Figure1 illustrates the main idea of the proposed RI measuring technology. It leverages a suitably engineered ultra-dark hydrophilic surface of palladium (Pd). When a specimen carried inside a droplet of phosphate buffer solution (PBS) deposits on the Pd surface, it anchors itself to the surface at multiple points. The hydrophilic nature of the Pd surface causes the PBS to spread over the sample, resulting in the evaporation of the liquid within one minute of the deposition. The lack of liquid produces progressive dehydration of the specimen, causing it to flatten and stretch on the surface, forming a suspended, thin biological film. When a white light source illuminates this structure, the reflection spectrum shows complex frequency modulations based on interference-generated structural colors (Fig.1b). A conventional red, green, and blue (RGB) camera converts every pixels input spectral power distribution (SPD) into a triplet of RGB values.
a Deposition of a biological specimen using a PBS droplet onto a nanostructured Pd surface. b Stretched specimen acting as a thin film that exhibits interference-based colors when illuminated. Recording of spatially dependent colors by a digital camera. c Camera conversion of analyte SPD into RGB values. d Recovered thickness map for an HCT-116 colon cancer cell. e Micrographs of an HCT-116 cell. The color overlays indicate subcellular regions with similar refractive index.
The camera integrates its color-matching functions (CMFs) with the input SPD during the conversion. The CMFs (Fig.1c, b(), g(), and r() curves) represent the devices sensitivity to the three primary color bands. The output RGB value encodes unique information on the biological properties of the analyte, such as its thickness and refractive index. After imaging, machine learning software performs a pixel-by-pixel segmentation by recovering the thickness and refractive indices from the RGB features encoded by the camera. Figure1d shows an example three-dimensional reconstruction of the thickness map of an HCT-116 colorectal cancer cell. The layered colors on the panels of Fig.1e highlight distinct sub-cellular clustered structures with similar refractive indexes. This approach does not rely on cell preparation and is free from chemical alterations. At the same time, it enables automated measurement of the thickness and refractive index information in a single parallel acquisition with diffraction-limited spatial resolution. This technique requires only a conventional camera and a reflection microscope, opening up the possibility of in-situ integrated setups compatible with equipment for cell culture growth and development studies.
Figure2a shows an example of the experimentally fabricated Pd surface used for the analysis. Surface manufacturing uses electrodeposition of Pd on a gold-coated glass piece (more details in Methods). We optimize the deposition potential and time to create large and prominent tree-like features (Fig.2a, black area) and achieve broadband light absorption. The combination of the Pd surface texture and its low reflectivity produce the cell stretching to thin film effect while simultaneously allowing the thin film interference colors to be detectable. Figure2b, d shows scanning electron microscope (SEM) images obtained from the top and cross sections of the sample. The deposited Pd grows on a layer approximately 30 m in height and comprises irregularly shaped pillars, producing a pattern reminiscent of a rainforest canopy. The insets in panels b and d show that each pillar is further textured at the nanometer scale, contributing to their hydrophilic nature. Figure2c shows a photograph of the Pd surface at 100 magnification under a brightfield reflection microscope. The image highlights the highly absorbing nature of the sample, with only minor light reflection at the tips of the Pd pillars under direct Khler illumination. The inset in Fig.2c reports the regions reflectivity across visible wavelengths measured with an integrating sphere, showing that the nanostructured Pd reflects less than 2% of visible light relative to a silver mirror. Most of the light scattering from the pillars occurs at high angles, enabling the detection of thin film interference components that scatter within the numerical aperture of the microscope objective.
a Photograph of nanostructured Pd sample. The color squares correspond to the regions imaged in (bd). b Overhead SEM micrograph of nanostructured Pd. c Optical micrograph of nanostructured Pd. The inset shows the reflection average reflection spectra of the area. d Cross-sectional SEM micrograph of nanostructured Pd.
The RGB color features of a stretched biological specimen depend on its local thickness and refractive index uniquely. Figure3a illustrates this point quantitatively. The figure presents examples of standard RGB (sRGB) colors generated via thin-film interference at four representative film thicknesses (see Methods for more detail). For each thickness, the refractive index varies in the biological range from 1.33 to 1.55. Figure3a shows that sRGB features encode unique combinations of thickness and refractive index that do not intersect, thus permitting the retrieval of these quantities with no ambiguity. This feature allows for overcoming the limitation of QPM methods, which require pre-existing knowledge of the sample thickness.
a Biological thin film colors in the sRGB colorspace for four different thicknesses as the refractive index varies from 1.33 to 1.55. b, c Sensitivity limits for refractive index and thickness values recovery as a function of the channel bit depth of the camera used and the stability of the image values. The plot is composed of discrete points with the dashed lines intended to help visualizing the trends.
Figure3b, c present a theoretical analysis of the resolution limits of this method. The y-axis of the plots represents the level of variation, in units of bits, that the image file may suffer from due to thermal, electrical, or illumination fluctuations in the experimental setup. This value can be estimated by examining the variation in pixel values between images of the same object taken at different times. For a given bit variation, each circle marks the thickness or refractive index resolution below which two distinct biological structures yield the same RGB triplet. The dotted lines of the image help visualizing the resolution dependence on bit depth, but the plots are not continuous as a discrete variation of camera bit depth yields a discrete variation in the sensitivity of the technique. Figure3b, c shows that this technique achieves state-of-the-art refractive index resolutions (104) for a 16 bit per color channel camera. Likewise, this method reaches nanometer thickness resolution when employing cameras of 14 bits per channel or higher.
While the mapping between a spectrum and an RGB triplet is unique within the expected biological thickness and RI ranges, in a limited number of cases, the conversion of an SPD to the bit-limited RGB space of the camera yields very close RGB values, a phenomenon known as metamerism. Figure4a shows an example of this by plotting the theoretical reflection spectra of two metameric films, S1 and S2. The two spectral curves represent the response of thin films deposited over a silicon substrate with RI values of 1.41, 1.49 and thickness values of 588 nm and 356 nm, respectively. These thicknesses and RI values lie within the expected range of biological specimens27. While the two films have different properties, when integrated through an 8-bit cameras CMFs they map to RGB colors that are almost indistinguishable to the human eye: RGB = [149,251,122] (S1) and RGB = [141,251,134] (S2). We designed and implemented a machine learning recovery procedure that retrieves thickness and RI without human bias or intervention for these challenging metameric scenarios.
a Reflection spectra and RGB color of metameric thin films S1 and S2. b Clustering of thin film sample into two pixel groups. c Cost maps for four pixels of cluster 1. d Expanded view of the cost map of pixel ii, the pink and blue areas indicate the probability of the thickness and RI values respectively. e Pooled cost function for the pixels of cluster 1.
The process starts by accurately characterizing the cameras CMFs through supervised learning. In this step, we used a training and validation experimental dataset of 65 thin films of known thickness and RI. We manufactured these thin films via the spin coating of PMMA photoresist on silicon wafer pieces at different speeds and measured their thickness and RI through spectroscopic ellipsometry (see Supplementary Figs.1 and 2ad). We then acquired reflection spectra and photograph pairs for each film sample. Using these samples, we trained a regression model using non-linear basis functions (see Supplementary Note1 for implementation details). This approach yields the CMFs up to the desired resolution in frequency, controlled by the size of the regression model. This training process allows the measurement of any biological thin film imaged by the camera, as the ML algorithm is agnostic to the type of cell or imaged material, learning only the relation between the spectral power distribution of the specimen and the color outputted by the camera.
After estimating the CMFs, the ML recovery algorithm can extract the thickness and RI values for each pixel of a samples image. However, due to metamerism, working with each pixel as an isolated element can result in incorrect recoveries. The ML algorithm addresses this by pooling information from pixels with close RGB values, generating groups of adjacent pixels possessing similar RGB colors in the image. This process uses an unsupervised k-means clustering algorithm that labels pixels of similar RGB colors as belonging to the same cluster. The ML recovery procedure automatically sets the number of clusters to yield an average variation of less than 2% between the RGB values of the pixels in each cluster and the cluster centroid RGB value. We set this value as a threshold found through successive iterations of the algorithm, with the condition that a lower value would result in the differences in recovered RI and thickness values for the pixels in a cluster being below the sensitivity of our setup. Slight RGB differences between adjacent pixels correspond to nanometer scale fluctuations in the materials thickness, which the camera perceives even at the single nanometer. (see Fig.3c).
Figure4b illustrates clustering for an experimental thin film sample manufactured with the parameters of S2. Running the clustering process results in two clusters for the image, one corresponding to the green area of the thin film and another for the black edge of the field stop of the microscope used to take the image. The average difference between the RGB triplets in the green cluster and the centroid RGB value is 0.86%.
In each cluster, ML recovery employs a pooling strategy similar to using pooling layers in convolutional neural networks28. For a subset of 1000 randomly sampled pixels within the cluster, we compute a mean square error (MSE) cost map:
$${{{{{{{rm{MSE}}}}}}}}=frac{1}{3}{leftvert {{{{{{{bf{X}}}}}}}}-hat{{{{{{{{bf{X}}}}}}}}}rightvert }^{2}=frac{1}{3}mathop{sum}limits_{i}{left({X}_{i}-{hat{X}}_{i}right)}^{2},$$
where X=[X1,X2,X3]=[R,G,B] is the measured RGB triplet of the pixel, and (hat{{{{{{{{bf{X}}}}}}}}}=[{hat{X}}_{1},{hat{X}}_{2},{hat{X}}_{3}]=[hat{R},hat{G},hat{B}]) a numerically computed thin film RGB value from a table of RGB values corresponding to thin films of known RI and thickness values (see Supplementary Fig.2e, f). We calculate the RGB table only once, and the cost map executes in parallel for each cluster. Figure4c illustrates the cost maps associated with four random pixels in the cluster, and Fig.4d presents an expanded view of the map of pixel ii. Because of metamerism, the MSE cost map shows two local minima (yellow areas), one corresponding to the thickness and RI values of S1 and the other to the values of S2. The ML recovery procedure computes the probability of each of these RI and the correct thickness values by slicing the MSE map along each axis and comparing the minimum values (Fig.4d pink and light blue probability areas). This step results in a 0.62 probability that the acquired RGB value belongs to the RI and thickness of S1 for pixel ii.
The algorithm then pools together the cost maps of each pixel within the same cluster to improve the low-confidence probabilities and correctly identify the thickness and RI values of the film. This procedure averages out outliers and yields the MSE map depicted in Fig.4e. This map presents a single minimum, which correctly corresponds to the samples thickness and RI values with unitary confidence and no ambiguity.
Figure5 summarizes validation results for the ML RI and thickness recovery on synthetic cell-like objects with engineered thickness and refractive index. These synthetic cells are 30 m wide squares of cured SU-8 photoresist (see Methods for fabrication details). We measured the cells thickness t using optical and contact profilometry (see Supplementary Fig.1), obtaining t=(5676)nm, and obtained the ground truth RI from the resist manufacturer datasheet. Figure5a shows a photograph of a synthetic cell through a reflection microscope at 100 magnification. The blurring on the right side of Fig.5a does not originate from a thickness variation but is the result of a slight tilt of the cell, which places this area outside the depth of field of the 100, 0.9 NA, objective we use to acquire the image. The cell is of a near uniform green color except for two dark spots within its area, which correspond to supporting Pd pillars seen through the cell. Figure5b presents a three-dimensional image of the cell positioned on the Pd substrate, illustrating how the cell is supported at a slight angle by these two pillars. Figure5c, d shows the ML calculated thickness and RI maps of the artificial cell structure. As the cell is uniform in both thickness and refractive index, the plots present constant values for both quantities over the cells surface, save for the areas where the Pd pillars are detected. Our algorithm treats the Pd pillars background as a black thin film during the calculations, and will not further processes these areas for RI and thickness recovery. Figure5e, f presents the absolute uncertainty against the ground truth values. We calculated the uncertainty as the difference between the values recovered by our algorithm and ground truth measurements of the refractive index and thickness. The procedure yields results with an average discrepancy of 0.6 nm in the thickness recovery compared to the average cell thickness obtained with the profilometer measurements and of 3103RIU compared to the datasheet RI over the synthetic cell area.
a Photograph of a synthetic cell as seen under 100 magnification on top of the Pd substrate. The two dark spots correspond to Pd pillars visible through the cell. b 3D model showing the relative positioning of the synthetic cell on the Pd pillars. c, d 3D reconstruction of the thickness and refractive index maps obtained for the synthetic cell. e, f Uncertainty maps for the thickness and RI of the synthetic cell.
Figure6 presents the results of the recovery process applied to a natural cell. Figure6a shows a photograph of an HCT-116 colon cancer cell after deposition and stretching on the Pd surface. Spatially varying thin film interference colors are visible across the specimen. The dark spots in the central part of the cell correspond to debris from a Pd pillar that moved over the cell during the deposition process. The blurriness on edge results from the short depth of field of the 100, 0.9 NA objective used to capture the image. We set the microscope to focus on the largest possible cell area as the sample must be in focus to prevent overlap between neighboring pixels RGB values and allow the technique to obtain sharp RI and thickness maps. Figure6b, c shows the ML computed RI and thickness maps of the specimen using 50 color clusters. This number results in a maximum variation considering all clusters of 1.98% between the RGB values of the pixels and their cluster centroid RGB triplet. Consistently with previously reported RI maps for HCT-116 cells, no sharp nucleous-cytoplasm boundary is apparent, however, the RI values shown in Fig.6b are larger than those reported in the literature for living HCT-116 cells by approximately 0.1 RIU29,30. This RI increase is a consequence of cell dehydration, and is consistent with the previously reported RI increase of up to 0.15 RIU across the visible wavelength range for dehydrated tissues and isolated cells undergoing dehydration31,32. The ML algorithm correctly isolates the Pd background in both results, grouping all pixels with low RGB values into the background cluster. This clustering step produces a sharp boundary separating the cell from the Pd according to whether the RGB values of the pixels are above the threshold the algorithm defines as the background. The algorithm likewise identifies and groups the Pd debris on the cell with the background pixels. Figure6d illustrates the ten most significant clusters, excluding the background, that the algorithm finds for the photographed cells. The cells dark gray interior represents the remaining smaller clusters. Each cluster corresponds to groups of pixels the algorithm identifies as having equal RI and thickness values. Figure6e is an SEM close-up of the specimen. The panel shows the thin film nature of the cell and the raised height of the specimen edges relative to the rest of the body that cause the edge blurriness of Fig.6a. We ensured the SEM imaged cell was the same as the cell shown in Fig.6a by scratching markings in the Pd surrounding the cell. We estimated the cell thickness from the SEM image by measuring the number of pixels in the image corresponding to the raised border of the cell, and then multiplying this value by the size in nanometers of one pixel. The estimated cells thickness from the SEM image lies between 250 nm and 800 nm, in good agreement with reconstructed values in Fig.6c. Figure6f presents a complete 3D reconstruction of the cell thickness profile with a color overlay that varies according to the point-to-point RI value.
a Photograph of an HCT-116 cell stretched on the Pd substrate showing thin film interference based spatially dependent colors. b, c. ML recovery results for the thickness and RI of the specimen in (a). d Ten largest clusters found for the cell depicted in (a), the remaining clusters are grouped as the dark gray interior of the cell. e SEM micrograph of the cell on the Pd substrate. f 3D reconstruction of the thickness map of the cell with overlayed RI information.
See the original post:
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