Category Archives: Anatomy

Explore the Props That Give ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Its Edge –

The world of Greys Anatomy requires lots (and lots) of props. From 3D-printed fetuses to sourcing the right medical instruments to creating edible food to capture the magic and accuracy of Greys, the props have been spearheaded by property master Ryan Blank.

One of his more memorable prop endeavors was in season 14 when he and special effects coordinator Jason Gustafson set up the famous elephant toothpaste experiment for Maggie, which Blank says was a wonderful and unique challenge.

This experience using massive beakers to create 20-foot-tall spouts of elephants toothpaste was the most fun Ive had in my entire career, he recalls. Jason and I, because we did the practice runs repeatedly together, ran the gag on set the day it was shot. Repeating the gag over and over with consistent results was an absolute blast.

Blanks props can be so popular that hes even encountered cast members attempting to pilfer them from the set. But one of the most challenging moments in his job is when props are changed at the last minute or during rehearsal for the scene, and the list of these props is endless and always evolving, he says.

Though this weeks prop wasnt as hands-on (or messy!) as the elephant toothpaste, it still took thought, time, and a major collaboration. Miranda gifts a copy of the just-released Red Cloak Volume 12 to Dorian, one of her patients, whos been at Grey Sloan for 51 days clearly, things have not been easy for Dorian. In the original script for the episode, Blue and Mika admire the book, with Mika saying she might swipe it from Dorian. But theres no need for that: Blue has the entire collection at home. Although the book only makes a brief appearance in the final version, a lot of effort went into making it.

Typically, in a situation where something must be created, I would research and find examples of something similar to work from, Blank explains. In this case, I was perfect for the task as a lifelong consumer and collector of comic books. I already knew what would make the book authentic. Mom was wrong my love for comic books finally paid off!

Dorian (Freddy Miyares)

To imagine the Red Cloak series, Blank worked with episode director Debbie Allen to understand the writers expectations for what it should look like and what the tone should be. He then collaborated with production designer John Zachary, who enlisted

Zachary gave Beeguer some references that reflected the mood of what I thought was appropriate, along with the script pages. These showed the characters from the show interacting with the comic book, helping me understand the context, Beeguer says. They emphasized that the main focus should be on the composition of the pages and cover, with the text and story coming second. This approach will ensure that viewers can grasp the content and subject matter even if the filming doesnt capture the text clearly.

In the early 2000s, Beeguer created several short comics for Heavy Metal magazine, which he incorporated as an inspiration. I used sketches, photographs, and various personal artworks to train an artificial intelligence model, he explains. By providing prompts that described elements like the red cape and the action, I compiled a series of promising images and a style.

A mockup of graphic novel Red Cloak by Matthias Beeguer

Ultimately, the AI model generated hundreds of images. Although not everything was right for Red Cloak, it gave Beeguer a head start on imagining the artwork. He used Photoshop to add missing elements, adjust the images, and put together the narrative and the composition, which tell a story across several pages.

Controlling the backgrounds and the colors was very important for cohesiveness, he says. The bulk of the work was given to the covers and backing options, painting details, and textures to achieve a more finished look. The whole process took two days. Unfortunately, at the end of the second day, we realized that the dimensions of the frames were different than the book the prop department had ordered with the printer, so I spent an extra day reconverting to a different, more elongated composition, which of course gave me further opportunities to fix numerous issues, repaint some elements, and make sure everything was going to look its best in high resolution.

For Beeguer, the process was rewarding and enjoyable despite the hurdles. Working with unrestricted creativity is my favorite approach, and Im incredibly thankful to the Greys Anatomy team for giving me the rare opportunity to exercise that principle, he says.

Not only do the fictional Red Cloak books appear in the episode, but they have also been used to decorate Blues bedroom in the intern house. Discerning fans can spot the series on his bookcase. Although they play only a small role on this season of Greys Anatomy, it is a memorable one.

John chose well, Blank says of Beeguers work. The images were incredible, and we had more than enough material to create multiple versions of the graphic novel.

Emily Zemler is a freelance writer and journalist based in London. She regularly contributes to the Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, and Observer, and is the author of five books. Follow her on Twitter @emilyzemler.

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Explore the Props That Give 'Grey's Anatomy' Its Edge -

Can science explain why couples break up? The mathematical anatomy of a fall – The Conversation

French director Justine Triets Anatomy of a Fall, winner of the 2023 Oscar for best original script, reconstructs a fatal fall in order to dissect the collapse of the romantic relationship between the films leading couple, Sandra Voyter and Samuel Maleski.

Far from an exception, breakups of the sort depicted in the film are commonplace: global data shows high levels of marriage failure, with a marked increase towards the end of the last century.

In some Western countries, as many as 50% of marriages do not make it past 25 years, giving rise to the popular maxim half of all marriages end in divorce.

According to Triet, the strange thing is for a relationship to work. The majority are hellish, and the film aims to go deep into that hell.

Importantly, divorce statistics do not account for the number of relationships that are unhappy. Perhaps the majority are indeed hellish, but some marriages today are long-lasting, and seem stronger and more loving than any that came before. This dichotomy widespread failure or exceptional success seems to summarise the current state of marriage in the West. This has been dubbed the all or nothing marriage.

Scientific studies have established that romantic relationships tend to drop off, meaning that, on average, satisfaction levels reduce over time. Successful couples are able to arrest this fall, finding a satisfying level that can last indefinitely. Many others, however, gradually decline to the point where breaking up is only a matter of time.

Relationship psychology shows that love alone is not enough to keep a couple together it requires effort. Relationship scientist John Gottman likens this to the second law of thermodynamics, whereby a closed system such as a marriage degenerates unless energy is supplied. As he puts it, if you do nothing to make things get better in your marriage but do not do anything wrong, the marriage will still tend to get worse over time.

The all or nothing theory therefore suggests that successful relationships require a significant investment of time and energy. Couples who make this commitment will be rewarded with a high level of satisfaction, while those who fail to do so, like Samuel and Sandra in Triets film, are destined to fail.

But why do some couples manage to stop this fall and stay happy? Like Samuel and Sandra, all couples start out in love, and want to be happy together forever. If we assume that they are compatible and willing to make the effort together, they form what some call an Adam and Eve relationship the Biblical archetype of a harmonious, lasting union.

Using dynamic systems to analyse this relationship model confirms the all or nothing theory.

Dynamic systems are a mathematical tool for understanding the evolution of a variable over time. In the case of romantic relationships, we are interested in the feeling of love in a couple. Because effort is needed to sustain the relationship, it becomes a dynamic system controlled by effort: effort regulates feeling, with the objective of making the feeling last forever.

By applying this effort control theory, our research has found that a successful relationship requires effort beyond the partners preferred level, and that this effort gap is difficult to sustain over time.

As Sandra Voyter says in Triets film, there are times when a relationship is chaotic, others when you fight alone, sometimes alongside your partner, and sometimes against your partner.

Samuel and Sandras relationship has elements in common with any other couples relationship. The starting point is very high: feeling is at its peak, and there is a shared belief that it will never end. Both are willing to contribute to the happiness of the relationship by making their own individual efforts, and both know that some kind of shock or external event will eventually alter this state.

Generally speaking, couples with the same socioeconomic, cultural, or religious background known as homogamous couples are more stable. Many couples, however, are heterogamous, meaning they differ in one or more of these regards.

Heterogamy can extend beyond an individuals circumstances: on its most elemental level, it can boil down to a mismatch or imbalance in how efficient one member of a couple is in transforming effort into feeling or happiness. Such a disparity may lead to asymmetrical levels of effort being dedicated to making the relationship successful, which are already higher than those both members would prefer to make.

This is the case in Samuel and Sandras relationship: at one point in the film Samuel highlights this imbalance, and Sandra replies that she does not believe a couple should make equal efforts, saying she finds the idea depressing.

Our latest computational models for assessing the dynamics of imbalanced effort levels in couples allow us to simulate the evolution of happiness in a relationship, both in predictable environments and with varying levels of uncertainty. Our simulations suggest that Sandra is right: each partner does not have to make the same level of effort.

One of the films scenes where Sandra and Samuel reproach each other for the efforts made or not made to sustain the relationship displays typical negative couple dynamics, where each has a bone to pick. The film also implies that Samuel has made or is making more effort than Sandra in their relationship. Our analysis shows, perhaps surprisingly, that the more emotionally efficient partner has to make a greater effort to sustain the relationship. In the film, it appears that this is Samuel.

Our analysis also shows that when the couple is subjected to a stressful episode, both partners need to increase their effort levels if the relationship is to survive. However, the more efficient partners effort level has to increase more. In the film, Sandra and Samuels relationship is subjected to a tremendous misfortune, which has a prolonged and pronounced effect on its narrative arc. This is why Samuel feels much more stressed than Sandra.

Mathematics offers an outcome in line with the films plot: the continuous overexertion of the most emotionally efficient partner amplified by a prolonged period of crisis leads to the relationship falling apart. In the case of the film, this also leads to Samuels fall.

Original post:
Can science explain why couples break up? The mathematical anatomy of a fall - The Conversation

Grey’s Anatomy Still Hasn’t Topped One of Its Earliest Seasons – CBR

This article discusses topics about gun violence.

Grey's Anatomy is often categorized as one of the best medical dramas in TV history, mainly due to its three-dimensional characters and heart-wrenching storylines. The show has also welcomed a plethora of famous faces, including Sandra Oh, Patrick Dempsey, and Sarah Paulson, all of which add to the allure of this impactful show. Grey's has also managed to commission a number of successful spin-offs, such as Private Practice, Station 19, and Grey's Anatomy: B-Team, which strive to expand this gripping universe.

Now in its 20th season, many fans believe that the show was at its peak during the earlier seasons, more specifically, Season 2. This season saw the interns grow from strength to strength, helping to truly define and shape the MAGIC era. Plus, many fans state that nostalgia plays a big part in Grey's Anatomy's success and the earlier seasons help to transport them back to a much more memorable time in the franchise's lore.

Episode Title


"Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head"

18.98 million

"Enough is Enough"

17.57 million

"Make Me Lose Control"

18.12 million

"Deny, Deny, Deny"

18.28 million

"Bring the Pain"

18 million

"Into You Like a Train"

16.67 million

"Something to Talk About"

18.13 million

"Let It Be"

19.74 million

"Thanks for the Memories"

20.33 million

"Much too Much"

19.59 million

"Owner of a Lonely Heart"

20.59 million

"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer"

15.70 million

"Begin the Begin"

18.97 million

"Tell Me Sweet Little Lies"

21.04 million

"Break on Through"

18.44 million

"It's the End of the World"

37.88 million

"As We Know It"

25.42 million


24.36 million

"What Have I Done to Deserve This?"

24.76 million

"Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole"

22.51 million


21.13 million

"The Name of the Game"

22.35 million

"Blues for Sister Someone"

20.76 million

"Damage Case"

21.99 million

"17 Seconds"

22.60 million

"Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response"

22.50 million

"Losing My Religion"

22.50 million

Though Grey's Anatomy can easily brag about its ratings year-on-year, there's no denying that Season 2 was one of its most successful in terms of viewership. The season managed to accumulate an average of 21.07 million views, ensuring that the show could easily compete against its contemporaries such as Desperate Housewives and Boston Legal.

Not to mention, Season 2 saw a dramatic improvement in its storylines, especially when it came to the relationships between the characters. Whether it's Cristina and Meredith arguing over McDreamy or Mark and Addison's rocky relationship, these instances had viewers hooked from the very beginning. This success also allowed the cast and crew to win a number of prestigious awards, including the Golden Globe for Best Drama Series in 2006. As such, throughout Season 2, Grey's Anatomy managed to secure its position as a prime-time medical drama.

Grey's Anatomy is a deeply female show, placing strong women at the forefront of everything it does. Though modern fans may not see this as a large achievement, at the time that Season 2 was airing, the show was competing against the hit medical drama E.R. This show placed George Clooney in the spotlight and didn't offer his female counterparts the chance to lead the way. Therefore, it's evident that Shonda Rhimes was keen to take a risk, which ultimately paid off. Season 2 introduced us to a number of female leaders, including Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, and Addison Montgomery, all of whom were able to showcase their professional and personal prowess.

For example, in Season 2, Episode 3, "Deny, Deny, Deny," Cristina Yang is struggling to remain on bed rest since she is such a dedicated and driven worker. Yet, we also see a more vulnerable side of her, especially when she finally breaks down about her recent emergency abortion. This highlights the duality of female leaders, showcasing how characters like Cristina can tackle immense challenges but can also struggle with deeply human experiences such as grief and shock. These contradictions help fans view her as a much more complex character and empathize with her on a more nuanced level.

Another prime example of female strength is in Season 2, Episode 6, "Into You Like a Train". Despite feeling nervous about the future of her relationship with Derek, Meredith quickly puts these anxieties aside to help the victims of a horrific train crash. Meredith's actions symbolize her career-driven mindset and indicate that no matter how much she loves Derek, she will always put her job first. Thus, she comes across as a motivated and passionate woman, something that was not commonly seen on-screen during the mid-2000s. It also elucidates that although Seattle Grace is teeming with gossip, clumsy friendships, and sleazy sexual escapades, the staff truly care about their patients. Plus, Meredith's later rejection also exemplifies that women are sometimes forced to develop a secure work-life balance, even when it feels like their world is caving in.


Award Title



Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series

Grey's Anatomy


Outstanding Supporting Actress In a Drama Series

Katherine Heigl


Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup For A Series, Miniseries, Movie Or A Special

Grey's Anatomy


Outstanding Makeup For A Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic)

Grey's Anatomy


Outstanding Guest Actress In A Drama Series

Loretta Devine

Admittedly, Grey's Anatomy has been criticized in recent years for its convoluted storylines that are based more on hysteria, rather than actual medical cases. But in Grey's Anatomy Season 2, the writers managed to show off their medical knowledge in a range of hyper-realistic and emotive episodes. Throughout Season 2, Episode 16, "It's The End of The World," viewers are exposed to the harsh nature of gun violence, and these themes are only exacerbated when the team must remove the bullet before it explodes. Tensions are high during this episode, but it still manages to hit close to home because gun violence is a recurrent issue throughout the U.S., and cases like this occur in hospitals on a regular basis. Plus, this episode shows Miranda Bailey going into labor, tugging on the viewers' heartstrings once again as they witness a fan-favorite character welcome new life into the world.

Grey's Anatomy's use of extensive medical knowledge helps the show stand head and shoulders above the rest. This is mainly because the show does not have to rely on silly plot developments and can use practical solutions to solve real-life problems. For example, in Season 2, Episode 11, "Owner of a Lonely Heart," George uses leeches to restore the blood flow in a patient with a slow capillary flow. This may sound like an obscure method of treatment, but leeches have immense medical benefits, so seeing this in the hospital indicates just how intuitive the interns can be. In addition, the fact that the interns have somewhat easy access to these creatures highlights just how advanced Seattle Grace is and how it managed to be a thought leader in its respective field. As a result, these intricate examples show that Season 2 places a greater focus on realism, ensuring that it can reap the benefits of increased dramatic tension.

Top 5 Grey's Anatomy Episodes of All Time:

With a staggering 20 seasons under its belt and heaps of memorable moments, it's clear that fans will hold Grey's Anatomy in their hearts forever. Though the show has seen a slight dip in ratings over the course of time, it's now available on a collection of popular streaming sites, so avid viewers can tune in whenever they please.

Even when key characters such as Alex Karev and Stephanie Edwards decide to call it quits, the show manages to bring in a collection of new staff without having to erase previous cast members entirely. There have always been rumors regarding when the show will end, but until that time comes, it's safe to say that Grey's Anatomy will continue to revel in great levels of success.

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Grey's Anatomy Still Hasn't Topped One of Its Earliest Seasons - CBR

A Beloved Grey’s Anatomy Character Was Way More Problematic Than Fans Will Admit – CBR


In Greys Anatomy, Alex Karev was one of the original five interns who survived in the Seattle Grace Hospital for more than 15 years. He was shot, experienced a bomb going off in the OR, fell in love with a trauma patient, and saw many friends die, but lived through them all. Alex was introduced as the typical bad boy of the group who would go to any lengths to get his way. Before Mark Sloan became McSteamy, Alex Karev had a reputation for sleeping around and was generally the jerk that every woman hated. However, its safe to say that Alex Karev had one of the best character transformations in the series.

He went on from being the underdog to being interim chief and the best surgeon he could be. Alex didnt have an easy upbringing, and seeing him make something of himself was the best arc he could get. Unfortunately, no matter how good he go, Alex was problematic, and he remained that way despite the fans choosing to ignore his red flags.

Alex Karev got off on the wrong foot with almost everyone. He somehow thought it was okay to bully George because he was a softie and a more considerate gentleman than he was ever going to be. He used cheap tricks to get surgeries as an intern and started an incredibly toxic relationship with Izzie after being disrespectful and mean to her. Fortunately, the show impressively followed into the classic trope of turning the bad boy into a humble human being, but thats also not without its fair share of demerits.

The trope was not going to work for Alex fully because his problematic behavior was never really properly taken care of. It may have been suppressed for a while, but the tendency to go haywire was always there for Alex, and he mostly just needed a little push. Fans have been ignoring Alexs occasional meltdowns and mess-ups for years, and all for the sake of his character progressing comparatively better than he started.

Alex is a complicated character who rightfully belongs to the gray area. Hes not completely bad or good but struggles to keep up with his self-proclaimed righteousness and the occasional urge to punch the next guy. Hes a fascinating blend of arrogance and emotional vulnerability that made the audience fall for him in the first place. The viewers love an underdog, and Alex Karev played the perfect candidate who had the odds stacked against him. So, the fans naturally rooted for him to succeed and come out shining on the other side.

One of the major reasons why fans still choose to ignore Alexs red flags is because he represents hope for all those people who have been dealt a difficult hand. Being abandoned by his addict father at a young age and having to take care of his family wasnt exactly an ideal situation for a kid to nurture and grow. As he said one time, he was the kid and the father of the family. With his kind of background and childhood, its a more appealing sentiment and storyline to have him become someone better rather than end up as a failure.

Fans could have ignored a lot of what Alex did, but it's almost criminal to forgive him the way he treated women who were in a relationship with him. His and Izzies relationship may have been presented as a modern-day A Walk to Remember by the show, but there was nothing glorifying about their love. Alex and Izzie may have felt like their love was special, but they were definitely not meant to be together. Although Alex had been there for Izzie during her cancer treatment, the events leading up to their marriage were alarming from a relationship standpoint. He was mostly stressed and on edge throughout Izzies treatment, especially during and after the surgery. He said hurtful things to her and sometimes even blew things out of proportion.

Despite Izzie being a problematic character herself, she didnt deserve the way Alex used her as a punching bag. His reactions regarding the women he had a relationship with always had been severe. For instance, his whole meltdown regarding the DeLuca and Jo situation was absolutely uncalled for. Despite being a confident and successful person, Alex had still not recovered from his insecurities and jealousy. His jealousy played a major role in making his and Jos relationship quite unhealthy to the human eye, and beating DeLuca to a pulp was simply the cherry on top.

Although Alexs was a survivor and endured a terrible childhood, he was still too attached and emotional. He got overly attached to women like Izzie, Jo, and even Jane Doe, and then, because of his lack of communication skills, he ended up hurting them because he didnt know how to channel his feelings. Alex Karev was always the hot thing around the hospital, but he was never the healthiest. He had a pattern of falling too hard for women with traumatic pasts or present and then was unable to process the requirements and responsibilities of having a good relationship. Its not like he was a terrible partner because he was there whenever he was needed and was a guy to rely on in a tough situation.

However, his rage and violent tendencies didnt help his case at all, and they got worse with time. Instead of calming his demeanor down, the show went on to ignore his anger burst and even gave that arc a boost when he beat DeLuca and never even apologized for it when the former gave him a chance to. One of the worst things the show did to Alexs character was to make him more impulsive and stubborn as the seasons progressed. He rarely admitted his faults and was too proud to come out when his head was down for once.

While these qualities were necessary for a guy like him to survive in the world, they became so embedded in his personality that it was almost impossible for him to separate them. Fans werent too quick to admit that the Alex in latter seasons of the show was simply a more controlled version of what he was in the beginning. Despite coming a long way from how he was, his underlying problems and personality traits were never addressed in a way that would make him a good candidate for a redemption arc.

Almost the entire Greys Anatomy fandom can unanimously agree that Alex Karev had the worst exit in the show. The way he left the drama undid everything that the show might have done to redeem his character from the initial bad boy persona to a decent person who made it to the finish line as he dreamt. When Alex Karevs screen time was drastically reduced, the viewers were alarmed that the fan-favorite character might be leaving the show. They were right, but the show did not handle the characters exit well at all, which even enraged the fans at one point. Instead of having a tearjerker episode, Karev chose to walk off by sending four hand-written letters to the four most important people in his life.

Even with the actor not being on the screen, the prospect of Alex saying goodbye the way he did wouldnt have hurt that much. However, the whole storyline about him leaving Jo, his current wife, for his old flame, Izzie Stevens, was downright cruel. This one action cemented everything about his character being impulsive, unhealthy, and problematic, and no amount of handwritten letters could have redeemed that. Alex mentioned that he had left to stay with Izzie and their twins, whom they had via frozen embryos before Izzies surgery. All would have been forgiven if Alex Karev had gone out with guns blazing and a heartfelt goodbye that would have turned him into the hero that everyone wished him to be. However, the way his character was written off was not the treatment the character of that scale deserved.

Sure, there were many things wrong with Alex, but he was a fan-favorite character who stuck to the originality of what made the show tick in the first place. He may not have been a perfect boyfriend or a human, but he saved countless lives, and sometimes, he didnt even get the credit for it. Although Alex Karev could have been more than what he was, the fans will forever love him and have been more than eager to brush off his shortcomings.

A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.

Excerpt from:
A Beloved Grey's Anatomy Character Was Way More Problematic Than Fans Will Admit - CBR

How a Village Comes to Life in ‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ – The New York Times

In Anatomy of a Scene, we ask directors to reveal the secrets that go into making key scenes in their movies. See new episodes in the series on Fridays. You can also watch our collection of more than 150 videos on YouTube and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

In this sequence from Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, we see how a tribe functions in an idyllic village before threats emerge. The scene follows Noa (Owen Teague), Soona (Lydia Peckham) and Anaya (Travis Jeffery) as they return from the ritual of collecting an eagle egg that they will nurture.

Narrating the sequence, the director Wes Ball said, The goal was really just to set up a world that was wonderful, that was ultimately going to be forever changed.

The scene was shot on location in Australia with the principal actors in performance capture gear. Ball said that they shot the sequence twice, once with the actors, and then a second time without the performers. He said he chose the best performance to be digitally dropped into the scene. He also had other performers do their movements on a stage and put them in as background in the scene as well.

Its an interesting process where I can take all of these different little elements and layer them all together, he said.

Read the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes review.

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Excerpt from:
How a Village Comes to Life in 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' - The New York Times

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and ‘The Resident’ Dominate This Week’s Streaming Top 10 – Collider

The Nielsen numbers are in, and Netflix hit 3 Body Problem has been knocked out of its top spot, and not by usual favorite Bluey. Instead, two medical dramas took the lead, with adult animated comedies proving strong among viewers.

Nielsen releases the Top 10 most streamed shows each week, and this week's list includes Bob's Burgers, NCIS, Family Guy, and more. From Vikings in the Dark Ages to Australian puppies, this week's list has something for everyone.

Starring Angela Bassett (Black Panther), Peter Krause (Six Feet Under), Oliver Stark, Aisha Hinds, and Kenneth Choi (Spiderman: Homecoming), 9-1-1 follows the first responders who are on the scene the moment a tragedy occurs. Created by American Horror Story alums Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear, the series premiered in 2018, and its success has brought about other popular spin-offs, 9-1-1: Lone Star, starring Rob Lowe (Parks and Recreation). All episodes of 9-1-1 are available to stream on Hulu.

Explores the high-pressure experiences of the first responders who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking, and heart-stopping situations.


A cult classic adult animation series, Bob's Burgers tells the wacky adventures of the Belcher family, made up of father Bob (H. John Benjamin), mom Linda (John Roberts), and their three kids, Gene (Eugene Mirman), Tina (Dan Mintz), and Louise (Kristen Schaal). While the Belcher's life running a down-on-its-luck burger shop might seem mundane, there are no shortage of adventures for the family of five. Add in randomly whimsical musical numbers, and you'll be dying to order a burger at Bob's Burgers. All fourteen seasons of the series are available to watch on Hulu.

Bob Belcher runs a struggling burger shop with his wife and three children.


In Files Of The Unexplained, bizarre occurrences and strange phenomena are explored in each episode. With topics like ghosts, UFOs, and missing persons, Files of the Unexplained has first-hand accounts and interviews from people who have been attempting to figure out these mysteries for quite a long time. All eight episodes of Season 1 are available to stream on Netflix.


Historical drama Vikings follows Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel) as he navigates politics, family, and everday life in the Dark Ages. Created by Michael Hirst (The Tudors), the series co-stars Katheryn Winnick (Big Sky), Gustaf Skarsgrd (Oppenheimer), Alexander Ludwig (The Hunger Games), and Georgia Hirst. Upon its premiere in 2013, critics praised the show for its stunning cinematography as well as its intriguing storylines and dramatic acting. All six seasons of the show are available on Netflix.


No stranger to the Nielsen charts, drama NCIS follows a fictional group of special agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) as they investigate everything from murder to espionage. On the air for almost twenty years, fans can't get enough of the series, which has now had an impressive 467 episodes over its twenty-one season run. While the series has involved many talented actors over the years, its current stars include Sean Murray (Hocus Pocus), Wilmer Valderrama (That 70's Show), Katrina Law (Arrow), Rocky Carroll (Born on the Fourth of July), and Gary Cole (Office Space). With a franchise that involves NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, and a new spin-off on the way, you can watch Seasons 1-15 on Netflix, while all episodes are available on Paramount+.


The second adult animated series on this week's Nielsen list, Family Guy follows the Griffin family in their day-to-day lives in Rhode Island. The Griffins are made up of dad Peter (Seth MacFarlane), mom Louis (Alex Borstein), their kids Meg (Mila Kunis), Chris (Seth Green), and Stewie (MacFarlane), and their very human-like dog, Brian (MacFarlane). The series does a terrific job of not only creating hilarious episodes, but certain special episodes that are creative takes on classic stories like North By Northwest, Star Wars, The Shawshank Redemption, Snow White, Misery, and the stories of the Brother's Grimm. All twenty-two seasons of Family Guy are available now on Hulu.

In a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.


Last week's most streamed series, 3 Body Problem was adapted by Game of Thrones producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, based on the original source material by author Liu Cixin. Telling the story of present-day consequences of one woman's decision in the past, the drama is action-packed from start to finish. While the series differs in some ways from the novels by Cixin, the show has nonetheless been a hit for Netflix, keeping steady in the streamer's Top 10 list week after week. Starring Jovan Adepo (Fences), Liam Cunningham (Clash of the Titans), Eliza Gonzles (Baby Driver), Jess Wong and Benedict Wong (Doctor Strange), all eight episodes of Season 1 are available to watch on Netflix.

Watch on Netflix

The family-friendly animated series Bluey follows a puppy named Bluey and her family in their adventures together. The series teaches important life lessons along the way, like the power of imagination, the importance of responsibility, and what it means to take accountability for one's actions. Popular with parents and kids alike, Bluey is rumored to be ending for now, but you can watch all episodes of the series on Disney+.

The slice-of-life adventures of an Australian Blue Heeler Cattle Dog puppy as she has fun with her family and friends in everyday situations.


Medical drama Grey's Anatomy has been a fan favorite for almost twenty years since its premiere in 2005 on ABC. Telling the stories of the doctors at the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital, Grey's Anatomy is currently in its twenty-first season. The series currently stars longtime cast members Ellen Pompeo, Chandra Wilson, James Pickens Jr., Kevin McKidd, with other doctors including Kim Raver, Chris Carmak, and Harry Shum Jr.. With incredible acting and some gut-wrenching storylines, audiences come back year after year to find inspiration from the doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital. You can watch all episodes of Grey's Anatomy on Hulu.


Sitting in the number one spot is The Resident, the second medical procedural drama on this week's Nielsen list. The series follows doctors at the fictional Chastain Memorial Hospital as they deal with the hardships of working in such an intense professional. Starring Matt Czuchry (The Good Wife), Manish Dayal, and Bruce Greenwood (Star Trek), the series had six successful seasons. The popularity of the show is apparent in its continuing presence on the Nielsen list, as it aired its final episodes back in 2023. You can find all six seasons of The Resident on Hulu and Netflix.

A group of doctors at Chastain Memorial Hospital face personal and professional challenges on a daily basis.

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'Grey's Anatomy' and 'The Resident' Dominate This Week's Streaming Top 10 - Collider

10 Best Grey’s Anatomy Friendships, Ranked – CBR

The world of Grey's Anatomy has always been more about love, friendships than helping patients. Although the primary goal of every Grey's Anatomy character has always been to excel as a surgeon or maybe win a Harper Avery award for once, the real magic is definitely in the bonds. The famed medical drama has seen many characters come and go, but its friendships truly made the show memorable.

The viewers have been treated to all kinds of friendships, from the more obvious ones to pairings that no one saw coming. The beauty of Grey's Anatomy friendships lies in its characters being fully dedicated to the bond. They go to extreme lengths to prove they are the kind of friends one can rely on, even with their lives.

Addison Montgomery became the female iteration of what Mark Sloan was to Callie. Even though they did not meet in the ideal circumstances, the two quickly bonded over their mutual love for twisted humor. The two women did not need to have a sisterly bond where they could hug everything out. Like Cristina and Meredith, they only needed the reassurance of having someone when they wanted good advice or a reality check.

Callie and Addison made low-maintenance female friendships in the show stand out and proved that some connections don't need to be too pronounced. Addison helped Callie in some very tight spots, including helping her realize her sexuality while Callie held Addison when the latter's brother was hospitalized.

When the going gets tough, it's the friends that offer support that make all the difference. Richard Webber was one of those kind of people to Alex Karev even though he had talent but lacked the narrative and direction to put him where he should have been.

Richard taught him the skills needed to survive in the surgical world and mostly acted like the father figure Alex lacked in his life. The two shared a relationship that wasn't forced and felt like something they needed. Richard Webber was one of the few people that Alex wrote letters to and bid a proper goodbye, proving how important he was to him.

Although, at first, their relationship seemed more like that of a mentor and a student, it later blossomed into a deep friendship. Mark was the kind of support to Jackson that every intern or resident deserves. Mark was both a teacher and a friend to Jackson who knew when to be hard on him and when to appreciate him. Mark not only helped Jackson find his passion but also stood up for him against his mother for choosing plastics.

Their relationship sometimes is a bit of a father-son or brotherly connection, but in truth, they were the kind of support that helps one grow and nurture. Mark truly wanted nothing more than to see his star pupil excel, and he did. Jackson was particularly sad when Mark died, as he not only lost a great teacher but his greatest supporter as well.

The ortho and the plastics attending may have hooked up a few times, but there was never anything romantic between them. When Callie realized she was bisexual and wanted to be in a relationship with a woman, Mark supported her wholeheartedly, and their casual relationship turned into a deep bond of friendship. The duo never held their physical relationship against each other, even when Callie got pregnant with Sophia.

Mark was incredibly supportive and caring toward Callie's decisions and held her through thick and thin. It was extremely heartbreaking for Callie not to have Mark there to see Sophia grow up after she lost him in the plane crash. They were in each other's comfort zone and had zero expectations from each other to meet certain "standards," which made their friendship completely unconditional.

Alex Karev wasn't everyone's favorite surgeon, and people had their reasons. He was a playboy, had attitude problems, and simply did not give off a caring vibe. Although Arizona was skeptical about him, his dedication to being a pediatric surgeon turned her into a supporter. She not only became the mentor he needed but also became that person on whom he could rely.

She honed his skills and matured him into the person he needed to be if he wanted to make something of himself as a successful doctor. Alex wasn't a big fan of Arizona's happy-go-lucky attitude at first, but he understood her mission to save the tiny humans, and he just let her into his orbit. Arizona Robbins brought out the best in him and was the force behind turning him into a good surgeon.

Owen Hunt had this uncanny talent of seeing the good in others and always giving them second chances. He saw a lot of potential in April, even when she was kicked out of the program and failed her boards. He brought her back and transformed her into a great trauma surgeon who wasn't afraid to be ambitious. Hunt had a lot to do with April's personality shift and always felt that he had to look out for her.

Hunt wanted to bring out the best in his surgeons and train them to think outside the box. Fortunately, he did exactly that with Kepner, and along the way, she became his rock. From going to her farm to bring her back to asking her to be his best man at the wedding, Owen and April enjoyed the kind of friendship that everyone deserves to have.

It's safe to say that Richard Webber was every Grey's Anatomy character's father figure to those who had none in their lives. He was this silent mentor and like a "shepherd" who went about the hospital helping misguided sheep find their true calling. Miranda Bailey was exceptional, but she was also judged for her looks and gender when she was an intern. It was Richard who encouraged her to be who she was and continue to strive for the top position.

The most beautiful thing about their relationship was that they never pampered each other unnecessarily. They told each other the harsh truths that, otherwise, no one would have been able to say to their faces. There was a certain father-daughter element to their relationship that made the audience wish that the duo would always be there till the end.

Amelia and Maggie came together because of their mutual relationship with Meredith Grey, and despite the latter being sisters by blood, Amelia and Maggie developed a stronger bond. Both Maggie and Amelia had their differences, but their love for Meredith brought them closer, and they developed one of the best friendships on the show. The two women not only performed their roles of being sisters and aunts to perfection but also found a person to rely on in their times of need.

Amelia and Maggie confided in each other about their worries, shared happy moments, and stuck to each other through tragedy. They elevated the status of female friendships on Grey's Anatomy and somehow became the new Cristina and Meredith that fans have come to admire.

It's safe to say that Alex Karev became Meredith Grey's "person" after Cristina left to print hearts with Burke Preston. Alex and Meredith didn't immediately kick off, but in the corner of her heart, Meredith always tried to look out for him. She knew Alex was a loner, and his attitude didn't make it easy for others to like him. So, she felt an obligation to be his silent supporter in the beginning and helped him whenever he was in a difficult situation.

Although their friendship saw some tough moments, like Alex ratting Meredith out for ruining Derek's trial, the duo stayed strong, especially when Derek died and Cristina left. They were the last two original interns standing, and they ensured that both Alex and Meredith had each other's backs through thick and thin. They shared several traumas together, including not having a parent figure to look up to, which made them stronger as individuals and as friends.

Cristina and Meredith's friendship inspired the show's most popular analogy and concept: being someone's person. Cristina and Meredith were each other's "person" from the get-go. They had the most inspiring and healthiest female friendships on the show. The duo shared the same ambition of being the best, but most of all, they understood each other without asking too much from one another. The only time they did enter into a complete deadlock was when Cristina thought that Meredith had "let up" and that her goal was now divided between her and her children.

However, one of the best things about their friendship was how low-maintenance and fulfilling it was simultaneously. Meredith and Cristina never needed each other to be physically present at all times. They've always needed one person who would point out the obvious and isn't afraid to tell the truth. Seeing them part was one of the saddest moments in Grey's Anatomy.

A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.

Here is the original post:
10 Best Grey's Anatomy Friendships, Ranked - CBR

The Best Grey’s Anatomy Cliffhangers, Ranked – CBR

Grey's Anatomy's 20th season is already coming to a close, with the finale slated to air at the end of May. The showrunner and stars of the season recently raised the alarm for fans to brace themselves for the finale, as it's set to feature a cliffhanger. It's unclear what the episode has in store for fans, but Grey's Anatomy has a notable history of cliffhangers.

Grey's Anatomy has been around for nearly two decades, and it's still going strong. The show has a simple premise as it's a dramatic show set in a Seattle-based hospital that follows the lives and careers of surgeons. The show spotlights healthcare, including surgeries, complex surgical cases, medical research, and scientific breakthroughs. Hospitals can be chaotic environments, but Grey's kicks it up about a hundred notches, with just about every season ending with a disaster, whether it's a mass casualty event or significant losses for the main characters.

Episode Number

Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances



Dr. Addison Montgomery (Entrance)

Grey's Anatomy's first episode opens with the first branch on Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd's relationship timeline, as the first scene shows Meredith waking up and kicking a naked Derek out of the house following a one-night stand. Things went sideways during Meredith's first day of work as she discovered Derek's first day was at her hospital as the head of neurosurgery, making him her boss. For much of the season, their fling consists of secret rendezvous in the hospital's elevators and stairwells. But they grow closer throughout the season, starting a more serious relationship that Meredith expected to last.

Season 1 only lasted nine episodes, with the finale, "Who's Zoomin Who," marking the show's first major cliffhanger. The episode centers around secrets as Meredith hides her mother's Alzheimer's diagnosis from Derek, and Derek gets many secretive phone calls throughout the day. Although Meredith decides to tell Derek about her mom and most of the secrets throughout the episode unravel, Derek keeps his secret hidden.

But, as Meredith and Derek head out for the day, a gorgeous redheaded woman approaches them. She speaks to Derek briefly about the unanswered phone calls before addressing Meredith. She introduces herself as Addison Shepherd and drops the iconic bombshell, "And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband."

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Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances



Dr. Stephanie Edwards (Exit)

By the start of Season 13, Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital earned several transformations, going from Seattle Grace to Seattle Grace Mercy West and eventually Grey-Sloan Memorial. The hospital was no stranger to disasters at this point, but it's not very often that a Code Orange gets called. In Grey's Anatomy, the Chief of Surgery calls a Code Orange when a staff member is in danger. One of the few times the code appears in the show happens in Season 13 after the doctors treat two people involved in a car accident. They wrongfully assumed the pair to be dating, considering their clothes were partially removed, but unfortunately, the female was a victim of an attempted sexual assault.

The doctors didn't know this, as the male was the only one conscious during most of the situation. As such, he wasn't deemed a threat, so Dr. Stephanie Edwards took over his care. While they were in the hallway, the other doctors figured out the situation. The information didn't reach Steph until the patient held a scalpel to her side, forcing her to take him somewhere he could escape. She obeyed, taking him into an empty hallway, where they got trapped by the lockdown and weren't alone as a little girl got trapped in the hallway with them.

The man then got the brilliant idea to start a fire to override the lockdown, and Steph jumped on the opportunity to spray him with a highly flammable alcohol solution, setting him on fire. She runs toward the little girl to get her to safety, watching as the man runs around in flames before realizing he landed right next to several oxygen tanks. The final moments of the episode show Stephanie running toward the fire to eliminate the threat. As soon as she enters the room, the tanks explode, sending her flying backward. The last scene shows Meredith Grey walking toward the hospital as a fireball bursts out of the upper story, leaving Stephanie's fate unknown.

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Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances


02x26 & 02x27

Denny Duquette (Death)

Denny Duquette's introduction in Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy created a new love interest for Izzie Stevens, making it her most problematic but arguably her most iconic relationship in the show. He was a viral cardiomyopathy patient waiting for a new heart at Seattle Grace under the care of Dr. Burke, Dr. Bailey, and Dr. Stevens. Despite Denny being her patient, Izzie falls for his charm, and he eventually asks her to marry him.

Given his state at the beginning of his run, fans knew deep down that Denny wouldn't last long in the show. But the setup for his death was wild, tense, and heartbreaking. The sequence started when a heart became available for Denny. Unfortunately, as Dr. Burke showed up to collect the organ, another surgeon had the same idea, and the situation became a battle with UNOS over whom the heart belonged to. Izzie, desperate for her fianc to get the heart, crossed the line by lying to Dr. Burke, claiming Denny's condition was deteriorating to get him bumped to 1A status, which would guarantee he got the heart.

The end of the episode features Izzie cutting Denny's LVAD wire to ensure that tests would corroborate her story. She cut the wire, manually pumped Denny's heart, and insisted that Burke would return soon to help. The episode ends with gunshots echoing through the ER and the doctors rushing out to see Burke lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, effectively leaving Izzie and Denny helpless.

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Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances



Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres (Birth)

One of the pivotal parts of Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins' relationship was Arizona's stint working in Africa. When Arizona left for the job, she and Callie broke up, and Callie got pregnant following an affair with her best friend, Mark Sloan. Shortly after Callie found out she was pregnant, Arizona returned to Seattle, and despite some bumps, they got back together and formed a parenting unit along with Mark.

A mid-Season 7 episode shows them excited about the pregnancy as they throw a baby shower. Then, the couple heads out for a pre-baby vacation in the episode's final moments. Arizona drives them there, and even though they get into a brief spat, she asks Callie to marry her. Unfortunately, right after she pops the question, Callie looks ahead, they gasp, and they presumably wreck their car as soon as the end screen appears. Devoted fans of the show know exactly what happens next, as the follow-up episode, "Song Beneath the Song," picks up with Arizona pushing her airbag away to discover Callie lying on the hood of the car, sticking through the broken windshield following their vehicle rear-ending a truck at high speeds.

Episode Number

Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances


09x24 & 10x01

Dr. Heather Brooks (Death) & Derek Bailey Shepherd (Birth)

The Grey's Anatomy Season 9 finale got split into two, like many Grey's episodes, but it also featured two notable cliffhangers. The main event in the finale was a superstorm heading toward Seattle, with the doctors bracing for the severe weather and the chaos following a natural disaster. The first episode is dramatic as they prepare for the storm, and Meredith and Derek deal with an incident involving Alex's infamous anger. The episode ends with Meredith calmly announcing that her water broke.

Of course, the revelation led to the next episode featuring her first time going into labor, and it didn't go smoothly. She couldn't push naturally, as the baby wasn't in the right position, and then the power went out. She and Derek had a healthy baby boy, and Meredith instructed her husband to stay with the baby before she started having more complications, which required more surgery in the dark. The real cliffhanger unfolds after MerDer introduces their daughter, Zola, to her new baby brother, Bailey. As Meredith's end-of-episode voiceover begins, the camera shows Dr. Webber lying motionless on the wet floor next to the sparking circuit box, his lab coat still smoking from the electrocution.

Episode Number

Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances


05x23 & 06x01

Dr. George O'Malley (Death)

Season 5 of Grey's Anatomy was chaotic for the original MAGIC group, as Izzie Stevens gets diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, by the time she caught the cancer, it metastasized to other organs, like her brain, which made her chances of survival very slim. The finale shows Izzie's condition at a pivotal point, as the group had to take the days one at a time. But the episode also features George at a crossroads in his life, as he decides to leave Seattle Grace and join the U.S. Army as a trauma surgeon. The episode features the glorious reaction to this decision by Dr. Miranda Bailey, who reacts as he expected, and that's all fans see from George as he presumably operates with Dr. Webber for the day. His friends attend to a John Doe who got badly disfigured after saving a woman from getting hit by a bus.

The most difficult parts of the episode happen back-to-back, as John Doe writes the number "007" in Meredith's hand, calling back to his "licensed to kill" label given by his peers. As Meredith yells, "It's George," to everyone who cares about him, Izzie starts coding. As one group rushes George into surgery, the others try to resuscitate Izzie. While both slip away, Izzie appears in her Season 2 prom dress, entering the elevator as she did when Denny died. When the elevator doors open, she sees George standing in front of her in his military uniform. While the best friends stare at each other, the attention shifts to Izzie's body as Dr. Webber shocks her one more time during Meredith's voiceover before the screen goes black.

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Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances


11x21, 11x22, 11x23

Dr. Derek Shepherd (Death) & Ellis Shepherd (Birth)

The Season 11 episode, "One Flight Down," put Ellen Pompeo's character, Meredith, through the wringer nonstop. Her first scene in the show featured her standing on the hospital's bridge, trying to call Derek after a rough patch in their marriage, including lackluster or nonexistent communication for weeks. Shortly after she finishes the voicemail, a group of interns informs her about a nearby plane crash. As she enters the ER, she experiences post-traumatic stress flashbacks of the Season 8 plane crash, and although she and Arizona hide in a storage closet, both women go to work and do what they can.

Meredith has many flashbacks to the plane crash and happier flashbacks of her and Derek. While her trauma has a severe impact on her day, a lot of her anxiety stems from not knowing Derek's whereabouts. She mentions to Callie that Derek missed his meeting that morning, and she hadn't heard from him. One of the things getting her through the day was a deal she made with herself, basically allowing herself to worry if he didn't contact her by five.

The final scene shows Meredith sitting at home, staring at the clock, watching as the two final minutes tick by. As her voiceover speaks about reacting to a worst-case scenario, Meredith stands to grab the phone. Her dialing gets interrupted as a police car approaches the house, red and blue lights flashing against her solemn face in the window. As the next episode proves, Meredith's worst-case scenario was becoming a widow.

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Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances



Dylan "Bomb Squad Guy" Young (Death)

Fans of Grey's Anatomy know the significance of the words "Code Black." Across the show's 20 seasons, a Code Black was only called once and was one of the first major disasters featured. The Season 2 episode, "It's the End of the World," had an interesting start as Meredith's voiceover spoke about death and the eerie feelings one could get beforehand. Meredith doesn't want to get out of bed that day, feeling like she'll die. When the group heads to work, Alex, Cristina, and Meredith attend to an incoming trauma while George and Izzie attend to a laboring Dr. Bailey. As soon as the ambulance doors open, it's chaos as a screaming woman climbs out, and the doctors discover a paramedic's hand inside the patient's gaping chest wound.

Everything plays out as normal, with the group attending to their patients until Alex gets crucial information about the chest wound patient. He runs to the OR, informs Burke of the situation, and the cardio attending calmly utters the words "bomb squad" and "Code Black." The patient didn't just get shot in the chest; he got shot in the chest with a bazooka, leaving live, unexploded ammunition in an OR.

The first episode in the two-parter ends with the paramedic pulling her hand out and running while everyone in the OR hits the deck. But Meredith remains standing at the patient's side, with her hand now keeping the bomb in place. The final episode in the bomb saga, "As We Know It," picks up immediately after Meredith gets put in direct mortal danger. But everything plays out within the episode. The final shock comes when the bomb blows up, and Meredith flies back because of the blast. Luckily, there wasn't a second cliffhanger, and the end of the episode is quite peaceful, with only the bomb squad guy dying in the blast.

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Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances


06x22 & 06x24

Dr. Charles Percy (Death) & Dr. Reed Adamson (Death)

The penultimate episode in Grey's Anatomy Season 6 started with a Meredith voiceover discussing how she was raised in the hospital and how it was her sanctuary. She says she loves the place, but when the camera shows Meredith walking past a specific man, she says "Correction: loved it here." The man's name is Gary Clark, and he was a notable character throughout the season as his wife didn't make it through post-op. Gary blamed Derek for killing her as he deemed her brain-dead and had to respect the wishes of her advanced directive, which prohibited life support. "Sanctuary" shows Gary looking for Derek through the busy hospital. It eventually leads him to a supply closet, where he encounters Dr. Reed Adamson, who doesn't give him the answers he wants. As soon as she tells him she's a surgeon, he shoots her in the head, shooting Alex in the side shortly after. It doesn't take long for the hospital to go under lockdown.

The action doesn't waver in the next scenes, as Gary shoots surgeons, security guards, and even nurses on his trek to Derek's office. The main characters attend to various patients, including Alex and Dr. Charles Percy, who both got shot. Cristina and Meredith walk through the hallway, stopping when they see Gary holding Derek at gunpoint. The men talk, and even though Gary appears to hesitate, he shoots Derek in the chest. Cristina holds Meredith back as she screams as Derek falls to the ground. Meredith's voiceover repeats as the camera focuses on Derek's face. The final scene of the episode features Derek closing his eyes. Luckily, the next episode has a calmer ending as Gary Clark's rampage ends, but it's one of the most suspenseful season finales in TV history.

Episode Number

Notable Episodes

Notable Deaths/Exits/Entrances


08x24 & 09x01

Dr. Lexie Grey (Death) & Dr. Mark Sloan (Death)

Grey's Anatomy fans can likely agree that the Season 8 finale episode is the most difficult to sit through. The penultimate episode, "Migration," mainly focuses on the residents as they make decisions about their future. But the episode's ending shows Meredith, Derek, Cristina, Mark, Lexie, and Arizona on a plane heading to Boise to assist in a conjoined twins separation surgery.

The last scene shows birds taking off from treetops, with the sun shining through branches. But then it shows pieces of the airplane scattered across the ground, the aircraft having split in the middle. The camera swaps to a close-up of Meredith's face with her eyes closed as her voiceover says, "There's always next year." Fans know what happens next, as "Flight" features the surgeons fighting for survival in the wilderness, with only five of the seven surviving through Season 9.

A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.

Read the original post:
The Best Grey's Anatomy Cliffhangers, Ranked - CBR