested in cellular, systems (including neuro-engineering) and behavioral neuroscience are encouragedto apply. There are no minimal requirements but applicants should be competitive with regard to grades, GRE scores, research experience, and letters of recommendation. Applicants are encouraged to use email to contact any of the faculty of the program with whom they may share scientific interests to discuss their suitability to the program and/or potential projects in relevant laboratories.

The Drexel University College of Medicine: School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies has a rolling admissions policy, which means that complete applications are reviewed as they are received. Applicants are therefore advised to apply early, as decisions to accept or deny admission may be made before the official deadlines.

To learn more about applying to Drexel College of Medicine programs visit the College of Medicines Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies website.

Students in both the PhD and MS programs begin their coursework with a core curriculum. The curriculum consists of a series of core courses that are shared by all of the biomedical graduate programs in the medical school, and a series of programmatic courses. All students in the Neuroscience Program must take the core curriculum, although the possibility exists for students to be excused from a particular course if they are able to prove that they already have the necessary knowledge required of the particular course.

During the second year, students select elective courses and begin their thesis research in consultation with the Advisory-Examination Committee. At the end of the second year, students take a comprehensive examination to qualify for PhD candidacy.

There are three rotations in the curriculum for which the student will be assigned a grade. The purpose of these rotations is to enable the student to select the most appropriate Graduate Advisor to supervise the research project for the student. The Neuroscience Program Director and Steering Committee will advise each student on the selection of rotations, as well as on the progress and outcome of rotations. Flexibility will be afforded in certain situations in which the student may be able to select an advisor before completing all three rotations, or in situations wherein it is advisable to terminate a particular rotation early in favor of another choice.

As well as taking all required courses, MS and PhD students mayre-enroll in courses having the status repeatable for credit (such as journal club, seminar and research courses) for the duration of their program in order to meet the total number of credits required for graduation.

MS without thesis: 45.5 semester credits

Students may opt to take additional approved electives in consultation with their advisor.

MS with thesis: 55.5 minimum semester credits

Students may opt to take additional approved electives in consultation with their advisor.

Students are required to complete 123.5 credits; for additional graduation requirements, refer to the School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies Handbook and the Neuroscience Program Policies and Procedures.

During the third year, students develop a plan for their doctoral research in conjunction with their thesis advisor. A formal, written thesis proposal is then presented to the students Thesis Advisory Committee. Acceptance of this proposal after oral examination by the Committee leads to the final stage of doctoral training. PhD candidates then spend the majority of their time on thesis research. After concluding their research, they must submit and publicly defend their thesis before the Thesis-Examination Committee.

PhD students may enroll in courses having the status repeatable for credit (such as journal club, seminar and research courses) for the duration of their program in order to meet the degree completion requirement of 123.5 credits.

* Taken each Fall semester starting in the Second Year, until Thesis Defense

** Taken each Spring semester starting in the Second Year, until Thesis Defense

*** Taken each semester starting the Second Year, until Thesis Defense

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Neuroscience < 2018-2019 Catalog | Drexel University

Gel Electrophoresis – Genetics

APA format:

Genetic Science Learning Center. (2018, October 23) Gel Electrophoresis.Retrieved February 18, 2019, from

CSE format:

Gel Electrophoresis [Internet]. Salt Lake City (UT): Genetic Science Learning Center; 2018[cited 2019 Feb 18] Available from

Chicago format:

Genetic Science Learning Center. "Gel Electrophoresis." Learn.Genetics.October 23, 2018. Accessed February 18, 2019.

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Gel Electrophoresis - Genetics

Home – Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience

The objective of our research is to develop mathematical and computational models of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms involved in perception, cognition, learning, and motor function. We collaborate with experimental neuroscience labs in the design of experiments and in the analysis of neural data. We also train students at UC Berkeley in these ideas and methods. The resulting products, from basic research to software tools, are made accessible to the public, in the Berkeley tradition of open publication and open-source software.

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Home - Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience

Summer Heat and Human Behavior – MentalHelp

Allan Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D. was in private practice for more than thirty years. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the states...Read More

It is now a well-known fact that weather conditions impact on how people feel and function in their daily lives. In some cases the weather affects physical and emotional health.

During the winter months its called SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Gray skies, snow, cold temperatures and a lack of sunlight, because many people to feel depressed during the winter months. These same people experience a boost in mood with the advent of spring and its increasing amount of sunlight and warmer temperatures.

At present, during the summer of 2012 there is an intense heat wave covering much of the United States. This has caused alarm among the health and mental health community. There are a host of heat related illnesses that are seriousness enough to result in hospitalization and death. Among these are dehydration, heat stroke, increased blood pressure and many other illnesses.

There are also some serious mental health issues that result from the heat. This is evidenced by the fact that there is an increase in psychiatric hospitalizations during the summer months. There is also an increase in suicide attempts, acts of violence, increased irritable and angry mood. Hot weather also causes people to feel tired and unmotivated to do very much.

There are many types of medications that make it necessary for people to remain in air conditioned environments. For example, for those who take anti-psychotic medications, the sensitivity to heat is increased. There are other medications that make it necessary to limit exposure to sunlight, particularly for those who want to go to the beach. Whether medication is for psychiatric or some other health problem its essential that patients consult with their physician about the side effects of heat and sunlight.

Older people, especially those who are 65n years of age and older, are especially vulnerable to the impact health has on health and mental health.

Generally, it is recommended for all of us to drink a lot of water or other liquids to prevent dehydration. Some of the drinks recommended for athletes are a good idea. Its a good idea to limit coffee and alcohol because they tend to dehydrate. If its necessary to go out, wearing a hat is a good idea as well as going out during the morning or evening when temperatures cool and the sun is not intense. For those who must work outside, consult your doctor about how best to protect your health during a heat wave.

Stay cool, both physically and mentally.

Your comments are welcome.

Allan N. Schwartz, PhD

Keep Reading By Author Allan Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D.

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Summer Heat and Human Behavior - MentalHelp

Embryo | human and animal |

Embryo, the early developmental stage of an animal while it is in the egg or within the uterus of the mother. In humans the term is applied to the unborn child until the end of the seventh week following conception; from the eighth week the unborn child is called a fetus.

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morphology: Embryology

Development typically begins in animals with the cleavage, or division, of the fertilized egg (zygote) to form a hollow ball of cells called the blastula; the blastula then develops into a hollow cuplike body of two layers of cells, the gastrula, from which the embryo ultimately is formed. At

A brief treatment of embryonic development follows. For full treatment, see morphology: Embryology.

In organisms that reproduce sexually, the union of an ovum with a sperm results in a zygote, or fertilized egg, which undergoes a series of divisions called cleavages as it passes down the fallopian tube. After several cleavages have taken place, the cells form a hollow ball called a blastula. In most mammals the blastula attaches itself to the uterine lining, thus stimulating the formation of a placenta, which will transfer nutrients from the mother to the growing embryo. In lower animals the embryo is nourished by the yolk.

By the process of gastrulation, the embryo differentiates into three types of tissue: the ectoderm, producing the skin and nervous system; the mesoderm, from which develop connective tissues, the circulatory system, muscles, and bones; and the endoderm, which forms the digestive system, lungs, and urinary system. Mesodermal cells migrate from the surface of the embryo to fill the space between the other two tissues through an elongated depression known as the primitive streak. As the embryo develops, the cell layers fold over so that the endoderm forms a long tube surrounded by mesoderm, with an ectodermal layer around the whole.

Nutrients pass from the placenta through the umbilical cord, and the amnion, a fluid-filled membrane, surrounds and protects the embryo. The division of the body into head and trunk becomes apparent, and the brain, spinal cord, and internal organs begin to develop. All of these changes are completed early in embryonic development, by about the fourth week, in humans.

Between the head and the heart, a series of branchial arches, cartilaginous structures that support the gills of fishes and larval amphibians, begin to form. In higher vertebrates these structures form part of the jaw and ear. Limb buds also appear, and by the end of the embryonic stage, the embryo is distinguishable as a representative of its species.

Embryo | human and animal |

Integration of Self and Non-self Recognition … –

Cells rarely exist alone, which drives the evolution of diverse mechanisms for identifying and responding appropriately to the presence of other nearby cells. Filamentous fungi depend on somatic cell-to-cell communication and fusion for the development and maintenance of a multicellular, interconnected colony that is characteristic of this group of organisms. The filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is a model for investigating the mechanisms of somatic cell-to-cell communication and fusion. N. crassa cells chemotropically grow toward genetically similar cells, which ultimately make physical contact and undergo cell fusion. Here, we describe the development of a Pprm1-luciferase reporter system that differentiates whether genes function upstream or downstream of a conserved MAP-Kinase (MAPK) signaling complex by using a set of mutants required for communication and cell fusion. The vast majority of these mutants are deficient for self-fusion and for fusion when paired with wild type cells. However, the ham-11 mutant is unique in that fails to undergo self-fusion, but chemotropic interactions and cell fusion are restored in ham-11 + wild-type interactions. In genetically dissimilar cells, chemotropic interactions are regulated by genetic differences at doc-1 and doc-2, which regulate pre-fusion non-self recognition; cells with dissimilar doc-1 and doc-2 alleles show greatly reduced cell fusion frequencies. Here, we show that HAM-11 functions in parallel with the DOC-1 and DOC-2 proteins to regulate activity of the MAPK signaling complex. Together our data support a model of integrated self and non-self recognition processes that modulate somatic cell-to-cell communication in N. crassa.

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Integration of Self and Non-self Recognition ... -

Immunology Department of Microbiology, Immunology and …

Immunology is the study of the immune system. The immune system protects us from infection through various lines of defense. Molecular and cellular components make up the immune system. The function of these components is divided into non specific mechanisms, those which innate to an organism, and responsive responses which are adaptive to specific pathogens. Fundamental or classical immunology involves studying the components that make up the innate and adaptive immune system.

Innate immunity is the first line of defense and is non-specific that is the responses that are the same for all potential pathogens, no matter how different they maybe. Innate immunity includes physical barriers( e.g. skin, saliva etc) and cells (e.g. macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, mast cells etc). These components are ready to go and protect an organisms for the first few days of infection. Adaptive immunity is the second line of defense which involves building up memory of encountered response specific to the pathogen or foreign substance.

Adaptive immunity involves antibodies, which generally target foregin pathogens roaming free in the bloodstream. Also involved are T-cells, which are directed especially towards pathogens that have colonized cells and can directly kill infected cells or help control the antibody response.

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Immunology Department of Microbiology, Immunology and ...