Category Archives: Biology

Analytics for Spatial Biology: DNA and RNA Imaging – LCGC Chromatography Online

Gradient boosting machine (GBM) learning is applied to analyzing DNA and RNA images created using AI and multiple analytical techniques. AI and GBM hold promise for simplifying and standardizing discovery for spatial biology. During a lecture at the 2024 Analytica conference in Munich, Germany, several experts spoke about this technology.

To begin this session, Denis Schapiro, from the University Hospital Heidelberg and Heidelberg University in Germany, presented "From oncology to cardiology: Spatial omics technologies for topographic biomarker discovery," emphasized the development of the histoCAT software toolbox designed for highly multiplexed image analysis, particularly from imaging mass cytometry (IMC). Imaging mass cytometry (IMC) is a technique that displays the spatial distribution of proteins or other biomolecules within tissue samples. These images are generated by combining mass spectrometry using metal-tagged antibodies, enzymatic methods, or by using fluorescence spectroscopy. Schapiro introduced histoCAT's advanced machine learning (ML) approaches and its integration with the modular computational pipeline, MCMICRO, enabling proteomic and transcriptomic analysis across various spatial technologies. Additionally, Schapiro discussed the highly multiplexed tissue imaging (MITI) standard and a spatial power analysis framework to enhance experimental design strategies, demonstrated through data processing related to myocardial infarction.

The second talk by Ralf Jungmann, of LMU Munich and Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Germany, gave a lecture titled "From DNA Nanotechnology to Biomedical insight: Towards Single-Molecule Spatial Omics," outlined advancements in DNA-PAINT software for converting standard fluorescence microscopy into a spatial omics tool. The analytical toolkit used for spatial omics typically includes techniques such as imaging mass cytometry (IMC) and spatially resolved RNA sequencing (spatial transcriptomics). These methods enable the simultaneous measurement of molecular and spatial information within tissue samples, facilitating the study of cellular heterogeneity, interactions, and spatial organization in biological systems. Jungmann introduced improvements achieving sub-nanometer spatial resolution and spectrally unlimited multiplexing, along with strategies to increase imaging speeds in DNA-PAINT. Furthermore, he presented cell surface receptor quantification techniques and their potential for therapeutic applications.

In the third session talk, Manuel Liebeke, from the University of Kiel, presented, "Deciphering Metabolism in HostMicrobe Interactions with Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Microscopy," discussing the use of mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) and spatial metabolomics fluorescence in situ hybridization (metaFISH). These methods are used to study hostmicrobe interactions by allowing direct and simultaneous mapping of diverse metabolites within biological tissues. Liebeke showcased metaFISH's ability to assign spatial distribution of metabolites to specific microbiome members at single-cell resolution, providing insights into metabolic interactions in dynamic environments. Through metaFISH, precise localization of bacteria, host cells, and associated metabolites in animal tissues was demonstrated, enhancing understanding of metabolic interactions.

The final presentation of this session was given by Martin Seifert, of 10X Genomics in Leiden, the Netherlands. The talk was titled, "New Possibilities for the Discovery of Disease Relevant Information. Gaining a new Picture of Biology with Single Cell and Spatial Analyses." This talk highlighted the integration of single-cell sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, and targeted in-situ analyses for disease tissues. Seifert emphasized their potential in elucidating molecular patterns crucial for understanding various disease processes, exemplified through data processing related to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) cancer samples. The lecture highlighted the complementary nature between different analytical technologies, providing new insights into disease-relevant processes. Mass spectrometry (MS) is most often employed to analyze the proteome and metabolome of single cells.

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Analytics for Spatial Biology: DNA and RNA Imaging - LCGC Chromatography Online

Here’s what I teach my students about finding jobs in marine biology and conservation – Southern Fried Science

Our field is competitive, some job postings are confusing, and some career advice is contradictory or wrong. Heres an exercise I have my students perform that I hope can help you.

Graphic via Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Hardly a day goes by that I dont see a heartbreaking post from a prospective marine biologist in one of the professional Facebook groups. People are (at best) giving up on their dreams, and some even find themselves in serious financial trouble, or standed far from home. People report that they graduated without taking an optional class that they now realize they should have taken to get a job, or that they spent 5-8 years getting a Ph.D. only to learn that their dream job doesnt require one. People realize after spending years training for a job that it does not pay enough to support them and their family and that they have to pursue another career entirely. There are daily complaints from students and new graduates that the job market is complicated and confusing, or that the advice they received from mentors didnt help them.

I love my career, I hate seeing students upset, and I want to try and help people out a little. So with that in mind, here is an abbreviated version of the exercise that I have my students do in class to learn about the marine biology and conservation job market. Please note that while most of the principles here are broadly applicable, local conditions may vary in some countries, and not all of this will make sense outside of a USA context.

What general types of jobs are there?

Generally speaking, I find that lots of people are not always super clear on the difference between a marine biology job and an ocean conservation job. With the understanding that positions are increasingly interdisciplinary and these lines are often blurred, and the understanding that there are lots of jobs that dont fit neatly into any of these categories, heres a quick general description of what types of groups generally hire ocean scientists. This is very basic and does not begin to cover all the nuances out there, but many people dont even know this much, so lets start with the basics.

-Academia. Colleges and Universities are where most scientific research takes place. Relevant positions here include faculty positions, postdoctoral positions (which require a Ph.D.), graduate student positions (both to earn your Masters or your Ph.D.), and research technican/field technician positions. Jobs here are generally a mix of research and teaching.

-Government agencies. In the USA, there are jobs available in government agencies both at the Federal and state level (for coastal states). Government agencies employ research scientists as well as managers and regulators whose job it is to synthesize science into a conservation and management plan. Note that is the way to apply for (almost) all Federal jobs, and is possibly the worst website ever created by humanity, so you should seek out USAJobs specific advice.

-Environmental non-profit groups. If you want to do conservation as opposed to scientific research, this type of position is often the best opportunity. Environmental non-profits hire advocates and campaign leaders to try and persuade the public and/or government officials to help protect the ocean, and an understanding of marine biology can help here. These groups increasingly also hire scientific advisors whose job it is to advise their staff advocates, and even scientific researchers to perform research relevant to that groups goals (see above about blurry lines between positions).

-Aquariums, zoos, and environmental education centers. If you want to work with animals directly (to help take care of captive animals) or to talk about ocean science and conservation to the public (as a docent or environmental educator,) this may be the career path for you.

What should you look for in a job?

The reason that I dont like giving anything but the most general career advice on social media is that I dont know you very well. I dont know your hopes and dreams. I dont know what youre willing to compromise on vs. whats a dealbreaker for you. I dont know your familiy life, or your hobbies. So instead of telling you how to make a decision, Ill tell you how to find the information needed to make your own choices.

I have my students examine current job board postings (more on how to find these below), and I have them look at currently posted jobs even though theyre not actually applying yet. The reason for this is simple: the most effective way to learn what kinds of jobs are available, what theyd be like, and what they require is to examine what kinds of jobs are available, what theyd be like, and what they require.

I ask students to look for the following pieces of information in the job ads they find on job boards, and to reflect on them accordingly:

-Where would you be living if you took this job? Some jobs are possible to do fully remotely, some require moving. If youd have to move for this job, would you be living somewhere where you would be happy? When I talk about this on social media, some people flippantly reply that of course marine biology jobs are near the coast and students not willing to move there are lazy, but of course its more complicated than that. Maybe your partner has a great job where you currently live and cant move. Maybe you need to live near a family member who you help take care of. Lots of coastal states arent especially friendly to LGBTQ+ people or other minorities. Maybe your life isnt complete unless you can go ballroom dancing once a week with an active ballroom dancing club. Your reasons are your own, but you should consider them carefully before taking a job where you wouldnt be happy, because your job is not the only part of your life that matters.

-What would your day be like if you got this job? Look at the actual duties of the job, they may surprise you. To put it mildly, it is unlikely that youre going to find a job that consists entirely of SCUBA diving on coral reefs all day every day. Are those duties something youd enjoy doing? Would you feel challenged and valued? (Its also worth noting that a universal truth in most fields is that the higher up you go in a career, the more supervision and managerial/admin type tasks youll be doing).

-How much freedom would you have? Some people really love to just perform their assigned tasks with lots of guidance and supervision, some people prefer to have flexibility to let their creativity run wild. Most entry level jobs have relatively little flexibility, youre far more likely to be a proverbial cog in a machine than to be asked to help to design the machines structure and outputs.

-What kind of job security and opportunities for advancement are there? Some positions are explicitly temporary (seasonal field tech, maternity leave cover, one-year fellowship, etc.) It may not make sense for you to move halfway around the world for a six month job with no possibility of extension.

-What skills or degrees does the job require? If the job does not require a Ph.D. and you could see yourself being happy doing this job (or ones like it) your whole career, it may not be worthwhile to get a Ph.D. If the job requires a Masters, you should probably plan on getting a Masters to do this job or one like it. If the job explicitly requires a technical skill like using ARCGIS or Python or MARXAN or rescue diver certification or something, you should strongly consider trying to learn those skills through an elective course while youre still a student. You should be aware of the difference between required skills and desired skills, as one is, well, required. If a job ad lists 10 desired skills and you dont have any of those skills, youre probably not a strong candidate for that position, but if you have 2 or 3, Id encourage you to apply because its likely that no one has all 10 and the people posting the job ad know that.

-What does the job pay? None of us pursue this career to get rich, but weve all got bills to pay and some of us have families to support. If you cannot survive on the provided salary and cant afford to take that job and need to consider another career path, its probably best to learn that now rather than after youve spent years pursuing a stressful and technical graduate degree. Lots of jobs dont post their salary, which is bad, because they should. But you can often find a similar job that does post a salary and assume itd be fairly similar. And salary commensurate with experience is not a great sign if you are looking for your first job and therefore dont have very much experience yet.

Discussion with students

Students are asked to look at lots of different types of jobs, but specifically to find one that looks like a dream job for them, one that looks miserable to them, and one surprising one that they didnt know was a job. After I have students look for jobs and record all of the information above, which can be done individually or in small groups depending on your class size, I bring everyone back together for a discussion.

Students are asked to share jobs they found and relevant info about those jobs. Students are asked to discuss if anything surprised them. Students are asked to think about if their current degree program provides them with the types of skills needed for these jobs, or if a new class or program is needed. And finally, students can ask questions.

Jobs boards

There are many marine biology jobs boards, but here are the ones I use for my course. It is likely that you will be able to find most currently posted jobs by examining and comparing these three. And be sure to check back reguarly, as now jobs are added weekly!

SevenSeas ocean jobs

Conservation Careers

Florida SeaGrants Facebook page (weekly job postings)


If youre a student or prospective student interested in marine biology as a career, Id encourage you to try this exercise. If youre teaching students, Id encourage you to incorporate some version of this into your course or lab meetings. Anyone is free to modify this however you like, I just ask that you let me know if you find a way that works better!

I cant help to create more jobs or better paying jobs or jobs in different places, but I hope that Ive helped to clear up some of the confusing parts of the marine biology and conservation job market.

Happy job hunting!

Follow this link:

Here's what I teach my students about finding jobs in marine biology and conservation - Southern Fried Science

Biology, not technology, will save the planet | Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber – Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber

Regenerating Life offers a different, challenging, yet hopeful message about the climate crisis.

By Rondi Lightmark April 11, 2024 1:30 am

Regenerating Life by director John Feldman is a cant-miss film that offers a different, challenging, yet hopeful message about the climate crisis.

Consider this: what if the entire climate conversation about CO2 emissions and fossil fuels is a dangerous distraction from the real reason our planet is dying? What if rising CO2 levels and global warming trends are not causes, but symptoms of ecological loss?

We have lots of evidence every day about whats gone wrong the dying of ecosystems, plant and animal extinctions, fires, droughts and floods, melting glaciers, poisoned air. But Regenerating Life says we are missing the why. The story of excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is only one part of the picture.

The bigger view includes the countless relationships in nature that have been all but severed as a result of centuries of mismanagement of our natural resources because of human ignorance and greed.

Even as we seem to be standing on the brink of extinction, amazing revelations about the systems of the Earth are appearing: growing awareness of the symbiotic relationships between plankton and whales in the oceans, ruminants and grasslands, beaver and watersheds, trees and salmon in the Pacific Northwest, how the moisture content of soil and the transpiration of trees influences weather, how microbes are the workhorses of all life processes.

Weve been stuck in a limited narrative, bowing to chemistry and technology, discounting biology and natures intricate wisdom.

Regenerating Life takes on this challenge in three parts. Part one is titled Water Cools the Planet. Even though water vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas of all, water is not mentioned at all in discussions about emissions. Yet its role in both the biology and the hydrology of the planet is the basis of all life, and there is no subject more important to grasp.

Much of our current global turmoil is a direct result of the disappearance of water in countries all over the globe, from the war that began in Syria because of unrelenting drought, to the turmoil along our southern border.

Part two is Life Sustains the Planet. Nature knows best how to heal and manage life on the planet if we can just get out of the way. This part presents a biologically focused argument with inspiring examples of how this can be accomplished through ecological restoration even on vast areas of land in as little as 20 years. The big takeaway is that protecting and nurturing good soil will help balance solar radiation in and out from the planet.

Part three, Small Farms Feed the World, presents a great reason for valuing our Vashon farmers. This section advocates for nurturing small, local farming communities (by which most global food is already grown, more productively than corporate farms). An examination of the failures of the Green Revolution in Africa, the corporate push for growing crop monocultures, and genetic ownership of seed varieties is eloquently discussed by environmental activist Vandana Shiva, who has led the farmers resistance movement in India.

The Sorcerors Apprentice is a well-known poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Written in 1797, its about the chaos created when an old sorcerer leaves his workshop with his apprentice in charge.

The apprentice tries out some magic to enchant a broom to do his fetching-water work for him, but the shop is flooded when he realizes he does not know how to stop the spell. Its a fitting example of the hubris exhibited by those searching for technological solutions to the climate crisis from capturing carbon emissions and burying them underground, to sending solar shields into space, to creating fake food to feed the masses.

By contrast, John Feldmans film is a compelling and powerful lesson that nature can help us solve our climate problems if we give her a chance.

Regenerating Life, sponsored by The Whole Vashon Project, will be shown at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16. Donations are welcome at the door.

Rondi Lightmark is the founder of The Whole Vashon Project. To find out more about the organization, and get involved, visit

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Biology, not technology, will save the planet | Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber - Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber

Bonobos are more aggressive than previously thought – EurekAlert



Credit: Maud Mouginot

Chimpanzees and bonobos are often thought to reflect two different sides of human naturethe conflict-ready chimpanzee versus the peaceful bonobobut a new study publishing April 12 in the journal Current Biology shows that, within their own communities, male bonobos are more frequently aggressive than male chimpanzees. For both species, more aggressive males had more mating opportunities.

Chimpanzees and bonobos use aggression in different ways for specific reasons, says anthropologist and lead author Maud Mouginot of Boston University. The idea is not to invalidate the image of bonobos being peacefulthe idea is that there is a lot more complexity in both species.

Though previous studies have investigated aggression in bonobos and chimpanzees, this is the first study to directly compare the species behavior using the same field methods. The researchers focused on male aggression, which is often tied to reproduction, but they note that female bonobos and chimpanzees are not passive, and their aggression warrants its own future research.

To compare bonobo and chimpanzee aggression, the team scrutinized rates of male aggression in three bonobo communities at the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve (Democratic Republic of Congo) and two chimpanzee communities at Gombe National Park (Tanzania). Overall, they examined the behavior of 12 bonobos and 14 chimpanzees by conducting focal follows, which involved tracking one individuals behavior for an entire day and taking note of how often they engaged in aggressive interactions, who these interactions were with, and whether they were physical or not (e.g., whether the aggressor engaged in pushing and biting or simply chased their adversary).

You go to their nests and wait for them to wake up and then you just follow them the entire day from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep at nightand record everything they do, says Mouginot.

To their surprise, the researchers found that male bonobos were more frequently aggressive than chimpanzees. Overall, bonobos engaged in 2.8 times more aggressive interactions and 3 times as many physical aggressions.

While male bonobos were almost exclusively aggressive toward other males, chimpanzees were more likely to act aggressively toward females. Chimpanzee aggression was also more likely to involve coalitions of males (13.2% vs. 1% of bonobo aggressions). The researchers think that these coalitions might be one reason why aggression is less frequent among chimpanzees. Altercations involving groups of males have the potential to cause more injuries, and within-community fighting could also weaken the groups ability to fight off other groups of chimpanzees. Bonobos dont have this issue because most of their disputes are one on one, they have never been observed to kill one another, and they are not thought to be territorial, which leaves their communities free to bicker among themselves.

For both chimpanzees and bonobos, more aggressive males had greater mating success. The researchers were surprised to find this in bonobos, which have a co-dominant social dynamic in which females often outrank males, compared to chimpanzees, which have male-dominated hierarchies in which male coalitions coerce females into mating.

Male bonobos that are more aggressive obtain more copulations with females, which is something that we would not expect, said Mouginot. It means that females do not necessarily go for nicer males.

These findings partially contradict a prevailing hypothesis in primate and anthropological behaviorthe self-domesticating hypothesiswhich posits that aggression has been selected against in bonobos and humans but not chimpanzees.

The researchers were not able to assess the severity of aggressive interactions in terms of whether they resulted in wounds or injuries, but this is data that they hope to collect in future. They also want to compare aggressive behavior in other groups of chimpanzees and bonobos as its possible that behavior varies between communities and subspecies.

I'd love to have the study complemented with comparable data from other field sites so we can get a broader understanding of variation within and between species, says Mouginot.


This research was supported by Harvard University, Duke University, Franklin and Marshall College, George Washington University, the University of Minnesota, the Max Planck Society, the Institute for Advanced Study Toulouse, the Leakey Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Arcus Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, the Leo S. Guthman Foundation, Margo Marsh, Mazuri, the Morris Animal Foundation, the National Geographic Society, the Harris Steel Group, the Waitt Foundation, the William T. Grant Q12 Foundation, the Windibrow Foundation, and the Jane Goodall Institute.

Current Biology, Mouginot et al., Differences in expression of male aggression between wild bonobos and chimpanzees

Current Biology (@CurrentBiology), published by Cell Press, is a bimonthly journal that features papers across all areas of biology. Current Biology strives to foster communication across fields of biology, both by publishing important findings of general interest and through highly accessible front matter for non-specialists. Visit To receive Cell Press media alerts, contact

Observational study


Differences in expression of male aggression between wild bonobos and chimpanzees


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Continue reading here:

Bonobos are more aggressive than previously thought - EurekAlert

Debating sex and gender: Whose ‘biological reality’ is it anyway? – The Boston Globe

Marie Caradonna


Alan Sokal and Richard Dawkins are creating their own anxiety over dogma. We have sat through countless medical meetings and trainings of health care professionals, and everyone wants to deepen our understanding of how sex and gender affect people every day. Failing to do so means that doctors make medical mistakes and public health professionals overlook health disparities. Medicine and public health cannot rely on just asking sex or just asking gender.

Patients like us, our friends, and our families in the LGBTQ community have a lifetime of mistrust and fear built up around the health care system. Much of this mistrust stems from a denial that sex and gender are different for some people.

We are professionals who can handle the nuance of real peoples lives. No one denies the role of biology or the role of anatomy or the existence of categories of sex and gender. We just know that simple categories arent accurate, and we aim for accuracy. Anyone who does not want to ask someone about their sex assigned at birth or their current gender identity should not go into the helping professions. Over here we care about real people.

Jessica Halem

Senior director

The Eidos LGBTQ+ Health Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania


Dr. Carl G. Streed Jr.

Associate professor of medicine

Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine


If the current leadership of organizations and agencies such as the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention want to provide the best medicine and future for Americans, they should heed the warning and follow the guidance of Alan Sokal and Richard Dawkins in their op-ed, Sex and gender: The medical establishments reluctance to speak honestly about biological reality.

Sokal and Dawkins are spot-on with their caution of the harm that would be done if public health and health care leaders continue to adopt and promote phrasings such as sex assigned at birth. Though perhaps politically well-intended toward promoting greater social justice, this language misleads people into thinking that a persons biological sex is arbitrary, when it never is. As the authors warn, obscuring biological facts has real medical import and can misinform people in ways that validate ignorance, which itself only enables social injustice.

I am the proud parent of two self-described queer children, one a gender nonconforming woman and one transgender nonbinary. However, their biologically determined sex is female, and that determination matters for their health and medical care no matter how they experience and live their lives socially.

Though some may disagree, our world improves as we better understand and embrace male boys, male men, male girls, male women, male nonbinary people, female boys, female men, female girls, female women, and female nonbinary people. We can do this without falsifying or muddying long-established scientific knowledge about the determination of the sex of human beings.

Dr. James L. Sherley


The writer is a physician scientist.

At 13 years old, my gynecologist dismissed my severe pain. At 18, my insurance denied coverage for stage 3 endometriosis treatment. At 22, I find myself frustrated by debates over inclusive language in medicine.

Regarding the concerns raised by Alan Sokal and Richard Dawkins, the training of future doctors is indeed at risk. However, its not the denial of biological sex that jeopardizes this training. Rather, its the systemic disregard for the needs of individuals with vaginas within our health care system.

I applaud the decision by the American Medical Association and other groups to prioritize human rights. I am more than willing to recognize a lexical revision in the hope of fostering a more inclusive environment. Please, we need to spend less time scrutinizing progress and more time identifying areas where progress is desperately needed.

Sofia Long


I am very concerned about a society that encourages diversity in every life form but our own. Human nature is more expansive than the binary categories we are limited to. In reality, there are more physiological patterns that disprove binary sex and gender than support it. Approximately 1 out of 2,000 children are born with sex or reproductive anatomy considered atypical, and 1 out of 1,666 people have nonbinary chromosomes (XXY, XO, XYY, XXYY, or mosaic).

The damage such limited thinking does has rallied millions of intersex survivors to speak out about nonconsensual, nonemergent genital surgeries we were subjected to as children to reinforce this binary myth. The United Nations has even linked those medical protocols to forms of torture, and Human Rights Watch has raised concern. As a survivor of such protocols, I wholeheartedly agree.

Esther Leidolf

Jamaica Plain

The writer is president of the MRKH Organization, a patient-run network for women with Mayer-von-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hasers Syndrome.

Despite Alan Sokal and Richard Dawkinss authoritative tone in making pronouncements about sex and gender and their concern over the growing use of the phrase sex assigned at birth, they apparently know little about people born with various intersex syndromes. Sadly, many physicians also know little about this reality and perform medically unnecessary operations on newborns to make their anatomy conform to existing norms. The surgeries performed on intersex newborns inflict lives of pain, repeated surgeries, anguish, and, often, sexual dysfunction.

Susan Jacoby

Jamaica Plain

See the article here:

Debating sex and gender: Whose 'biological reality' is it anyway? - The Boston Globe

Why detecting the earliest biological signs of Parkinson’s disease is so crucial – Scope

Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, behind Alzheimer's disease, and affects nearly a million people in the United States.

The disease causes dopamine-producing brain cells to die and patients typically experience tremor, stiff muscles and slow movement as well as cognitive deficits. Medications to increase dopamine levels can help alleviate many of the motor symptoms -- but there is no cure.

Kathleen Poston, MD, the Edward F. and Irene Thiele Pimley Professor II in Neurology and the Neurological Sciences, has dedicated her career to helping patients with Parkinson's and to studying its root causes in the lab.

There were also a lot of unknowns, which piqued the interest of the research part of my brain.

Her interest in Parkinson's developed during her medical training. "As a clinician, it was a rewarding field because, compared to other neurodegenerative diseases, there were many therapies we could offer patients," she said. "But there were also a lot of unknowns, which piqued the interest of the research part of my brain."

Recently, Poston's lab has been part of an international effort supported by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research to develop a diagnostic test that can detect the earliest biological signs of the disease.

They've shown that the new biomarker -- a clumping protein in the brain -- can predict who will go on to develop Parkinson's, giving patients and researchers more time to test experimental treatments.

We asked Poston about the latest advances in the field and how early diagnosis may finally lead to a cure. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

How has our understanding of Parkinson's disease changed in recent years?

The biggest shift recently has to do with our understanding of how to diagnose the disease. With certain types of brain scanning and now with a biological marker, we can be more precise and accurate in our diagnosis earlier.

Traditionally we've only been able to diagnose people with Parkinson's disease based on the same standardized exam that's been done for 50, 60 years. We rate someone's motor symptoms -- slowness, stiffness, tremor. But it's hard to identify people early on in the disease. Until somebody really had those symptoms, it was hard to say for certain, "Yes, you have Parkinson's disease." Patients often say it took two years for them to be diagnosed, or they had to see four or five different doctors.

I think it's meaningful to people living with the disease just to get the right diagnosis as early as possible. People can manage once they know what they're dealing with. But when you're in that unknown time, it's very, very hard.

The newer biomarker we can test for now is alpha-synuclein. Does everyone who has this biomarker go on to develop Parkinson's?

Alpha-synuclein is a protein we all have in our brains, but for some reason it's in these clumping forms in people who have Parkinson's disease. We now know it's the primary protein that makes up Lewy bodies, the protein aggregates that form in the brain cells that die in people with Parkinson's disease.

It wasn't until after someone died that a pathologist could look at their brain under a microscope and make a definitive diagnosis. Blood tests and brain scans didn't seem to work.

We've never been able to definitively identify, during a person's lifetime, whether they have these Lewy bodies in their brain, even if they have a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's or a similar clinical disorder called dementia with Lewy bodies. It wasn't until after someone died that a pathologist could look at their brain under a microscope and make a definitive diagnosis. Blood tests and brain scans didn't seem to work.

We now have the first test that accurately identifies clumping alpha-synuclein. Researchers put seeds of alpha-synuclein in a sample of the patient's cerebral spinal fluid, then stress it by putting it through a series of heating, shaking and fragmenting to see if this nucleus clumps together. The test has extraordinary accuracy to the final pathology. It's about 99% accurate in people with a clinical diagnosis and also very accurate in people prior to a clinical diagnosis.

What we don't know -- and the reason this is all still in research -- is whether a person with a positive test will develop Parkinson's disease in a year, or five years, or 10 years. It's just a "yes" or "no" readout, which doesn't tell you anything about how bad the disease is or when it will develop. So there's a lot more work that needs to be done.

You're part of a group that recently published a proposal for a biological definition of Parkinson's based on alpha-synuclein. What does that mean and why is it important?

If we're trying to come up with a therapy that can prevent someone who has the underlying biology of Parkinson's disease from ever developing clinical symptoms, we need a biological definition that's 100% based on biomarkers -- such as clumping alpha-synuclein -- and not dependent on clinical symptoms.

Right now, this biological definition is proposed strictly in research settings so we can identify people with that biology who we would want to enroll in preventative clinical trials.

The earlier we can identify people who we feel confident have Parkinson's disease, the more we can think about slowing or stopping the disease progression. It gives us a window into the disease when there's not as much damage done, when it's easier to test potential therapies.

You have an exciting paper coming up later this year. Can you tell us what that will be about?

Here at Stanford we've been banking cerebral spinal fluid samples for a long time. In the new study, we showed that the alpha-synuclein test was able to predict a future diagnosis of Parkinson's in multiple people.

Also, it turns out, about 10% to 20% of people with Alzheimer's disease at death will also have this Lewy body pathology in their brain -- and now we can detect that earlier. That could change how we think about treating people with Alzheimer's as well.

That could change how we think about treating people with Alzheimer's as well.

This is the big advantage of having the combination of banked samples, longitudinal clinical testing and individuals agreeing to autopsy and having that final diagnosis -- being able to put the whole story together. It's wonderful that all these participants volunteered to give all this information over the past 15 years and we were able to rapidly make use of it.

Looking forward, what are you most excited about?

There are two things that really excite me.

I'm working with other researchers to translate this alpha-synuclein test into a simple blood test or some other test that is readily accessible. Doing this test in the cerebral spinal fluid is quite restrictive and not every person is going to get a lumbar puncture at their annual wellness checkup.

We're doing plasma banking for all the people diagnosed with Parkinson's in our clinic. When one of my collaborators here develops something that takes it from cerebral spinal fluid into plasma, we can then quickly test it on 500 to 600 samples from our clinic.

What also excites me is figuring out how we can really accelerate therapeutic development to get to that preventive therapy. I'm working with researchers here at Stanford who are interested in therapies targeting these clumping proteins.

I hope that, in a couple of years, we're having this conversation and I'm telling you about the first FDA-approved disease-modifying therapy for Parkinson's disease. That would be wonderful.

Image courtesy Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research

Excerpt from:

Why detecting the earliest biological signs of Parkinson's disease is so crucial - Scope

Cicada experts and resources available from UWMadison – University of Wisconsin-Madison

A historic double brood of cicadas is expected to emerge this spring, with hatchings centered on the Eastern and Midwestern parts of the United States. Experts from UWMadison are available for interviews about the biology of the deafening insects and their role in culture and art.

The cicada-verse is yours for the exploration with the new online resource. Here, you can listen to a historic cicada recording from the Library of Congress, get a crash course in cicada biology, and learn about the history and future of periodical cicadas in Wisconsin. The site was built by PJ Liesch, director of the UWMadison Insect Diagnostic Lab.

Contact: PJ Liesch,

Insect ambassadors is a graduate student-led organization hosted by theDepartment of Entomology. The group exists to share its love of bugs with the wider world.

Contact: Emma Terris,

PJ Liesch is director of the UWMadison Insect Diagnostic Lab. Liesch can discuss the emergence of periodical cicadas, cicada biology, the timing and distribution of periodical cicadas in Wisconsin and the ecological impacts of these insects. Liesch is tracking the impact of early spring weather on cicada emergence. He says, A key factor for emergence of periodical cicadas is the temperature of the soil at a depth of 8 inches. The soil temperature must reach and exceed 64.5 F, so depending on weather, we could see emergence shifted a bit earlier.

Contact: PJ Liesch,

Daniel Young is a professor of entomology and director of the UWMadison Insect Research Collection. Young is an expert on insect classification and natural history and teaches a course called Introductory Entomology that covers brood XIII cicada emergence.

Contact:Daniel Young,

William Brockliss is a classics professor in the College of Letters and Science. Brockless says the music of cicadas is embedded within the poetry of ancient Greece. In The Illiad, says Brockliss, Homer likens the chatter of old men to the sound of cicadas. Another early poet, Hersiod, compares a single cicada to a singer, and possibly the poet himself.

Brockliss says, As a Greek friend of mine once put it, he knows hes home when he hears the sound of the cicadas. While other plant and animal species contribute to the visual environment of Greece and the wider Mediterranean, cicadas are an ever-present constituent of the regions auditory environment, at least in the summer. For this reason, ancient Greek poets were able to draw on the cicada in their creation of similes describing sounds.

Contact: William Brockless,

More experts on news and current events can be found on the UWMadison Experts Database.


Cicada experts and resources available from UWMadison - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Iconic savanna mammals face genetic problems due to fences and roads – EurekAlert


Map showing the current distribution range of the two wildebeest species, the blue wildebeest and the black wildebeest, based on IUCN distribution data. Map prepared by Laura D. Bertola.

Credit: Laura D. Bertola

Whether by way of Attenborough, Disney or National Geographic, the iconic scene is familiar to many. The ground trembles and clouds of dust swirl as enormous hordes of large animals thunder across the African savanna, cross rivers en masse and are picked off by lions, hyena and crocodiles. The annual migration of 1.3 million wildebeest through Tanzanias Serengeti and Kenyas Masai Mara attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, and the phenomenon has put the Serengeti on UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites. Besides its majestic sight, the migration of this emblematic species is important for the ecological functioning of ecosystems.

Unfortunately, epic annual migrations of this scale are only found in a few places on the African continent now. In some areas, roads, fences, farms and urban sprawl have fractured the historic migratory routes of wildebeest herds and prevented them from roaming far and wide in search of fresh grass and water. A new study led by researchers from the University of Copenhagen shows that the genetic health of wildebeest has suffered as a consequence.

"No one ever knew that this affected the genetics of wildebeest. But our results clearly show that wildebeest populations which no longer migrate, but have historically done so, are simply less genetically healthy than those that continue to migrate. And this weakens their chances of long-term survival," says Rasmus Heller, an associate professor at the Department of Biology and one of the new studys lead authors.

The results demonstrate that the genetic decline of non-migratory populations is reflected in several of the parameters by which genetic health is measured in nature conservation.

"Wildebeest that can no longer migrate have lower genetic diversity, are more genetically isolated and are more inbred. We expect this to lead to lower survival, reduced fertility and other negative effects on fitness," says Xiaodong Liu, one of the studys first authors and a postdoc at the Department of Biology.

Overall, this iconic savanna grazer is not currently threatened. But in the long term, wildebeest herds that can no longer migrate will likely be worse off, for example, in the face of climate change.

"The long-term consequence is that populations with low genetic diversity are less equipped to cope with the effects of environmental changes. Their evolutionary potential is reduced. So, if climatic changes continue to occur, there isnt as much genetic variation for them to work with to adapt which could ultimately threaten their survival," says Rasmus Heller.

Researchers analyzed the whole genomes of 121 wildebeest from their entire range, which spans from South Africa to Kenya. This is the first time that scientific researchers have studied the genetic effect of migration in wildebeest.

"Because we studied the genomes of many wildebeest from virtually their entire range, we have been able to make a general genetic comparison of migratory versus non-migratory populations. And because we witness a consistent difference across multiple locations, the conclusion is clear. Indeed, we can say that the overall negative effect is evident in those wildebeest that have been prevented from migrating regardless of where they live on the continent," says Xiaodong Liu.

While the total number of wildebeest remains fairly stable, many local populations have experienced steep declines and several have even collapsed in recent decades.

One hundred and fifty years ago, many wildebeest populations made great migrations. However,forty years ago, only two large intact wildebeest migrations remained in Africa: the famed Great Migration of the Serengeti-Mara and one in the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa.

"However, in Botswana in particular, fencing to protect cattle from coming into contact with migratory wild animals was put up in recent times. Botswana's Kalahari population declined from roughly 260,000 in the 1970s to fewer than 15,000 in the late 1980s. So today, the only remaining large population is that of the Serengeti-Mara. But the Serengeti-Mara migration is also threatened by plans for roads and rail corridors through the area, which worries many," says Mikkel Sinding from the Department of Biology, another of the study's first authors.

"As a species, wildebeest are dependent on migrations to support their large numbers. They can survive in resident, non-migratory populations, but their numbers simply shrink when they cannotmigrate. For example, we see this in the populations in the other parts of Kenya and Tanzania that have been prevented from migrating and whose numbers have decreased as a result," says co-author Joseph O. Ogutu, a senior statistician in the Biostatistics Unit at the University of Hohenheim, who adds:

"The migrations of wildebeest make them a keystone species in ecosystems, as their grazing keeps vegetation healthy, transports and distributes nutrients, while they themselves serve as prey for predators and carrion for scavengers. Therefore, it isnt just the iconic animal that we threaten when we prevent them from migrating but many other species as well. And to that, we might add the enormous amount of tourism revenue that benefits governments and local communities."

The researchers hope that the new results will inspire investigations into the genetic effects of reduced migration among other species. And they hope that decision-makers keep the consequences in mind:

"The study shows us that wild animal species, for whom migration is an essential part of their biology, struggle to survive in an increasingly human-dominated world, unless special attention is paid to preserving their old and natural migratory routes. As such, we hope that people will be more cautious about continuing to disrupt these routes. This concern is not just with regards to wildebeest, but also for other migratory species in Africa and elsewhere," says Rasmus Heller. He concludes:

"If we want the species to not just exist for, say, the next 50 years, but to thrive and actually survive in the much longer term, we need to halt the genetic decay caused by curtailing their natural migration routes.

The only remaining major wildebeest migration is the "Great Migration" in the Serengeti-Mara. Here, approximately 1.3 million wildebeest, accompanied by about 200,000 zebras and 400,000 gazelles, cover up to 3,000 kilometers annually in a clockwise cycle that follows seasonal rainfall patterns. But only the wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti cross the Mara river into Kenyas Masai Mara.

Due to limited source material on African wildlife populations prior to the mid-1800s, the total number of historical wildebeest migrations is uncertain. However, it is known that migrations comparable to that of the Serengeti-Masai Mara population have been lost.

An example of this relates to two wildebeest subspecies known as the white-bearded wildebeest the Western white-bearded wildebeest, which makes up the Serengeti-Mara population, and the Eastern white-bearded wildebeest, whose migration was centered around Kenyas Kajiado County. From early European explorers and the first big game hunters, we know that both of these subspecies migrated a great deal historically. And, that they had very large populations, presumably of approximately similar size. While the Western white-bearded wildebeest was protected in the Serengeti-Mara from the early 1950s, increased human presence and activities dating back tothe early 1900s put mounting pressure on the Eastern white-bearded subspecies. Today, only 6,000-8,000 Eastern white-bearded wildebeest remain and are divided into many, small isolated populations.

Nature Communications

Introgression and disruption of migration routes have shaped the genetic integrity of wildebeest populations


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Iconic savanna mammals face genetic problems due to fences and roads - EurekAlert