Student athlete Vinny DOnofrio 24 excelled in biology and chemistry at PLU – Pacific Lutheran University

How did soccer impact you?

I think it helped me grow as a person. I gained confidence in myself that I did not think I had at times, because people around me provided that backbone.

Tell me about your two majors.

I first started as just a biology major. I pursued pre-med classes. In my junior year, I took analytical chemistry, and the professor [Brian Naasz] said, You are pretty good at this. Why dont you take that plus year and stick around for next year and get the major too?

Who are your mentors?

I would say Dr. [Tina] Saxowsky, she sparked what I was most interested in. Dr. [Matt] Smith was my first biology professor. Dr. [Andrea] Munro helped me get the classes aligned to pursue the chemistry degree.

What did you learn as a biology TA and chemistry stockroom worker?

As a TA, I found myself learning new ideas from students that I might not have thought of, on the same question I had a couple of years ago. I love working with Maryls [Nesset], she puts me on dish duty, but that is what I choose to do. It humbles you. If I did not do this, people would not be able to do their lab experiments.

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Student athlete Vinny DOnofrio 24 excelled in biology and chemistry at PLU - Pacific Lutheran University

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