Category Archives: Biochemistry

Biochemistry Analyser Market to Reach a Valuation of US$ 4,625.3 … – MilTech

The clinical use of biochemistry analyzers in measurement solutions such as latex agglutination, ion-selective potentiometry, and colorimetric & photometric testing. In addition to this, accuracy of biochemistry analyzers in analyzing blood and urine samples has benefited pathology labs and diagnostic centers across the globe. Persistence Market Research predicts that the global demand for biochemistry analyzers will continue to soar on the grounds of such factors. A recent report published by Persistence Market Research projects that by the end of 2024, the global market for biochemistry analyzers will reach US$ 4,625.3 Mn in terms of value.

Key findings in the report cite that the use of chemistry analyzers spans from high-throughput clinical labs to point-of-care clinics, and its use for testing enzymes, electrolytes and proteins is gaining traction. The report current values the global biochemistry analyzer market at a little over US$ 3,000 Mn. During the forecast period, revenues generated through global sales of biochemistry analyzers are, thus, expected to soar at a steady CAGR of 5.5%.

Key Research Insights from the Report include:

Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Siemens AG, Beckman Coulter Inc., Abbott Diagnostics Inc., Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd., Hologic, Inc., Randox Laboratories, Ltd., Awareness Technology, Inc., Transasia Biomedicals Ltd., and Nova Biomedical Corp. are profiled in the report as key players of global biochemistry analyzer market.

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The report further reveals that fully-automated biochemistry analyzers will remain in great demand in the years to come. In 2017 and beyond, more than 85% of global biochemistry analyzer revenues will be accounted by sales of fully-automated biochemistry analyzers. Moreover, clinical diagnostics will also remain the largest application of biochemistry analyzers throughout the forecast period. Revenues accounted by global sales of biochemistry analyzers in clinical diagnostics are anticipated to register speedy growth at 5.7% CAGR. The report further identifies diagnostic centers as largest end-users of biochemistry analyzers in the world. On the other hand, rising number of point-of-care diagnostic labs instated in hospitals will render a key end-user of biochemistry analyzers. Together, hospitals and diagnostics centers will be responsible for procure over two-third of global biochemistry analyzers revenues through 2024.

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The use of biochemistry analyzers in drug development applications is also expected to gain traction in the future. Based on modality, the report forecasts that in 2016, more than 70% of the market value was accounted by bench-top biochemistry analyzers. However, towards the end of the forecast period, the demand for bench-top modality will incur a marginal decline, while floor standing biochemistry analyzers will bring in over US$ 1,200 Mn revenues.

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Biochemistry Analyser Market to Reach a Valuation of US$ 4,625.3 ... - MilTech

UNCW receives largest ever donation, gift will support … – Port City Daily is your source for free news and information in the Wilmington area.

WILMINGTON The University of North Carolina Wilmington received a multi-million dollar gift today.

Quality Chemical Laboratories pledged a $5 million gift, to be donated over the next five years. The donation is the largest corporate philanthropic gift in the Universitys history. Quality Chemical Laboratories founder, Dr. Yousry Sayed is a longtime UNCW faculty member in the chemistry department. His wife, Linda Sayed, is a graduate of the University.

UNCW Chancellor Jose Sartarelli said the announcement was some time in the making.

We have been working on this for about a year, Sartarelli said. I have become involved more recently. Aswani Volety, our Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was very involved. This was a confluence of good things and good timing.

The Sayeds donation to UNCW will support new programs aimed at advancing study in pharmaceutical and chemistry. According to the administration hopes the gift will help the University further develop recent advances in chemistry, biochemistry, biology and marine biology. Over the coming years, the gift will provide funding for establishing distinguished professorships and research, and may also help support scholarships, faculty research and travel grants.

Sartarelli said the programs will help the school meet the current needs of the state and the growing health care market.

The programs will be under the department of chemistry and biochemistry. Were starting with a Masters program, and we hope to develop a Ph.D. program as well. The goal, of course, is to help connect our students with the growing field of health sciences, with clinical research organizations and testing.

Quality Chemical Laboratories employs many UNCW graduates from the chemisty and biochemistry programs, according to Sartarelli. He hopes the Sayeds gift will help prepare future graduates for similar jobs across the state.

In a press release, Dr. Sayed said he and his wife were happy to be able to give back to their University.

It is an honor to be able to make this small contribution to this great university we love and appreciate, and to invest in the future of this important area of study and the students we serve, said Sayed. My wife and I have been a part of the Seahawk family and have grown together with UNCW for decades, and to know we are contributing to the universitys mission and outcomes in some small way is very rewarding for us.

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UNCW receives largest ever donation, gift will support ... - Port City Daily

UC San Diego Receives $7.5 Million to Develop Innovative Uses for Melanin – Scripps Oceanography News

A team of scientists from the University of California San Diego and two other universities has received a five year, $7.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to unravel the fundamental properties of melanins, a family of natural pigments found in skin, hair, eyes and even the plumage of brightly colored birds.

The basic research effort, which will be conducted in part by Scripps Institution of Oceanography marine biologist Dimitri Deheyn, will focus on elucidating the biochemical pathways that lead to the production of melanins in a range of organismscompounds that efficiently absorb ultraviolet light and protect skin cells in humansand gain a better understanding of the chemistry and morphology of melanin polymers at the molecular scale, nanoscale, micrometer and at the macroscale.

The project is being funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, under the Defense Departments Multidisciplinary Research Initiative, or MURI program, with the goal of using these natural pigments to develop new kinds of advanced materials.

Melanin is a ubiquitous natural material that has so far been underutilized in materials science and technological applications, said Nathan Gianneschi, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry, materials science and engineering and nanoengineering at UC San Diego, who heads the research team. But this polymer has a unique blend of properties, including strong ultraviolet and gamma radiation absorbance, a high refractive index, material toughness, high conductivity, magnetism and a high metal-binding capacity.

By unraveling the basic biology, chemistry and structural properties of melanins at multiple length scales, the team plans over the next three years to provide the foundation for the development of melanin-based synthetic materials for a wide range of applications.

We hope this basic research effort will eventually lead to the establishment of new methods of assembly to create functional arrays and structures that can be integrated into materials, providing them with unprecedented new optical, infrared, magnetic and biochemical properties, said Gianneschi.

Other melanin-based materials, the researchers added, could include new kinds of adaptive camouflage or detection systems, protective coatings that make structures resistant to ultraviolet and gamma radiation, and bioremediation devices that employ the ability of melanins to bind heavy metals.

Other members of the research team from UC San Diego are Michael Burkart, professor of chemistry and biochemistry and Jeffrey Rinehart, an assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry. Ali Dhinojwala from the University of Akron and Arthi Jayaraman from the University of Delaware round out the multidisciplinary team.

The research team will collaborate with Wendy Goodson from the Air Force Research Laboratory and Matthew Shawkey, an associate professor of biology at the University of Ghent in Belgium, who were awarded an additional $1.25 million from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for a cooperative research project.

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UC San Diego Receives $7.5 Million to Develop Innovative Uses for Melanin - Scripps Oceanography News

Sarah Ades named 2017 Penn State Teaching Fellow – Penn State News

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. Sarah Ades, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State, has been named a 2017 Penn State Teaching Fellow, the Penn State Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award was established by the Alumni Association, in conjunction with the undergraduate and graduate student governing bodies, in 1988 to honor distinguished teaching and to encourage teaching excellence.

Ades was recognized for her unique inquiry-based approach to teaching. She restructured her classes to reflect a scientific community where students work collaboratively and share results to address scientific problems.

Science is best learned by engaging in the scientific process, whether that is analyzing problems in the classroom or designing experiments in the lab, said Ades. My role as a teacher is similar to that of a coach. I guide students in learning new skills and concepts, design materials to help them practice these skills, and challenge them to apply these skills to new situations.

Research in the Ades laboratory focuses on understanding how information about changes in the environment, such as the presence of antibiotics, is transmitted from the outer cell compartment of a bacterial cell to components within the cell so that the bacteria can respond to these changes. She has developed methods to identify small molecules that can interrupt the cellular-signaling pathways that transmit this information. These molecules will be important compounds for the development of new kinds of antibiotics and can be used as tools for basic research.

In 2015, Ades was awarded the C.I. Noll Award for Excellence in Teaching by the Eberly College of Science Alumni Society for her collaboration with Kenneth Keiler, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State. They transformed two undergraduate courses that encourage students to ask scientific questions and to design and perform experiments to answer these questions. A paper about this transformation was published in the journal PLoS Biology in 2017.

In 2013, Ades was a winner of the GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK) Discovery Fast Track Challenge, a competition designed to accelerate the translation of academic research into novel medical therapies. Her research has been published in journals such as Molecular Microbiology, the Journal of Bacteriology, and PLoS One.

Ades earned a doctoral degree in biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1995 and a bachelor's degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University in 1988. Prior to joining the Penn State faculty in June of 2002, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California at San Francisco from 1997 to 2002 and at the Institut de Biologie Molecularie et Cellulaire in Strasbourg, France, from 1995 to 1997.

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Sarah Ades named 2017 Penn State Teaching Fellow - Penn State News

BRIEF-Beijing Leadman Biochemistry to pay cash div 0.1 yuan per 10 shares for FY 2016 – Reuters

UPDATE 1-U.S. top court grapples over making copycat biologics available sooner

WASHINGTON, April 26 U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday struggled over whether to speed up the time it takes to bring to the market copycat versions of biologic drugs, expensive medicines that can generate billions of dollars in sales for drug makers.

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BRIEF-Beijing Leadman Biochemistry to pay cash div 0.1 yuan per 10 shares for FY 2016 - Reuters

Fighting Infectious Diseases Using 3D Weapons – Technology Networks

UTSW researchers helped solve this structure showing how two Ebola proteins interact, VP35 (black) and NP (rainbow). Credit: UT Southwestern Medical Center

After a decade of work, the Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases (CSGID) a consortium of 10 scientific institutions in the U.S., Europe, and Canada announced that it has determined the 3-D atomic structures of more than 1,000 proteins.

Determining these structures is an important step in identifying and understanding where a pathogen might be vulnerable to assault by drugs or vaccines. Such vulnerabilities are frequently found at the points where molecules bind to one another, said Dr. Zbyszek Otwinowski, Professor of Biophysics and Biochemistry, who leads the UT Southwestern group participating in the project. Dr. Dominika Borek, Assistant Professor of Biophysics and Biochemistry, who works in Dr. Otwinowskis laboratory, contributed crucial expertise for the successful completion of these studies.

To make a 3-D structure, a protein must be cloned, expressed, and crystallized, and then X-ray diffraction data are collected at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. These data define the location of each of the hundreds or even thousands of atoms to generate 3-D models of the structures that can be analyzed with graphics software. Each institution in the Center has an area of expertise it contributes to the project, working in parallel on many requests at once.

The UT Southwestern team manages the salvage pathway, meaning scientists design custom methods for determining structures of molecules that resist standard approaches and for which the high potential for drug or vaccine development justifies applying advanced efforts.

Structures solved with help from the UT Southwestern team include proteins involved in the replication of the Ebola virus a pathogen notorious for its ability to evade the bodys immune system. Their X-ray crystallography work formed the basis for preclinical studies currently underway in university and industry laboratories.

When other scientists run into trouble determining crystal structures, Drs. Otwinowski and Borek are among the top people in the world who can develop these advanced approaches because they understand the theory so deeply and they have created such powerful methods to deal with difficult problems, said Dr. Michael Rosen, Chair of Biophysics at UT Southwestern and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. Dr. Rosen has secondary appointments as a Professor of Biochemistry and in the Cecil H. and Ida Green Comprehensive Center for Molecular, Computational, and Systems Biology. Dr. Rosen also holds the Mar Nell and F. Andrew Bell Distinguished Chair in Biochemistry.

UT Southwesterns contribution to the Ebola project began when a scientist at the Washington University School of Medicine requested the consortiums help in structural studies of the Ebola protein VP35. UTSW researchers conducted detailed structural studies of a VP35 protein fragment that interacts with the Ebola nuclear protein (NP) to form a complex that protects Ebolas genetic material from digestion by the hosts enzymes.

The structure revealing the interactions between the VP35 fragment and the NP protein provided the first glimpse into the protein complexs role in viral replication. That work, part of a multicenter study to better understand the complexs function, was reported as a Cell Reports cover story in 2015.

This 3-D structure is among the 1,000 now deposited by the consortium into the World-Wide Protein Data Bank, an archive supported by the National Institutes of Health that is freely available to the scientific community. The CSGIDs breakthrough research is funded by two five-year contracts from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, with a total budget of $57.7 million.

This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided by UT Southwestern Medical Center. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

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Fighting Infectious Diseases Using 3D Weapons - Technology Networks

Chesley lecture looks at Antibiotic Resistance: What is it, where does it come from and what can we do about it? – Carleton College News

Dr. Gerry Wright, Director of the renowned Michael G. DeGroot Institute for Infectious Disease Research at McMaster University in Ontario, will present Antibiotic Resistance: What is it, where does it come from and what can we do about it? on Thursday, April 27 at 7 p.m. in the Boliou Hall Auditorium at Carleton College.

Wright is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, and an associate member in the Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University. Founded in 2007, the DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research (IIDR) is a world-leading center for transdisciplinary infectious disease research, focused on life-altering work in the fields of virology, immunology, bacterial pathogenesis, and population biology and epidemiology. More at

Dr. Wright received his BSc in Biochemistry (1986) and his PhD in Chemistry (1990) from the University of Waterloo working in the area of antifungal drugs, later completing postdoctoral research at Harvard Medical School where he worked on the molecular mechanism of resistance to the antibiotic vancomycin in enterococci. He joined the Department of Biochemistry at McMaster in 1993.

Wright was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2012) and a fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (2013). He is the recipient of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Scientist (2000-2005), Medical Research Council of Canada Scholar (1995-2000), Killam Research Fellowship (2011-1012), R.G.E. Murray Award for Career Achievement of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (2013), NRC Research Press Senior Investigator Award from the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (2016), Premiers Research Excellence (1999) and the Polanyi Prize (1993). In 2016 he was named a McMaster Distinguished University Professor.

Wright has served on grant panel advisory boards and chaired grant panels for a number of funding agencies in Canada, the US, and Europe and consults widely for the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors.

He is the author of over 240 manuscripts and is a member of the editorial boards of several peer-reviewed journals including mBio, Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Cell Chemistry and Biology and the Journal of Antibiotics. He is an Associated Editor of ACS Infectious Diseases and Editor of Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Antimicrobial Therapeutics Reviews.More at

This event is sponsored by the Carleton College Department of Chemistry, with support from The Frank G. and Jean M. Chesley Lectureship Fund. For more information, including disability accommodations, call (507) 222-5769. Boliou Hall is accessible via Highway 19 in Northfield.

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Chesley lecture looks at Antibiotic Resistance: What is it, where does it come from and what can we do about it? - Carleton College News

Molecular genetics and biosystems design research improves water-use efficiency of plants – Nevada Today

Some of the most water-efficient plants do an unexpected thing at night. They take up carbon dioxide at night instead of during the warmer daytime, which improves efficiency of water use and adaption to semi-arid and arid climates.

John Cushman is one of the world's leading researchers on the molecular genetics of this specialized type of photosynthesis, which is known as crassulacean acid metabolism or CAM photosynthesis. His research and plant molecular-genetics program at the University of Nevada, Reno are nationally and internationally recognized, and have made important contributions to understanding and developing more water-efficient plants. In recognition of this, the foundation professor of biochemistry and molecular biology within the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources will receive the 2017 Nevada Regents' Researcher Award.

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"CAM used to be thought of as a curiosity: a weird, esoteric thing that a few desert plants do," Cushman said. "It was a biological curiosity, but wouldn't you want to have this biological application apply to more plants to improve water-use efficiency?

"There was no inkling early on that this would have the impact it is having. Now, people are realizing the importance of this," he said.

After completing his master's and doctoral degrees in microbiology at Rutgers University, Cushman was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship in plant biology by the National Science Foundation. Through that fellowship, 30 years ago he began working at the University of Arizona, Tucson on what would become the focus of his career - plant stress and CAM plants such as agave and cactus.

Cushman has served as principal or co-principal investigator on research projects totaling more than $28 million in grant funding, has published more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and non-peer reviewed book chapters and lay publications. He currently serves as principal investigator on a multi-institutional, $14.3 million grant-funded project supported by the U.S. Department of Energy to explore the genetic mechanisms of CAM. The five-year project, now in its final year, is innovating understanding of drought tolerance in desert-adapted plants and application of this knowledge to biofuel crops. The project includes a $7.6 million grant award to the University of Nevada, Reno, with sub-awards to researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of Newcastle, and the University of Liverpool.

Through this and other grant-supported projects, the Cushman laboratory team is sequencing the genomes of several CAM plants and applying genome-editing technology to further improve their water-use efficiency. In one discovery through the DOE project, the leaf anatomy of the plant was changed, which increased its drought and salt tolerance.

In their nomination of Cushman for the award, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chair Claus Tittiger and Professor Gary Blomquist note the increasing relevance of Cushman's research program for sustainable agriculture and water use, especially in the face of global climate change.

"Currently, approximately 40 percent of the world's land area is considered arid, semi-arid or dry sub-humid, with precipitation amounts that are inadequate for most conventional agriculturally important C3 or C4 (photosynthesis) crops," they wrote. "Prolonged drought and over-reliance on groundwater for crop irrigation has led to the depletion of aquifers in the US and across the globe. The development of more drought tolerant or water-use efficient crops should positively impact the future of agriculture in the state while promoting the wise use of limited water resources in Nevada and in arid states throughout the western U.S."

For the past dozen years, Cushman has served as director of the University's biochemistry graduate program, which is an interdisciplinary collaboration in the Molecular Biosciences among the Cell and Molecular Biology Program and the Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology Program within the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, the College of Science and the School of Medicine. The directorship exemplifies two aspects of higher education that Cushman values: the overlap between research and education and the increasing importance of multidisciplinary collaboration.

Cushman has witnessed and appreciates the evolution of research from single-investigator programs to larger, comprehensive programs.

"Large genome sequencing and bioinformatics projects need large teams," he said. "The technology is such that you can't be an expert in all of the research methodologies involved. We need and rely upon good collaborators."

As for his commitment to education and students, Tittiger and Blomquist wrote, "Dr. Cushman has made significant contributions to graduate education. He has not only mentored an impressive number of doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars over his career, many of whom have gone on to realize successful careers as independent scientists, but also he has been integral to maintaining the high quality of the biochemistry graduate program throughout his tenure as Graduate Program Director."

Cushman remains excited about the future and sees the field of synthetic biology as the next frontier. He also is enthusiastic about contributing to the University's expanding research and teaching presence in dryland, sustainable agriculture.

"With Nevada being the driest state, we'd like to become known for our growing expertise," Cushman said.

The Nevada Regents' Research Award is presented annually to one faculty member across the institutions of the Nevada System of Higher Education. An NSHE selection committee reviews nominations from the institutions and recommends an honoree to the Nevada Board of Regents' Academic and Student Affairs Committee for approval. The recipient receives an award amount of $5,000.

So, what does this honor mean to Cushman? Always humble, he said, "The more we can show we are having impact, the better for our students, college, University, state, country and science."

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Molecular genetics and biosystems design research improves water-use efficiency of plants - Nevada Today

Seattle’s March for Science draws thousands on Earth Day including a Nobel Prize winner – Seattle Times

Damn right Im in this march, said Eddy Fischer, 97, professor emeritus of biochemistry at the University of Washington and Nobel Prize co-winner in 1992 for physiology or medicine. He was among thousands gathered at Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill.

A crowd of several thousand gathered Saturday at Cal Anderson Park on Seattles Capitol Hill for the March for Science to Seattle Center. It is part of similar marches being held around the world, with scientists, students and research advocates and ordinary citizens conveying an Earth Day global message of scientific freedom without political interference.

Participants holding signs such as Make America smart again and Climate change is real began arriving around 9 a.m.

Anticipation of Seattles march attracted a social-media following second only to the main event in Washington, D.C. Another dozen marches were planned around the state, from Kennewick to Coupeville.

In Seattle, the promised rain began arriving at about 10:45 a.m. , but with temperatures in the low 60s it was relatively nice spring weather for this city.

The event began with a guitarist playing the Star Spangled Banner in Jimi Hendrix style. People cheered.

Among those attending was Julie Smith, of Mountlake Terrace, who had taken the bus to the march with her husband.

She was holding a sign that said, Survived cancer? Thank science!

Smith said, I have a lot of friends who survived cancer. They wouldnt be here if scientists werent investigating cancer.

She perceives an anti-science movement among some politicians. I dont know why, Smith said. I guess they play to their base, fundamentalist Christians.

Also in the crowd: Eddy Fischer, 97, professor emeritus of biochemistry at the University of Washington and Nobel Prize co-winner in 1992 for physiology or medicine.

He was a there using a wheelchair.

Damn right Im in this march, he said.

Of the Trump administration, Fischer said, I know very little about politics. Im appalled by some of the statements coming out of them.

President Donald Trumps proposed budget, if enacted by Congress, would cut nearly 20 percent of funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Those cuts would be devastating to Seattles medical research community, and the pipeline for critical advances, scientists say. For example, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center receives 85 percent of its budget from the NIH, or nearly $250 million annually more NIH grants than any other cancer-research center in the nation.

From Germanys Brandenburg Gate to the Washington Monument on Saturday, crowds around the world urged spending what is necessary to make breakthroughs possible.

We didnt choose to be in this battle, but it has come to the point where we have to fight because the stakes are too great, said climate scientist Michael Mann, who regularly clashes with politicians.

Standing on the National Mall in D.C. with thousands soaked by rain Saturday, Mann said that like other scientists, he would rather be in his lab, the field or teaching students. But driving his advocacy are officials who deny his research that shows rising global temperatures.

President Donald Trump, in an Earth Day statement hours after the marches kicked off, said that rigorous science depends not on ideology, but on a spirit of honest inquiry and robust debate. The president also said his administration was committed to advancing scientific research that leads to a better understanding of our environment and of environmental risks.

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Seattle's March for Science draws thousands on Earth Day including a Nobel Prize winner - Seattle Times

Chemistry & Biochemistry | South Dakota State University

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers Bachelor of Science degrees in chemistry and biochemistry, a Master of Science degree in chemistry and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in chemistry or biochemistry.

The BS chemistry and biochemistry majors both meet the certification requirements of the American Chemical Society. Both majors are excellent preparation for medical, dental, veterinary, or chiropractic school admission. They provide training for students planning to attend graduate school or work in the chemical or biochemical industries. Students in both majors have the option of developing a specialization in secondary (high school) teaching, and students pursuing the chemistry major have the option of developing an emphasis in environmental chemistry or materials science.

The graduate programs in the department lead to the M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in chemistry or a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry. Research programs exist in analytical, biochemistry, chemical education, environmental, organic, and physical chemistry. All students admitted to the graduate program receive a full assistantship to support them during their studies.

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Chemistry & Biochemistry | South Dakota State University