Sandra Shumway Named Fellow of the Marine Biological Association – UConn Today – University of Connecticut

June 24, 2024 | Combined Reports - UConn Communications

The distinction is given to marine scientists who have made a significant contribution to the field.

Sandra Shumway, research professor emeritus of marine sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has been named a Fellow of the Marine Biological Association.

The award is given to individuals who have made distinguished and long-term contributions to marine biology at the highest level, in areas that include research, policy, education, outreach, or professional and public service.

Over the course of a 50-year career, Shumway has conducted research on environmental physiology of marine invertebrates, the effects of harmful algae, and microplastics, much of it focused on shellfish and aquaculture.

Founded in 1884, the Marine Biological Association is one of the worlds oldest groups focused on promoting marine research. The organization provides a unified, clear, independent voice on behalf of the marine biological community with membership in over 40 countries.

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Sandra Shumway Named Fellow of the Marine Biological Association - UConn Today - University of Connecticut

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