Pre-synaptic ribbons are electron-dense structures in the retina, inner ear and pinealocytes that dock synaptic vesicles, facilitating sustained vesicle release in pre-synaptic active zones. In the cochlea, overexposure to moderate levels of sound leads to cochlear synaptopathy loss of synaptic connections between sensory IHCs and afferent SGNs and auditory functional disability. Using a RIBEYE-tagRFP transgenic mouse, we performed live imaging in cochlear explants to visualize the dynamic behavior of pre-synaptic ribbons in live hair cells in real time and three dimensions, and demonstrate that chemical overstimulation and noise exposure induce random, as well as directional movement of subpopulations of pre-synaptic ribbons.
Prior studies in mammalian cochleaehave always used immunohistochemistry to examine ribbon synapses in fixed tissue at a single timepoint. Although these studies have revealed immense amounts of knowledge about pre- and post- synaptic structures, they are unable to provide dynamic spatiotemporal information, precluding direct investigation of the effect of noise and other ototoxic insults on ribbon dynamics. In contrast, the genetically encoded model of RFP-tagged RIBEYE allows monitoring of movement of pre-synaptic ribbons in real time in live cochlear innerhair cells.
We identified pre-synaptic ribbons using endogenous RIBEYE-tagRFP signals, while IHCs were delineated using FM1-43; this enabled us to normalize the reference frame around the stable 3D framework of FM1-43 signal and isolate ribbon movement relative to the hair cells. Similar to prior studies of live-cell speed in tumor-associated macrophages46, we utilized the Spots function in Imaris to identify and render individual RIBEYE puncta. This strategy proved to be ideal for detecting the small RIBEYE puncta and assign a globular-like shape to each. As the first measure during image analysis, we used the Quality filter in Imaris47. If the threshold value is too low, erroneous spots are picked; alternatively, if the value is too high only the brightest puncta are picked. Together with Quality, the Intensity Threshold parameter needed to be optimized separately for neonatal and adult imaging, and it was necessary to perform contemporaneous control measurements with age-matched mice to ensure experimental rigor.
In the current study, we performed live imaging in neonatal cultures as well as an explant preparation of the mature, hearing cochlea in juvenile, 710-week-old mice. In the case of neonatal cochlear cultures, this imaging enabled investigation of ribbon properties and behavior at multiple timepoints before and after experimental manipulation, including chemical excitotoxicity using KA, in the same specimen. In juvenile, mature-hearing cochlear explants, inability to maintain healthy tissue ex vivo greater than 30min precluded similar prolonged ex vivo investigation; however, this model was uniquely able to provide direct insight into ribbon behavior after physiologically relevant acoustic noise exposure known to cause cochlear synaptopathy.
We first validated our live imaging and processing model against standard immunohistochemical methods, demonstrating our ability to accurately detect pre-synaptic ribbons in real time. We then evaluated the effect of overstimulation on pre-synaptic ribbons in an established KA model for glutamate excitotoxicity in neonatal cochlear cultures as well as synaptopathic 98-dB SPL noise exposure in a juvenile, mature-hearing cochlear explant model.
At baseline, compared with neonatal cochlea, synaptic ribbons from mature hearing cochlea were less numerous, larger, and less mobile. The difference in ribbon volume, in particular, was large, with the mean (SEM) volume of puncta in juvenile cochleae (0.460.01m3) nearly 20-fold greater than in neonatal cochleae (0.0260.001m3; Fig.4c). In a previous study using focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) to quantity ribbon volume during development from P9-P34, ribbon size was found to increase approximately 2-fold (0.003440.00099 versus 0.005680.00045m3)40. Measurements in P49 mice (more comparable in age to the juvenile mice used in our study) were larger still, ranging from 0.0080.14m3 and 0.010.15m3 in two studies using serial block-face electron microscopy48,49. The absolute volumes measured in our study, using live fluorescent imaging, are not comparable to the much smaller structural measurements using electron microscopy; however, the trend towards larger ribbons in older cochleae is consistent. The much larger difference that we observed compared to previous studies may be related to differences in imaging and processing that were necessary between the neonatal and juvenile cochlear preparations, and is reflected in the significantly lower mean intensity of the punctal signals in juvenile animals (Fig.4e).
After a 2-h exposure of neonatal cochleae to KA, which induces glutamate excitotoxicity, or exposure of mature hearing mice to 98dB SPL, which induces cochlear synaptopathy, immediate physiological changes were observed. Neither chemical overstimulation nor noise exposure affected the number of pre-synaptic ribbons; however, noise exposure was associated with an immediate increase in synaptic ribbon volume in the mature hearing cochlea that was even more substantial 2 weeks later. The close correlation between the size and mean brightness of pre-synaptic puncta raises the possibility that observed changes in size may be related to changes in endogenous signal intensity, rather than actual volume increase; however, overall these findings on ribbon number and size corroborate previous observations from fixed specimens37,38,40. The ability from this live-imaging model to observe dynamic behavior of ribbon synapses revealed that both chemical overstimulation and noise exposure induces increased movement of pre-synaptic ribbons. Ribbons in KA-stimulated neonatal cochlea and noise-stimulated mature hearing cochlea both exhibited increased speed of ribbon movement. These initial increases in ribbon speed persisted, albeit to a lesser degree, 2 weeks after noise exposure. Ribbon speed in both neonatal and juvenile mouse cochlea was significantly slower than that observed in zebrafish using a similar transgenic system. In zebrafish, despite small spatial displacements over extended periods, short-term instability and high mobility of the ribbons underlying structure was observed, challenging traditional views of ribbon physical rigidity and proposing a fluid mosaic model for the ribbon surface33. Further study in the mammalian system is required, especially improvement in temporal resolution, to further investigate whether these differences truly reflect species-specific differences in ribbon stability.
When the entire aggregate population of ribbons was examined together, there was no consistent directionality to the KA- or noise-induced ribbon displacement; overall, displacement vectors appeared to be randomly distributed. RIBEYE proteins are dynamic in nature but become stabilized in ribbon synapses50. The increased speed in the KA-treated and noise-exposed ribbons might be due to induction of instability in the ribbon synapses in the pre-synaptic zone. The lack of overall directionality suggests that ribbons are becoming unanchored; that is, RIBEYE anchorage is disrupted but without subsequent directed transport. In ribbon synapses, Bassoon anchors RIBEYE at the active zone of the presynaptic membrane. Although both Bassoon-deficient and wild-type IHCs have large RIBEYE spots at afferent synapses, Bassoon-deficient IHCs were also shown to possess unanchored and floating ribbons close to the synapses51. Furthermore, physical interaction between Bassoon and RIBEYE is thought to be present at the cytomatrix active zone in retina photoreceptors, maintaining the integrity of the ribbon complex52.
Though, overall, ribbons did not have a concerted vector of displacement, a subgroup of ribbons in the mature hearing cochlea closest to the basal pole of the hair cells exhibited clear directionality. Compared to all ribbons in control, non-noise exposed animals as well as apical ribbons in noise-exposed animals, which exhibited no directionality of movement, basal ribbons moved towards the apex immediately after noise exposure. While it is possible that these basal ribbons in juvenile, noise-exposed mice are moving apically simply because they have no other direction to go after being unanchored by noise exposure, we did not observe this directionality in basal ribbons either in unexposed juvenile cochlea or in neonatal cochleae after KA exposure, suggesting that this directional movement is specific to noise-exposed mature hearing cochleae. This initial apical movement of the basal-most ribbons towards the hair-cell nucleus was followed by movement back towards the base of the hair cell, which may reflect re-attachment. These findings provide direct visual evidence of dynamic, directional movement of basal synaptic ribbons after noise exposure in the mature hearing cochlea.
Prior reports showed that synaptopathy occurs rapidly during noise exposure, with limited subsequent recovery24, though strain-specific differences have been observed53. Synapses around the IHC are arranged based on fiber characteristics; large ribbons are associated with small receptor patches on the modiolar side, and small ribbons are linked to large receptor patches on the pillar side54. These gradients underlie variation in cochlear nerve response, reflecting a low-spontaneous discharge rate (SR) to high-SR gradient55. Following noise exposure, synapses are preferentially lost on the modiolar side of the IHC, and more orphan ribbons are found near the habenular end. These orphan ribbons appeared to recover eventually rather than degenerate. These conclusions, however, were all inferred from fixed imaging; it could not be determined or observed directly whether ribbons were migrating to and from the receptor patches, or whether they were being dissolved and reformed.
Our current study provides complementary evidence to directly show how ribbons are moving immediately after noise exposure. Though the overall population of ribbons appear to be moving in random directions, suggesting unanchoring, the basalmost subgroup of puncta migrated apically towards the nucleus and then returned to the cell membrane, suggesting that ribbons are recycled rather than immediately degraded and then reformed. Further refinement and study of this live imaging model may reveal further subgroups of ribbons that have characteristic behaviors after acoustic overstimulation that can be targeted for treatment of cochlear synaptopathy.
This study was limited by the spatial and temporal resolution of the imaging technique. Adequate 3D imaging of puncta required high-spatial-resolution laser-scanning confocal microscopy across the entire synaptic region, with each z-stack requiring 5min to acquire on average, thus limiting temporal resolution. For large movements or rapidly drifting preparations, this might result in a systemic underestimation or overestimation of the punctal speed even after adjusting for the reference frame, if the imaged punctum was captured within a significantly different imaging plane from one frame to another. However, the preparations were quite stable, with minimal movement of the reference frame (Supplementary Fig.S1), and the punctal movements were small; therefore, it is likely that despite the prolonged acquisition time, the measured speeds are likely to be accurate at the 5-min time resolution limit. We are unable to make conclusions, however, about movement occurring faster than this limit; future studies restricting imaging to small volumetric regions of interest to enable faster image acquisition are needed to evaluate faster synaptic movement.
We relied on Imaris software to track puncta from one frame to the next; over a 20-min recording period with 6 serial images, less than half of puncta could be tracked across all images. These vanished puncta were not interpreted to represent actual loss of puncta over that time period, and the number of vanished puncta was not different between control and noise-exposed animals; however, it illustrates the challenges inherent to the imaging technique.
We observed other changes that occurred during routine culture and imaging: even in untreated cochleae the number of puncta detected in neonatal cultures decreased after 24h in culture, and the speed of punctal movement decreased over the first 20min of serial imaging, (Fig.3a, e). The reasons for these changes are unknown, but may reflect either a phototoxic response to the initial imaging itself or simply evolution of synapses in explant cultures that had previously been undetectable without serial imaging of the same preparation. These finding illustrate the necessity for consistency of culture duration and inclusion of rigorous control conditions in any study using neonatal cochlear cultures, whether using live or fixed imaging techniques.
While imaging of neonatal cochlear cultures enabled observation of ribbon dynamics during chemical overstimulation with KA, this is not a physiological perturbation; conversely, while we were able to examine ribbon dynamics after a physiologically relevant stimulus (noise exposure) in the mature hearing cochlea, we could not acoustically stimulate the explanted juvenile cochlea and directly observe the effect of sound stimulation, as was done previously in a limited fashion in the gerbil cochlear explant56. In future studies, further refinement of the imaging technique and mature hearing explant model can advance understanding of ribbon dynamics after noise exposure.
In summary, our findings suggest that noise exposure induces synapses to become more loosely anchored, and that a subpopulation of the basalmost synapses migrate apically, towards the nucleus. Within 20min, some of these ribbons then migrate back towards the synaptic terminals, likely to re-form paired synapses. These insights suggest that further investigation of ribbon anchoring may uncover molecular targets for intervention to prevent this initial noise-induced ribbon dissociation or promote re-targeting in the early moments after noise exposure, thereby preventing permanent synaptopathy.
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