South Fulton Youth Editorial: The South Fulton Effect – City of South Fulton Observer

Editorial by Kendall Henry

Often, the news shows our beloved City of South Fulton in a negative light. They dont show the positive events, the people produced, and the impacts made every day in South Fulton. The media does not show The South Fulton Effect. I was raised in the City of South Fulton. I now attend the University of Georgia as a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major and Public Health minor. I am heavily involved on campus. I have made it my mission to apply my upbringing to my current life.

I attended Randolph ElementarySchool. As a dolphin, I was introduced to Girl Scouts. I started off as aBrownie in 2009 as part of the Randolph Girl Scouts and completed my GS journeyin May 2019 with earning the prestigious Gold Award. I devoted a part of my lifeto Girl Scouts and community service. In addition, I participated in WAPR.Welcome Asa Philip Randolph was the televised morning announcements. I was anews anchor on the show during my fourth and fifth grade year. This opportunityhelped me gain comfort in public speaking. My first cheerleading experience waswith Sandtown Park Recreational Sports. I cheered for the football team. Ilearned the basics of teamwork and cheerleading here. The South Fulton Effectis how I now organize my own service events, participate in multiple serviceorganizations on UGAs campus, speak in front of large crowds with no anxiety,and cheer on the UGA Competition Cheerleading Squad.

During my fifth-grade year, Iremember hearing that some of my classmates were planning to attend RidgeviewCharter for middle school. When I asked them why, they all told me because itis better than Sandtown. I was not quite sure what that meant but I knew Iwanted to go to the better school. My parents quickly shut down my notionsand I was off to Sandtown for middle school. As a Jaguar, I participated in toomany clubs to name. From yearbook club to cheerleading, I stayed after schoolevery day of the week for three years straight. Sandtown provided me with somany opportunities that broadened my horizons. I am forever grateful for that.This taught me time management and prioritizing. I know that Sandtown was thebetter school and gave me foundation. The South Fulton effect is how learnedhow to balance all of my organizations at UGA and still make stellar grades.

I then became a lion at WestlakeHigh School. This was the school to attend. My old classmates from Randolphattended North Fulton middle schools, fled back down to the south to gainadmissions into our esteemed Magnet program. At Westlake, I learned early aboutthe college admissions process. Therefore, from freshman year on forward I knewmy goals. During my sophomore year, UGA admissions office hosted an in-housefield trip. This was my first introduction to what the University of Georgiahad to offer, and I also met my admissions counselor. I had no idea that Iwould later attend this was the school for my undergraduate degree. Also, I wasin the Magnet and International Baccalaureate program. These programs pushed meto critically think and strive for academic excellence. Ultimately, I graduatedwith an IB Certificate and in the top 25 of my 500+ class. Sandtownsfoundation helped me stay involved at Westlake and I essentially touched everyclub the school had to offer. I cheered on Friday nights and led my school asSGA Vice President weekly. In addition, I developed the infamous renaming thecity petition as a Westlake Lion. The petition allowed me to see governmentprocedures and acquire a sense of community. Due to the Magnet/IB programrigor, I was a competitive college applicant and gained admissions into aprestigious public institution debt-free. In addition, I can handle heavycourse loads with no problem. This is how I completed eight courses andfinished my first college semester with a 3.9 GPA. Due to the vulnerability andsuccess of my petition, I am now the only African American female Senatorrepresenting the class of 2023 at UGA. In this role, I have the power to writelegislation that impacts the entire 35,000 student population. This is theSouth Fulton effect.

I am grateful for my upbringing in the City of South Fulton. My experiences here have truly shaped me and made me the person I am today. The people I have met here have been lifelong influences in my life. I will cherish this forever. Realize the positivity that is nurtured here. Power is being cultivated here. We must continue the South Fulton Effect.

About the Author

Kendall Henry is apermanent resident of the City of South Fulton. She is a recent graduate ofWestlake High School. She now attends college at The University of Georgiawhere she is majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Henry is most knownfor her participation in the city name change referendum. Henry spoke beforethe city council and delivered speeches on the importance of including theresidents in voting processes. As a result of her petition, the mayor of thecity vetoed the first vote made by the council and reverted the name back toThe City of South of Fulton. Kendall has been interviewed on WSB-TV, 11Alive,CBS46, and WABE 90.1.

Her biggest motivation for facilitating this movement was to show children and teens that you can still be involved in politics and be active in your community even though you are not eligible to vote. Henry is also a recipient of the Girl Scout Gold Award and Presidential Volunteer Service Award, both prestigious awards that are solely based on community service. Kendall has a passion for helping people to make progress in her community.

Photo: Kendall Henry addresses the City Council over the controversial name change in 2017.

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South Fulton Youth Editorial: The South Fulton Effect - City of South Fulton Observer

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