2020 West Panhandle Regional Science and Engineering Fair was held recently. Results, as provided by the Escambia County School District, were:
TEACHER AWARDSSenior Division Teacher Cherie Stephens Pensacola High SchoolSCHOOL AWARDSSenior Division Pensacola High SchoolGRAND AWARDSSenior Division Bailey Bullion (12th) & Jenna Kruse (12th) Pensacola High SchoolISEF Nominees Bailey Bullion (12th) & Jenna Kruse (12th) Pensacola High SchoolAnimal SciencesJunior1st Arizona Figueroa & Shaelon Hutchinson BBMS3rd William Burger BBMSSenior1st Lina Amin PHS2nd Kelsey Miller PHS3rd Darrius Guerrero & Damien Cruikshank BTWHSBehavioral SciencesJuniorHonorable Mention Lydia Basinger BBMSSenior1st Ramim Jim PHS2nd Madison Ardis BTWHSHonorable Mention Aalyiah Walmsley, Savannah Creel, Brian Smith BTWHSBiomedical SciencesJunior1st Kate Baumann, Alexa Castro, Isabella Wells BBMS2nd Talia Mendiola, Liliana Brown-Cruz, Ashton Bailey BBMSSenior1st Amber Vaughan BTWHS2nd Nicholas Porter PHS3rd Manas Pandey BTWHSChemistrySenior1st Samantha Gates BTWHS2nd Melissa Kruse PHS3rd Kaitlyn Roe BTWHSHonorable Mention Jasmine Payne, Tyler Sasser BTWHSCellular Molecular Biology and BiochemistrySenior1st Sarah Brown BTWHSEarth and Environmental SciencesSenior1st Bailey Bullion, Jenna Kruse PHS2nd Kaelyn Peeler PHS3rd Lillian Myslak, Cortney Sherman BTWHSEnvironmental EngineeringSenior1st Claire Han PHSHonorable Mention Rick Washington, Konsianta Reece BTWHSEngineering and Material SciencesSeniorHonorable Mention Ameenah Clark BTWHSIntelligent Machines, Robotics and System SoftwareSenior2nd Charles Pratt PHSMathematics and Computational SciencesSenior1st Roman Bassett, Zachary Osburn PHSMicrobiologyJunior1st Lana Carter BBMSSenior1st Roger Charles, Joshua Jones, Jalon Fleming BTWHS2nd Shayla Fulton, Nicholas Crowley BTWHS3rd Samantha Thompson, Elizabeth Hoke BTWHSHonorable Mention Gregory Simonds III, Diana Le BTWHSHonorable Mention Laureleiy Allison-Williams, Kameron Tetting BTWHSPhysicsJunior1st Mallory Sarfert, Katherine Peppers, Joleigha Parks BBMS2nd Isabelle Holck BBMSSenior1st Ryan Zhang, Danish Edupuganti PHS2nd Kathryn Tran, Andy Tran PHS3rd Christopher Heggdal, Eric Thomas, Tabian Dale BTWHSHonorable Mention Dakota Bell, Nicholas Wihtol BTWHSPlant SciencesJuniorHonorable Mention Madison Tennant, Maribella Golson BBMSHonorable Mention Aiyanna Dykes Bellview MiddleSenior1st Ava Kesler PHS2nd Van Nguyen, Sydney Abad PHSAmerican Chemical Society$100 to Sr 1st place, $ 50 to 2nd place, $50 to Jr 1st place, $ 25 to 2nd placefor outstanding achievement in chemistry.Junior Division- $50.00 check to Savannah Burke (Holley Navarre MS)- $25.00 check to Max Valovic (Holley Navarre MS)Senior Division- $100.00 check to Samantha Gates (Washington HS)- $50.00 check to Melissa Kruse (Pensacola HS)American Meteorological SocietyCertificates of outstanding achievement with projects in theatmosphere and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences are awarded to the team of Toby Johnson,Katherine Grissett, Reagan Harrison (Washington HS), and Kelsey Miller (Pensacola HS).The American Psychological Association, the worlds largest association of psychologists, works toadvance the creation, communication, and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society andimprove peoples lives.A certificate for outstanding research in psychology is awarded to the team of Bailey Bullion & JennaKruse (Pensacola HS).ASM Materials Education Foundationprovides an award for the most outstanding exhibit in materialsscience. A certificate for the best materials engineering project is awarded to the team of Alex Johnson &Jonathan Walker (Panama City Rutherford HS).The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Emerald Coast Chapter awards projects forexcellence in the categories of EAEV, ENMS, ENEV, IMRS, MACO and PHYS. Each of the top twoprojects will receive $25 Gift Cards. Additionally, four more projects will receive certificates of merit. Thetop projects from the East and West Panhandle will compete for a $500 top overall Emerald Coast award.The top projects: The team of Alex Johnson & Jonathan Walker (Panama City Rutherford HS) & CharlesPratt (Pensacola HS).Also receiving a certificate are: Isabelle Holck (Brown Barge MS), the team of Ryan Zhang & DanishEdupuganti (Pensacola HS), Adrian Salazar (Holley Navarre MS) and Burke Sayer (Holley Navarre MS).The Association for Women Geoscientistsawards a certificate of achievement recognizing a femalestudent whose project exemplifies high standards of innovativeness & scientific excellence in thegeosciences. This award is presented to Mahtea Gulley (Pace Center).
Sharon Hill Aydelott supported the science fair for her entire tenure as a teacher in Santa Rosa County,and her enthusiasm and guidance encouraged many students to go on to pursue careers in the sciencefields. The Sharon Hill Aydelott Memorial Award honors her love for science and for her students. We arerecognizing two outstanding female scientists in the junior division this year, in the categories ofChemistry & Physics. Fifty dollars ($50.00) cash in Chemistry is awarded to Julia Irmen (Holley NavarreMS), and fifty dollars ($50.00) cash in Physics is awarded to Melanie Borrell (Holley Navarre MS).BRACE: Be Ready Alliance Coordinating for Emergencies recognizes projects aiding disaster/emergencypreparedness, mitigation, response, and relief or recovery efforts. The top projects in the senior and juniordivisions will be recognized with a cash award. BRACE would like to congratulate Madison Ardis(Washington HS) & Omoj Reeves (Holley Navarre MS).Reginald D. Butler Memorial Chemistry AwardA $50 cash award is presented to the most outstandingSr. chemistry project, and a $50 cash awards is presented to the students sponsoring science teacher.The student winner is Samantha Gates and teacher is Mrs Pam Hicks from Washington HS.Dr. B. H. Daughdrill Chemistry AwardWe call him Mr. Science Fair. Dr. Billy Daughdrill, retiredchemistry professor at PJC, worked with the fair for the 40 years that PJC hosted it and he remains aloyal supporter. Here to present the awards is one of the fairs original directors, his daughter, KimDaughdrill Walden. $100.00 is presented to the winning Jr. and Sr. projects in the categories of chemistryand biochemistry. The most outstanding Jr. and Sr. projects in chemistry and biochemistry wereSamantha Gates (Washington HS) Sr ChemSavannah Burke (Holley Navarre MS) Jr ChemSarah Brown (Washington HS) Sr BiochemFaye Schlott ((Holley Navarre MS) Jr BiochemJoan R Daughdrill Chemistry Award: Outstanding female lab practices, $50.00 cash award.- The team of Bailey Bullion & Jenna Kruse (Pensacola HS) Sr EAEV- Ava DeJong (St Paul) Jr EAEVEscambia County Medical Society 2 outstanding projects in the category of medicine and health areawarded $100 each. Exhibitors demonstrating excellence in the Sr Division is Amber Brown (WashingtonHS) the Jr Division team of Kate Baumann, Alexa Castro & Isabella Wells (Brown Barge).Florida Association of Environmental Professionals presents $75 (to the first place Junior and SeniorDivision projects in the environmental field based on projects that demonstrated originality,comprehension, organization, effort and motivation in this arena.Tonights winners are the Sr team of Bailey Bullion & Jenna Kruse (Pensacola HS), and ErinKirby (Holley Navarre MS) for the Junior Division.Florida Association of Science TeachersEach year FAST recognizes outstanding projects from the fairwith a cash voucher of $25 and a certificate. This years winning exhibitors areSr: Ramim Jim (Pensacola HS)Jr: The team of Joleigha Parks, Mallory Sarfert& Katherine Peppers (Brown Barge MS).Florida Engineering Society Northwest Florida Chapter FES is providing $30.00 Gift Cards to the topprojects in the Senior Division in Environmental Engineering & Engineering. FES would like tocongratulate Claire Han (Pensacola HS) & Ameenah Clark (Washington HS).Florida Sea Grant Marine Extension ServiceA book and framed certificate are awarded to the best Jr. &Sr. projects explaining, demonstrating, protecting, &/or exploring a marine science topic. Those projectsare the team of Arizona Figueroa & Shaelon Hutchinson (Brown Barge MS) in the Jr. Division and ClaireHan (Pensacola HS) in the Senior Division.Francis M. Weston Audubon SocietyAn award certificate, book, 1 x year membership in the NationalAudubon Society is awarded to the best project(s) demonstrating environmental sensitivity & contributingto an environmental issue. Tonights recipients of this award are all from Pensacola HS. They are ClaireHan, Kaelyn Peeler, and the team of Jenna Kruse & Bailey Bullion.Friends of Perdido Bay seeks to improve our lives by reducing pollution. Tonight, they are awarding 4projects that provides Solutions to Pollution. $50 & certificates of recognition will be awarded to- Aiyana Dykes (Bellview MS) & Faye Schlott (Holley Navarre MS)- Mahtea Gulley (Pace Center) & Melissa Kruse (Pensacola HS)The Genius Olympiad is an international high school competition focusing on environmental issues,which will be held at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The competition is a 4 day-long event to bringscience, art, creative writing, and architectural design projects together. The two student projects thathave been chosen to compete in this summers Genius Olympiad are from Pensacola High and belong toCharles Pratt and Hao Le.Gulf Power Engineering Society awards outstanding projects in the field of engineering. 3 x projects inthe Sr Division and 3 x projects in the Jr Division will receive a certificate, backpack, wireless desktopcharger and cash prize. The recipients tonight areJr Division- Max Valovic (Holley Navarre MS)- Alex Ballard (Holley Navarre MS)- Julia Irmen (Holley Navarre MS)Sr Division- Kaelyn Peeler (Pensacola HS)- The team of Bailey Bullion & Jenna Kruse (Pensacola HS)- The team of Prasika Bhattarai & Angel Ardison (Washington HS)The Lemelson Early Inventor Prize: This is a first year award for the Junior Division. The project selecteddemonstrates problem solving by identifying a critical problem, and finding a practical solution. Theproject exemplifies environmentally responsible thinking in research and creation of the product.The recipient will receive a certificate and a voucher for a $100.00 prize. Congratulations to EleniNikolakakos (Holley Navarre MS).The Roy Hyatt Environmental Center is sponsoring an award this year to the project that bestdemonstrates in depth study of specific factors that impact our environment. The winner will receive abook. The recipient is Mahtea Gulley (Pace Center).Dr. Roger & Teri Jones Award:This family has long supported science fair and encourage excellence in all aspects of the STEM fields.Each of these students or teams will receive a $100.00 checkJunior Division- JR ANIM Arizona Figueroa, Shaelon Hutchinson, Brown Barge MS- JR BEHA Kyle Macdonald, Holley Navarre MS- JR BMED Alexa Castro, Kate Baumann, Isabella Wells, Brown Barge MS- JR CMBI Faye Schlott, Holley Navarre MS- JR CHEM Savannah Burke, Holley Navarre MS- JR EAEV Devyn Stephens, Holley Navarre MS- JR ENMS Adrian Salazar, Holley Navarre MS- JR ENEV James Peoples, Holley Navarre MS- JR MICR Lana Carter, Brown Barge MS- JR PHYS Joleigha Parks, Mallory Sarfert, Katherine Peppers, Brown Barge MS- JR PLNT Sydney Smith, Holley Navarre MSSenior Division- SR ANIM Lina Amin, Pensacola High School- SR BEHA Ramim Jim, Pensacola High School- SR BMED Amber Vaughan, Washington HS- SR CMBI Sarah Brown, Washington HS- SR CHEM Samantha Gates, Washington HS- SR EAEV Bailey Bullion, Jenna Kruse, Pensacola High School- SR ENEV Claire Han, Pensacola High School- SR IMRS Jonathan Walker, Alex Johnson, Panama City Rutherford HS- SR MACO Zachary Osburn, Roman Bassett, Pensacola HS- SR MICR Joshua Jones, Jalon Fleming, Roger Charles, Washington HS- SR PHYS Ryan Zhang, Danish Edupuganti, Pensacola HS- SR PLNT Ava Kesler, Pensacola HSMU Alpha Theta recognizes a Sr. division project that creatively investigates a problem that involves highschool mathematics. The winner receiving a certificate & a letter from Mu Alpha Theta is Hao Le(Pensacola HS).National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA projects increase awareness regarding theimportance of scientific research in the area of Earth System science. The recipient who will receive acertificate is Noah Jones (Washington HS).National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationThe project chosen to receive this award emphasizesNOAAs mission to understand & predict changes in Earths environment and conserve and managecoastal and marine resources to meet our nations economic, social, and environmental needs. Thewinning project receives a certificate and is Bryson OBrien (Washington HS).Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc.This award recognizes projects which best represent themathematics and science of flight with original and creative thought. The projects will receive an awardcertificate and a scholarship for a week at the National Flight Academy. This scholarship is a $399 fundthat takes care of the full tuition, room and board for the 3 days of camp. This years recipients areJr Division: Adrian Salazar (Holley Navarre MS)Sr Division: Charles Pratt (Pensacola HS)Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs: One of our long terms sponsors, they will be providing $25 to fourprojects involving the Plant Sciences, Environmental, and/or Cellular/Molecular Biology. Tonightsrecipients areJr Division:- Faye Schlott (Holley Navarre MS)- Ava DeJong (St Paul)Sr Division:- Ava Kesler (Pensacola HS)- The team of Bailey Bullion and Jenna Kruse (Pensacola HS)REMG Aviation will be providing $20.00 cash awards to projects related to Aviation, Space or Physics,within the Sr & Jr Division. The 2020 recipients areJr Division- Isabelle Hock (Brown Barge MS)- Devyn Stephens (Holley Navarre MS)- The team of Talia Mendiola, Liliana Brown-Cruz, Ashton Bailey (Brown Barge MS)Sr Division- The team of Ryan Zhang, Danish Edupuganti (Pensacola HS)- The team of Roman Bassett, Zachary Osburn (Pensacola HS)- Hao Le (Pensacola HS)Ricoh Sustainable Development AwardThis award is given to a Sr. project for outstanding effort inaddressing issues of environmental responsibility and sustainable development. The winning student willreceive an award certificate. Tonights recipient is Claire Han (Pensacola HS).Dr. John P. Riehm AwardDr. Riehm chaired the Department of Biology at UWF. Because of his love ofscientific inquiry and support of budding scientists, his family decided to make the John P. Riehm award apermanent part of the fair. This award of $50 to two outstanding CMBI projects and to two outstandingChemistry projects. These are presented to:Jr Division.CMBI: Emma Bailey (Holley Navarre MS)CHEM: Max Valovic (Holley Navarre MS)Sr Division.CMBI: Sarah Brown (Washington HS)CHEM: Melissa Kruse (Pensacola HS)Society of American Military Engineers is given to one Jr. and one Sr. exhibitor whose projectsdemonstrate excellence in the field of engineering. Tonights winners and recipients are$ 50 Amazon card Jr, Burke Sayer (Holley Navarre MS),$ 100 Amazon card Sr, The team of Alex Johnson & Jonathan Walker (Panama City Rutherford HS)Society for In Vitro Biology is given to the most outstanding 11th grade project in the areas of plant oranimal in vitro biology or tissue culture. This years recipient is the team of Darrius Guerrero & DamienCruikshank (Washington HS)Society for Science and Public Middle School ProgramBroadcom Masters Program recognizes the top10% of Jr. Division exhibitors. The following students will receive a certificate, and a letter inviting them tocomplete an online application for the 2020 Broadcom Masters national competition. Each student whocompletes the application will receive a t-shirt. From among the entrants, selected finalists will win $500and an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. from October 16-21, 2020 for the Broadcom Mastersfinals. Each of the finalists schools will receive $1000 and teachers of semifinalists also receive specialawards.- Team of Arizona Figueroa, Shaelon Hutchinson (Brown Barge MS)- Kyle Macdonald, (Holley Navarre MS)- Team of Alexa Castro, Isabella Wells (Brown Barge MS)- Faye Schlott (Holley Navarre MS)- Savannah Burke (Holley Navarre MS)- Devyn Stephens (Holley Navarre MS)- Adrian Salazaar (Holley Navarre MS)- James Peoples (Holley Navarre MS)- Braedon Bautista (Holley Navarre MS)- Lana Carter (Brown Barge)- Team of Mallory Sarfert, Joleigha Parks, Katherine Peppers, (Brown Barge MS)- Sydney Smith (Holley Navarre MS)Thompson Briggs Excellence in Science AwardsThis award recognizes excellent scientific researchfrom many areas of study. Each chosen project receives a cash prize of $50.Congratulations to the following students:$50 Ava DeJong (St Paul)$50 Charles Pratt (Pensacola HS)$50 Isabelle Holck (Brown Barge MS)$50 Team of Van Nguyen, Sydney Abad (Pensacola HS)$50 Kelsey Miller (Pensacola HS)$50 Emma Bailey (Holley Navarre MS)$50 Max Valovic (Holley Navarre MS)$50 Ivana Diaz-Santiago (Holley Navarre MS)$50 Burke Sayer (Holley Navarre MS)$50 Team of Kathryn Tran, Andy Tran (Pensacola HS)University of Florida (Milton) / Departure of Agriculture & Life Science Certificates will be awarded to 1x Junior and 1 x Senior in the Plant Sciences. The recipients areJunior Division- Sydney Smith (Holley Navarre MS)Senior Division- The team of Van Nguyen, Sydney Abad (Washington HS)US Aid Most outstanding project with relevance to solving an important global development challenge.Certificates are awarded to-The team of Alex Johnson and Jonathan Walker (Panama City, Rutherford HS)The US Air Force USAFIn order to encourage the study of mathematics, physics, and engineering, theUnited States Air Force selects outstanding projects which address these disciplines. The followingstudents have distinguished themselves in these areas and will receive an award package consisting of acertificate, sling pack, USB, & dual USB car charger. The recipients are: Burke Sayer (Holley Navarre MS) Talia Mendiola (Brown Barge MS) Liliana Brown-Cruz (Brown Barge MS) Ashton Bailey (Brown Barge MS)US Metric AssociationA certificate is awarded to recipient(s) project involves a significant amount ofquantitative measurement and which best uses the SI metric system for thoseMeasurements in the Senior Division.The team of Katherine Grissett, Reagan Harrison & Toby Johnson (Washington HS).US Navy Judges selected three outstanding Sr projects to receive certificates, medallions and awardletters in the amount of $50 and three outstanding Jr projects to receive certificates and medallions.Tonights recipients are:Junior Division- Isabelle Holck (Brown Barge MS)- Omoj Reeves (Holley Navarre MS)- Lana Carter (Brown Barge MS)Senior Division- Sarah Brown (Washington HS)- Marcella Chaffin (Washington HS)- Charles Pratt (Pensacola HS)Yale Science & Engineering Association, Inc.The most outstanding 11th grade project in the areas ofcomputer science, engineering, physics, or chemistry will receive an award certificate and medallion whenthe student completes the online application form.Winner: Samantha Gates (Washington HS)Water Environment Federation sponsors the Stockholm Jr. Water Prize. The most outstanding projects inwater science research receive certificates and eligibility to compete at the state and national level for upto $3,000 and a trip to Stockholm, Sweden.Winners: Claire Han (Pensacola HS), Savannah Burke (Holley Navarre MS) & Harrison Graham(Holley Navarre MS)
Read more:
2020 West Panhandle Regional Science and Engineering Fair Results Announced - NorthEscambia.com
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