Category Archives: Biology

Advancements in Understanding the Immune System Biology: Research Contributions – Medriva

Advancements in Understanding the Immune System Biology

The complexities of our immune system have always intrigued scientists worldwide. In recent years, researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the USA have made significant strides in decoding the molecular intricacies of the immune system. Their work focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms that regulate immune responses, potentially revolutionizing our comprehension of immune-related disorders and opening new avenues for innovative therapeutic approaches.

The work of Ann Y. Park and Michael Leney-Greene has been pivotal to these advancements. Their research at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has contributed significantly to the emerging understanding of immune system biology. Their work elucidates the immune systems response to infectious diseases, providing valuable insights for both the scientific community and the broader population.

The breadth of their research is truly impressive, spanning various aspects of immune system biology. Some of the key areas of exploration include T cell motility, checkpoint inhibitor adverse effects, intramuscular immunization, and JAK1 gain-of-function variants. In addition, their work also delves into the effects of sleep deprivation on immunity, the relationship between fructose consumption and tumor growth, SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccine strategies, tissue-resident memory T cells, and research in cancer immunology.

The findings from this research have far-reaching implications. Understanding how the immune system works at a molecular level can greatly enhance our ability to treat a wide range of diseases. By understanding key factors and processes that regulate immune response, we can devise more effective treatment strategies for immune-related disorders. Additionally, the research findings also have the potential to improve vaccine strategies, particularly in the wake of new variants of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2.

The work of researchers like Ann Y. Park and Michael Leney-Greene is paving the way for future breakthroughs in the field of immune system biology. As we continue to unravel the complexities of the immune system, we can expect to see more innovative therapeutic approaches. These advancements could revolutionize not only our understanding of the immune system but also our approach to treating a wide range of diseases, from infectious diseases to cancer.

At a time when the world is grappling with the challenges of a global pandemic, this research brings a beacon of hope. The groundbreaking work being done at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases underscores the importance of continued research in immune system biology. As we gain a more in-depth understanding of the immune systems intricacies, we are better equipped to combat the health challenges of the future.

See the original post here:

Advancements in Understanding the Immune System Biology: Research Contributions - Medriva

Developing Cancer Therapies at the Intersection of Chemistry and Biology – American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

A well-manicured garden turning into an overgrown jungle.

Thats how Nobel Laureate Carolyn R. Bertozzi, PhD, FAACR, describes some of the changes that occur when a normal cell becomes malignant.

In this case, shes referring to changes in certain sugar molecules called sialoglycans, which are found on normal cells but grow in number and become reorganized in cancer.

Dr. Bertozzi, a renowned biochemist at Stanford University, has been interested in these and other similar structures for many years. She developed a chemistry technique to study them in 2007, a groundbreaking development that led to her receiving the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 2023, Dr. Bertozzi was elected a Fellow of the AACR Academy and received the AACR Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research for this trailblazing research.

Today, her research focuses on developing cancer drugs that target sialoglycans on cancer cells. At the AACR Annual Meeting 2023, she explained how she and colleagues discovered that the overgrowth of sialoglycans on cancer cells helps cancers evade antitumor immune responses. To combat this evasive mechanism, they designed a molecule that essentially shaved the sialoglycans off the cancer cell surface.

[Sialoglycans] are a very different type of therapeutic target from the conventional targets and for a different type of drug target, you need a different type of modality, she said.

We had the idea of developing a therapeutic that would function essentially like a lawnmower, and we envisioned parking this lawnmower on the surface of the cancer cells and just letting it cut the sialoglycans off as if it were just mowing the grass.

This therapeutic, E-602, was evaluated in 32 patients with advanced solid cancers in the GLIMMER-01 phase I/II trial. Preliminary trial results were reported at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023 by researcher Jason J. Luke, MD, from UPMC Hillman Cancer Center.

Dr. Luke shared that E-602 was tolerated by patients and boosted immune activation; some patients also experienced stable disease. Based on these results, additional clinical trials were initiated: a phase II trial to evaluate E-602 for non-small cell lung cancers or melanomas that did not respond to prior immunotherapy and a separate phase I trial to evaluate E-602 in combination with immunotherapy.

Other researchers are targeting glycans in cancer, too. Avery D. Posey Jr., PhD, an AACR NextGen Star and a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, discussed his research at the 2022 AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer. There, he explained that changes to glycans on pancreatic cancer cells make the cancer more aggressive and more likely to spread. He and colleagues designed an immunotherapy that targeted altered glycans, an approach that is now being evaluated in patients with pancreatic cancer.

In addition, AACR Fellow Louis M. Staudt, MD, PhD, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, recently showed that blocking glycosylation of the B-cell receptor turned off a cancer-driving pathway in lymphoma cells, thereby uncovering a potential therapeutic approach for this blood cancer. This work was published in the AACR journal Cancer Discovery last year.

Im really excited to watch this new intersection of glycan biology and cancer biology unfolding, said Dr. Bertozzi. This is very much now the millennium of the life sciencespowered by chemistry, powered by physics, powered by materials science, powered by data science All of these sciences are converging on being able to understand the complexities of our own bodies, and thats kind of the ultimate frontier.

Its a great time to be a scientist.


Developing Cancer Therapies at the Intersection of Chemistry and Biology - American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

Recent Advances in the Understanding of MCL Biology – Cancer Network

Elias Campo, MD, PhD, provides insight into biological subtyping and the tumor microenvironment relating to mantle cell lymphoma.

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is not a homogeneous disease, but rather a disease with 2 distinct biological subtypes, according to Elias Campo, MD, PhD.

Campo also highlighted that there have been substantial advancements in the treatment of patients with MCL, with new drugs and new strategies that are improving survival rates. Campo, research director and professor of anatomic pathology at the Hospital Clinic of the University of Barcelona in Spain, spoke with CancerNetwork regarding his presentation from the Lymphoma Research Foundation 20th MCL Consortium and Scientific Workshop.

Through his research, Campo has found that MCL can be classified into two subtypes based on the cell of origin and the genetic makeup of the tumor. These subtypes have different clinical outcomes, with one subtype being more aggressive than the other. This finding has important implications for treatment, as it suggests that patients with different subtypes of MCL may benefit from different treatment approaches.

Throughout the interview, Campo provides a brief overview of the recent advances in the understanding of MCL biology. These advances have led to improved treatments for patients with MCL, and they continue to provide hope for the future.

Campo: The initial observations were clinical observations when we started to study MCL years ago. It was considered to be a homogeneous and aggressive disease, but then there were clinical observations in which the tumor was not so aggressive, as was the general agreement for this type of reflux. What we asked ourselves was: Are those tumors that are behaving more indolently just the beginning of the disease and will [they] become aggressive [later], or is it a tumor with a different biology and different molecular characteristics? Through trying to answer this question, we set up a series of experiments, and thats what we have been substantiating. Recently, from different perspectives, the summary of these results was to propose that MCL was not a homogeneous disease; it was a disease in which we could identify 2 major biological subtypes of the disease with different biological features, different cell of origin, and different clinical evolution. [We found] that eventually, both will end up as aggressive disease, but regarding the beginning of the disease, one was useful in terms of growing and progressing and the other was faster. In spite of these different biological characteristics, we identified that both subtypes had the same genetic hallmark of the disease, the t(11;14)translocation. We thought that it was the same disease with 2 different pathways of evolution. Its important in all the clinical sites of the patients to know which of the [subtypes of this disease the patient has] because patients with different biological subtypes might respond to different treatments and different paces of evolutions of the disease.

Campo: In the last few years, weve seen a substantial advancement in the treatment of patients with new drugs, new strategies that come in different families of treatments, new inhibitors, receptors, antiapoptotic tracks targeting the apoptotic pathways, and ongoing therapeutic strategies together with classical treatments. This results in substantial advancements in the improvement of the outcome of patients with longer survival rates. These new treatments also [come] with new challenges because we see how the biology of the tumor advances with these new treatments. Some of them are resistant to these new therapies. Some of these tumors are resistant from the beginning. We started to see, on one side, how good novel therapies were and our strategies [to incorporate them into treatment]. On the other hand, [we looked at] how these tumors are resistant to treatment. If we understand the mechanism of being refractory and resistant, we might be able to design new therapies that take into consideration these methods.

Until now, we have been concentrating on the biology of the tumor cells, and that has been important to understand how the cells evolved. There were several presentations that reflect the interests of the community. In addition to the tumor cells, [other topics discussed included] the host cells, the immune system, the tumor microenvironment, where each one of these cells is growing, and how the cells that are surrounding the tumor cells are interacting with the tumor. These are new perspectives that may help us to understand biology, but also there are a lot of mechanisms of resistance to the tumor cells.

The third point is that we started to see evidence that not all patients with MCL need the same therapeutic approach. Based on the biology of the tumor, we have patients who need intravenous control for long periods with nonchemotherapy protocols. For patients with not very aggressive disease, we can control the disease without introducing very harmful or infectious regimens. New treatments and new mechanisms of resistance and being refractory emphasize the tumor microenvironment and different strategies for different types of patients based on the biology of tumors.

Campo: Many of these tumors are complex in terms of biology. We need to accomplish different aspects, so its difficult to [name] just one focus. All of them are interactive. The tumor is biologically heterogeneous, so we dont completely understand what the drivers of these different biologies are, why we are seeing some patients have stable disease for so many years, and why some patients develop the disease quickly and others slowly. We still need to understand that better. [In addition, another focus should be on] the opposite side of the disease. Why do some patients have very difficult-to-treat, aggressive disease up front? Understanding this biology better will lead us to key aspects to target it more aggressively. That biology is important to try to design drugs and therapies that might control or even cure the disease without harming the patient. Lastly, understanding how the tumor cells and the host interact is also an area of increasing interest.

Campo: We are starting to treat tumor cells with high-resolution approaches. We are also trying to understand the economic implications and epigenetic alterations in cells. There is still much to discover in how the genes are regulated in the different biology of the tumors. Epigenetic modification of the tumor cells is important. Also important is how the tumor cells influence each host to facilitate the progression of those two. How the tumor evolves with different treatments and how they overcome these treatments are the main goals of our science.

Read the original post:

Recent Advances in the Understanding of MCL Biology - Cancer Network

Biological Mechanism of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Discovered – The Hearing Review

Researchers reported on the discovery of the molecular mechanism of noise-induced hearing loss and showed that it could be mitigated with medication.

Thanos Tzounopoulos, PhD, and his Pitt collaborators Amantha Thathiah, PhD, and Chris Cunningham, PhD, reported on the discovery in a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Tzounopoulos, director of the Pittsburgh Hearing Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has focused his scientific career on investigating how hearing works and developing ways to treat tinnitus and hearing loss.

The study showed that noise-induced hearing loss, which affects millions of Americans, stems from cellular damage in the inner ear that is associated with the excess of free-floating zinc, a mineral that is essential for proper cellular function and hearing. Experiments in mice showed drugs that work as molecular sponges trapping excess zinc can help restore lost hearing or, if administered before an expected loud sound exposure, can protect from hearing loss.

Noise-induced hearing loss impairs millions of lives but, because the biology of hearing loss is not fully understood, preventing hearing loss has been an ongoing challenge, says senior author Tzounopoulos, endowed professor and vice-chair of research of otolaryngology at Pitt.

While some experience noise-induced hearing loss as a result of an acute traumatic injury to the ear, others notice a sudden hearing impairment after being continuously exposed to loud noise, for example in a battlefield or at a construction site. Others notice their hearing deteriorating after attending a loud music show.

Researchers say such noise-induced hearing loss can be debilitating. Some people start hearing sounds that arent there, developing a condition called tinnitus, which severely affects a persons quality of life.

Tzounopoulos research, which focuses on the biology of hearing, tinnitus, and hearing loss, strived to determine the mechanistic underpinnings of the condition in the effort to lay the groundwork for the development of effective and minimally invasive treatments in the future.

By performing experiments in mice and on isolated cells of the inner ear, researchers found that hours after mice are exposed to loud noise, their inner ear zinc level spikes. Loud sound exposure causes a robust release of zinc into the extra and intracellular space which, ultimately, leads to cellular damage and disrupts normal cell-to-cell communication.

Thankfully, this discovery opens doors for a possible solution. Experiments showed mice who were treated with a slow-releasing compound that trapped excess free zinc were less prone to hearing loss and were protected from noise-induced damage.

Further reading: France Approves Gene Therapy Clinical Trial to Treat Hearing Loss in Children

Researchers are currently developing a treatment to be tested in preclinical safety studies with the goal of making it available as a simple, over-the-counter option to protect oneself from hearing loss.

Other authors of the study are first author Brandon Bizup, PhD, and co-author Sofie Brutsaert, both of Pitt.

Further reading: Thanos Tzounopoulos, PhD. Photo: Joshua Franzos

See the rest here:

Biological Mechanism of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Discovered - The Hearing Review

Genomic attributes of airway commensal bacteria and mucosa | Communications Biology –

Culture collection and isolate novelty

Lower airway bacteria were cultivated from bronchoscopic brushings from two asthmatics and three healthy individuals from the Celtic Fire Study (described below). We used a limited range of media with and without 0.5% mucin, followed by incubation in a standard atmosphere or an anaerobic workstation to capture 706 isolates. Those without overlapping 16S rRNA gene sequences were transferred to the Wellcome Sanger Institute and the whole-genome sequenced with assembly using Bactopia (v 1.4.11).

We cultured 651 isolates, 256 of which were successfully whole-genome sequenced. Of these, five sequences appeared mixed and were excluded. After removing duplicates on a 99.5% nucleotide identity threshold, 126 unique strains remained. The Bactopia quality report for the genome assemblies is reported in Supplementary Data1. Forty-four isolates were annotated to species level in accordance with MIGA24 (TypeMat and NCBIProk) and with GTDBtk. A further 30 species were identified by either MIGA (TypeMat and NCBIProk) or GTDBtk. The genome completeness and the contamination percentage were tested within the MIGA pipeline aligning 106 bacterial core genes25 (Supplementary Data2).

All isolates were assigned to genera in the TypeMat or NCBI prokaryotes database with P<0.05. Among these samples, we classified 49 Streptococcus, ten Veillonella, nine each of Gemella and Rothia, eight Prevotella, six each of Neisseria, Micrococcus and Pauljensenia, five each of Haemophilus and Staphylococcus, three Granulicatella, two each of Actinomyces, Cutibarterium and Fusobacterium and one Cuprividis, Leptotrichia, Microbacterium and Niallia, respectively (Fig.1a).

a Culture collection phylogeny based on average nucleotide identities between genomes with 1000bp fragment length. Putatively novel species are highlighted in red (indicating that it is not related to any species in the TypeMat DB or NCBI Prok DB (P<0.05) when assessed using MIGA and not assigned to a known species or incongruent species assignment using gtdbtk). Greyed-out isolates are not fully supported by MIGA and gtdbtk. Genome completeness and contamination are displayed as a bar chart. AMR finder was used to identify antimicrobial resistance genes at the protein level (red panel). Virulence factors were identified using the VFDB and Ariba databases and binned into 15 categories (heatmap). The asthma status of the host is indicated in the black asthma/control panel. Cultivation conditions are indicated in green circles for selected growth media, blue rectangles for aerobic, and white rectangles for anaerobic cultivation. Positive Gram staining for GNB, GNC, GPB, GPC, and other Gram staining is shown in black circles. The neuraminidase activity was tested if a blue star was present and was filled for the positive test and white for a negative test. b Taxonomic novelty as calculated by MIGA using TypeMat reference. The scatterplot shows support (P-value, vertical axis) for each taxon relative to complementary hypotheses that this taxon is a previously known one (red markers) or a novel one (cyan markers) at each taxonomic level (horizontal axis). Many of the isolate collections constitute novel species within known genera. c Composition of bacteria isolated and cultivated from five subjects. Counts are shown for all lineages from species level (outer circle) to phylum level (inner circle) in squared brackets. The ETE3 toolkit was used to fetch taxonomic lineages for all genera of cultured isolates101. The number of unique species was summed up and visualised along with their lineages using Krona tools102.

We defined a new species when isolates could not be assigned to known species in reference databases24. We classified isolates as putatively novel species when they exhibited no close relation to any species in the TypeMat or NCBI Prokaryotic Databases, determined by the MIGA tool with a P-value threshold of 0.05 and an incongruent species assignment indicated by gtdbtk.

Fifty-two isolates could not be assigned with P<0.05 to known species in the reference databases24 (Fig.1b). Twenty-eight of the putative novel species were contained within the Streptococcus genus, six within Pauljensenia (not previously recognised to be prevalent in the airways), and four each within Neisseria and Gemella (Fig.1c and Supplementary Data1).

Comparison of the entire sequences of our streptococcal isolates with 2477 public Streptococcus spp. sequences showed that the organisms were widely distributed amongst S. infantis, S. oralis, S. mitis, S. pseudopneumoniae, S. sanguinis, S. parasanguinis, and S. salivarius (Supplementary Fig.2).

We used the eggNOG (evolutionary genealogy of genes, Non-supervised Orthologous Groups) mapper tool (as previously for large-scale systematic genome annotations26) to assign by transfer 5,531 Kegg Ontology (KO) annotations for the 126 isolates. We encoded these in a binary matrix indicating presence or absence (Supplementary Data3) and constructed an isolate phylogeny after removing 254 zero-variance KOs (either present or absent in all isolates) and reducing identical KO presence/absence to single examples before hierarchical clustering with the Manhattan distance metric and complete linkage. The Dynamic Tree Cut algorithm27 identified 15 clusters of isolates that recovered known phylogenetic relationships (Fig.2a). Based on the observed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, we further divided one Streptococcus cluster into two (Strep I and Strep II, Fig.2a). Relative KO enrichment was estimated for each of the 16 clusters by contingency table analysis.

a Mapping of the 50 most abundant OTUs onto 126 novel airway isolates. Isolates are grouped into 16 clusters according to the distance and branching order of their inferred Kegg Ontology (KO) gene content. OTU/isolate nt identity is shown as 9597% (light blue), 9799% (medium blue), and 100% (dark blue). The complex relationship between OTUs and isolates reflects multiple copies of the 16S rRNA gene in different taxa, but in general, captures KO phylogenetic structures. b Comparison of abundance (left) and prevalence right) of bacterial OTUs in populations from northern (CELF) and southern (BUS) hemispheres. The species distribution is similar between the CELF and BUS studies. c Comparison of abundance (left) and prevalence right) of bacterial OTUs in the posterior oropharynx (ptOP) and the left lower lobe (LLL) in CELF subjects. The relative abundance of organisms in ptOP is very similar to those in the LLL, although absolute abundance is an order of magnitude lower in the LLL. Lower abundance OTUs in the CELF dataset are more prevalent in the upper than lower airways. d Spearman correlations between the abundance of organisms in the CELF ptOP samples, showing a high degree of positive and negative relationships between OTUs that is the basis of WGCNA network analysis. Common phyla are colour coded at the top of the matrix, and WGCNA modules (named for the most abundant membership) are at the bottom. Network module membership may be dominated by a single phylum (e.g., the Haemophilus or Streptococcus modules) or contain mixed phyla (e.g., the Veillonella module).

Annotation for the 5277 informative KOs (including duplicates removed during clustering) (Supplementary Data4) identified 247 uncharacterised proteins (Supplementary Data4). Features of particular interest among the known genes are summarised below.

Biofilm formation is a feature of respiratory pathogens, archetypically Pseudomonas spp. in patients with cystic fibrosis. Biofilm-associated genes were also common in the commensal collection (Supplementary File4b). Ninety genes were annotated with biofilm in their KO pathway descriptions, with cysE (serine O-acetyltransferase), vpsU (tyrosine-protein phosphatase), luxS (S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase), trpE (anthranilate synthase component I) and PYG (glycogen phosphorylase) present in >75% of isolates. Amongst the most abundant organisms, Haemophilus and Prevotella spp. had distinctive profiles of other biofilm pathway genes (Supplementary Data4).

Many of our isolates contained known genes for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) against tetracyclines and macrolides. Staphylococcus, Prevotella and Haemophilus spp. also possessed beta-lactam resistance (Fig.1a and Supplementary Data4). Virulence factors and toxins were concentrated in Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Haemophilus, and Neisseria spp. (Fig.1a and Supplementary Data4). Although these annotations neither guarantee that the genes in question are expressed nor that they drive clinically relevant AMR or virulence, they do indicate such potential.

Competition between bacteria is fundamental to maintaining stable communities28. Genes with a KO pathway annotation for antibiotic synthesis (n=33) were present in many genera (Supplementary Data4). Arachin biosynthetic genes included acpP (acyl carrier protein) which was present in 120 isolates and auaG in seven (mostly Staphylococcus spp); rifB (rifamycin polyketide synthase) present in 20 (Veillonella and Staphylococcus spp.); BacF (bacilysin biosynthesis transaminase) present in 12 (Staphylococcus and Gemella spp.); and sgcE5 (enediyne biosynthesis protein E5) present in 12, mostly Haemophilus spp. Bacteriocin exporter genes blpB and blpA were present in 35 and 31 isolates respectively, predominately Streptococcus and Pauljensenia spp. (Supplementary Data4).

Toxins and antitoxin genes were common in the collection (Supplementary Data4), without distinctive enrichment in particular genera. They included homologues of antitoxin YefM (57 isolates); exfoliative toxin A/B eta, (57 isolates); toxin YoeB (51isolates); antitoxins HigA-1 (31) and HigA (30); antitoxin PezA (26); toxin RtxA (15); antitoxin HipB (14); toxin YxiD (13); antitoxin CptB (12); antitoxin Phd (11); and toxin FitB (10). These have not been previously recognised in commensal organisms and differ from the toxin spectrum of known airway pathogens29. They may have significant influences on the mucosa as well as other organisms.

Nitric oxide (NO) is a central host signalling molecule in the airways, where it mediates bronchodilation, vasodilation, and ciliary beating30. NO exhibits cytostatic or cytocidal activity against many pathogenic microorganisms31 and NO elevation in exhaled breath is used as a clinical marker for lower airway inflammation. Many isolate genes encoded NO reductases (Supplementary Data4), including norB (27 isolates); norV (11), norQ (5), norC (1) and norR (1). The hmp gene, encoding a NO dioxygenase, was present in 39 organisms. These enzymes may mitigate the antimicrobial activities of NO or affect host bronchodilation and mucus flow.

Iron is an essential nutrient for humans and many microbes and is a catalyst for respiration and DNA replication32. Host regulation of iron distribution through many mechanisms serves as an innate immune mechanism against invading pathogens (nutritional immunity)32.

We identified 47 genes with iron in their KO name (Supplementary Data2f). Those found in >75% of isolates were afuC (iron (III) transport system ATP-binding protein), ABC.FEV.P (iron complex transport system permease protein), ABC.FEV.S (substrate-binding protein), and ABC.FEV.A (ATP-binding protein). A further 19 genes were identified as members of haem pathways (Supplementary Data4).

Haemophilus spp. require haem for aerobic growth and possess multiple mechanisms to obtain this essential nutrient. These genes may play essential roles in Haemophilus influenzae virulence33. In our isolate collection sitC and sitD (manganese/iron transport system permease proteins) and fieF (a ferrous-iron efflux pump) were only found in Haemophilus spp., as were ccmA, ccmB, ccmC, ccmD (haem exporter proteins A, B, C and D) and hutZ (haem oxygenase). These are potential therapeutic targets.

The sphingolipids constitute an important class of bioactive lipids and include ceramide and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P). Ceramide is a hub in sphingolipid metabolism and mediates growth inhibition, apoptosis, differentiation, and senescence. S1P is a key regulator of cell motility and proliferation34.

Sphingolipids play significant roles in host antiviral responses35,36 and resistance to intracellular bacteria37. Their importance in humans is exemplified by a major childhood asthma susceptibility locus that upregulates ORMDL3 expression38. ORMDL3 protein acts as a rate-limiting step in sphingolipid synthesis39 and the ORMDL3 locus greatly increases the risk of HRV-induced acute asthma40.

De novo synthesis of sphingolipids is recognised in human bowel bacteria41 and maintains intestinal homoeostasis and microbial symbiosis42. In the skin, commensal S. epidermidis sphingomyelinase makes a crucial contribution to skin barrier homoeostasis43. Based on KO annotations, we did not find obvious SPT homologues in our isolates but identified 12 genes with putative roles in sphingolipid metabolism (Supplementary Data4). Of these, SPHK (sphingosine kinase, present in 12 isolates) which metabolises sphingosine to produce S1P; and ASAH2 (neutral ceramidase, present in seven isolates) have potential roles in modifying host inflammation and repair. These may interact with the ORMDL3 disease risk alleles described above.

Several genes present in the isolates may directly affect host immunity. These were enriched in Prevotella spp. (Supplementary Data4) and included immune inhibitor A (ina), a neutral metalloprotease secreted to degrade antibacterial proteins; Spa (immunoglobulin G-binding protein A), sbi (immunoglobulin G-binding protein Sbi); omp31 (outer membrane immunogenic protein); blpL (immunity protein cagA); and impA (immunomodulating metalloprotease).

A conserved commensal antigen, -hexosaminidase (HEXA_B), has a major role in induction of anti-inflammatory intestinal T lymphocytes44, and is present in 59 of our isolates with enrichment in Prevotella, Streptococcus and Pauljensenia spp.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Sjgren syndrome are chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorders with multiorgan effects. Lung involvement is common during the course of the disease45. Our Neisseria isolates contain a 60kDa SS-A/Ro ribonucleoprotein (Supplementary Data4) that is an ortholog to the human RO60 gene, a frequent target of the autoimmune response in patients with SLE and Sjgrens syndrome.

Other bacterial genomes contain potential Ro orthologs46, and a bacterial origin of SLE autoimmunity has been suggested47. Here, the abundance of Neisseria spp. in human airways and their close proximity to the mucosa are of interest, as is a recent report that the lung microbiome regulates brain autoimmunity48, and an earlier observation that T cells become licensed in the lung to enter the central nervous system49.

It is relevant that products of cognate microbial-immune interactions in the airways have direct access to the general arterial circulation through the left side of the heart, whereas molecules and cells carried in venous blood from the gut undergo extensive filtration and metabolism in the liver before accessing more distant sites.

Most respiratory viruses, including SARS2-Cov-19, have RNA genomes, and RNA-targeting CRISPR vectors have the potential to prevent or treat viral infections50. Type III RNA-targeting system elements (such as cas10, cas7, csm2 and csm5)51 are present in our isolates (particularly Fusobacteria and Prevotella spp.), as is the Type II system element cas9 (Supplementary Data4).

We sought context for our culture collection within the ecological variation of different geographic and anatomical locations. We studied airway microbial communities in 66 asthmatics and 44 normal subjects recruited from centres in Dublin (48 subjects), Swansea (46 subjects) and London (16 subjects) (collectively known as the Celtic Fire Study (CELF)). Swabs were taken from the posterior oropharynx (ptOPs) and bronchoscopic brushings from the left lower lobe (LLL) in all subjects. When tolerated, the left upper lobe (LUL) was also brushed in 52 subjects. We compared the European CELF microbial communities to 527 ptOP samples from an adult population sample in Busselton, West Australia (BUS)18. Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene amplicon and compared with the assembled genomes from our culture collection.

In the CELF ptOP samples, 17 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) covered >70% of the abundance and 41 OTUs covered >85% (Supplementary Data5). Coverage was less in LLL and LUL samples (respectively 64% and 50% at the 70% threshold), due to the expansion of H. influenzae (OTU Haemophilus_14694) and Tropheryma whipplei (OTU Glutamicibacter_5653) in the pulmonary samples, particularly those from asthmatics (Supplementary Data5).

Fifteen of the 17 most abundant OTUs were mapped to at least one isolate using a 99% nucleotide (nt) identity, and eleven of the next 24 OTUs were mapped to a cultured organism. Genera of moderate abundance (2.8%-0.4% of the total) yet to be cultivated include Fusobacterium, Selenomonas, Alloprevotella, Porphyromonas, Leptotrichiaceae, Megasphaera, Lachnospiraceae, Solobacterium, and Capnocytophaga.

OTUs corresponding to isolates for Staphylococcus, Micrococcus and Cupriavidus spp. had minimal representation in the community OTU analyses, although Staphylococcus aureus is a recognised lung pathogen. Their appearance in the isolates may represent oral or skin contamination or assertive growth in culture.

Mapping of the 50 most abundant OTU sequences onto the 126 isolates revealed complex relationships that reflect multiple copies of the 16S rRNA gene in different taxa52 (Fig.2a). In general, however, OTU assignment reflected the principal KO phylogenetic structures and referencing of OTU communities to our isolate genomes may still inform on community functional capabilities.

The 16S rRNA gene sequences poorly detected the extensive diversity of Streptococcus spp. in airways, as noted previously18. However, combinations of OTUs can be seen to form barcodes (Fig.2a) that may refine Streptococcus spp. identification into their three main KO phylogenetic groups.

The taxa defined by OTUs and their relative abundances were similar in CELF ptOP and CELF LLL samples and to the normal population in BUS ptOP (Fig.2b, c). Other than the most abundant organisms, the prevalence of most OTUs was lower in the LLL than in the ptOP (Fig.2c). The mean bacterial burden was much higher in ptOP samples from CELF than in the LLL (log10 mean 7.860.07 vs 5.060.05), consistent with previous studies8,16,17.

Strong correlations and anti-correlations were present between the abundances of OTUs in data from each site (exemplified for CELF ptOP samples in Fig.2d, and previously shown for the BUS ptOP results18). We used WGCNA analysis to find networks (named arbitrarily with colours) within these correlated taxa. Network structures were consistent in the CELF and BUS ptOP communities (Supplementary Figs.3 and 4), but less distinct in the lower airway samples where taxa were less diverse and of lower abundance (Supplementary Fig.5).

Networks often contained closely related species but also extended beyond phylogenetically related organisms (Fig.2d and Supplementary Fig.6). For example, in the CELF ptOP networks (Fig.2d and Supplementary Fig.6) there are phylogenetically homogeneous modules of Streptococci (blue, red and green-yellow), Gemella (magenta), Haemophilus (black and pink) and Granulicatella (purple).

Of interest is the brown module in the CELF ptOP samples, which contains multiple Prevotella and Veillonella spp. of high abundance. The presence of biofilm elements in Prevotella spp. described above supports a hypothesis that these organisms may adhere to form a basic commensal carpet of the airways18.

Both the CELF ptOP and BUS ptOP networks recovered the phylogenetic relationships found in the KO analysis amongst Streptococcus isolates. The three clusters of Streptococcus isolates (Strep. I-III) map to distinct sets of OTUs using sequence similarity (Fig.2a), and this similarity is also uncovered in the WGCNA network modules in both ptOP networks (Supplementary Fig.7).

Subtle alterations in bacterial community composition (dysbiosis53) are recognised in many diseases with microbial components. Community instability and inflammation in the presence of mild viral infections5 should be added to the recognised features of loss of diversity and pathobiont expansion in asthma and COPD. We, therefore, sought insights into airway dysbiosis in our subjects from genomic sequencing of the commensal organisms.

We explored underlying components of airway communities by using Dirichlet-Multinomial Mixtures (DMM)54 on all samples from the BUS and CELF subjects, finding that samples formed predominantly into two clusters (Airway Community Type 1 and 2: ACT1 and ACT2) (Fig.3a). The main drivers for the two pulmotype clusters were identified as Streptococcus, Veillonella, Prevotella and Haemophilus spp. in descending order of relative abundance across all samples. ACT1 was dominated by Streptococcus, Veillonella and Prevotella in 410 samples; whilst ACT2 was dominated by Streptococcus, Veillonella and Haemophilus in 478 samples (Fig.3a). Principal coordinates analysis based on Bray-Curtis-distance (-diversity) of the airway microbiota confirmed significant overall compositional differences between the two community type clusters (PERMANOVA P-value>0.001) (Fig.3b).

a Main drivers of Dirichlet-multinomial model-based airway communities. b Beta diversity based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity principal coordinate analysis showing separation of the two communities. c Consistency of airway community assignment between samples of the same and different donors (left) and sampling sites (right). d Alpha diversity measures and correlations. e Univariate associations of CELF 16S samples binned on phylum level to metadata. f Proportion of community assignments between ptOP samples of different study origins, sampling sites and disease groups. g relative abundance of most abundant genera based on CELF samples 16S rRNA. h Univariate metabolite associations based on binning of CELF 16S rRNA sequences onto isolate annotation.

Congruence analysis of CELF samples (Fig.3c) confirmed consistency in assignment for samples coming from the same donor (<0.005) or the same sampling site (<0.005).

We performed univariate analysis to investigate the association between CELF subject metadata and potential indicators of dysbiosis, specifically, evenness and richness (Fig.3d), and bacterial abundance at the phylum level (Fig.3e). Features describing clinical phenotypes and sample origin were often strongly collinear. We, therefore, assessed found associations in turn for retained significance with each potential confounder, using a nested rank-transformed mixed model test55 and considering repeated sampling of patients as a random effect.

We saw pervasive effects both on alpha diversity and phylum level of the tested predictors (Fig.3d, e). Importantly, the Shannon index and richness were significantly decreased with asthma status and severity (MWU false-discovery rate (FDR)<0.1) (Fig.3d).

We found an increase (although not significant) of the Proteobacteria Phylum associated with asthma status (Fig.3e), in line with the taxonomic profile of patients with asthma vs. healthy controls (Fig.3g). This is consistent with many reports of Proteobacteria excess in asthmatic airways8,9,56. Type 2 communities were enriched in subjects with positive asthma status in all sample sites and in CELF subjects overall (Fig.3f).

We examined the impact of the study, asthma status, and sampling site on the distribution of community types in the CELF thoracic samples, using logistic regression models with sex and age as control variables. The results indicated significant differences in ACT proportions across different sampling sites: LUL vs. OTS: odds ratio 95% confidence interval 0.1350.444 (p-val: 3.1e-07); LLL vs. OTS: 0.0490.249 (P-val: 5.0e-10). Statistical significance was more marked for the left upper lobe (FDR q-value<0.001) than the left lower lobe (q<0.10).

We extrapolated metabolic activities from binning 16S rRNA gene abundance onto the isolate KOs using PICRUSt57, revealing metabolite profiles that distinguished measures of diversity and location within upper or lower airways (Fig.3h), as well as distinctive features of asthma and dysbiosis.

In order to relate our mapped microbiome to its ecosystem, we sought host components of the microbial-mucosal interface by serial measurements of global gene expression and supernatant metabolomics during full human airway epithelial cell (HAEC) differentiation in an air-liquid interface (ALI) model. We hypothesised that the transition from monolayer to ciliated epithelium over 28 days would be accompanied by the progressive expression of genes and secretion of metabolites for managing the microbiota.

HAEC from a single donor were grown in triplicate and harvested on days 0, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28. Trans-epithelial resistance (TEER) rose from 7.40.3 on day 0 to 1551113 on day 28, and MUC5AC mRNA production rose 30-fold over the same period (Supplementary Fig.8), indicating full epithelial development.

We found 2553 significantly changing transcripts organised into eight core temporal clusters of gene expression (Limma, 3.22.7) (Fig.4a and Supplementary Data6). Late peaks of expression were found in four clusters, three of which (CL2, CL4 and CL5) contained many genes likely to interact with the microbiome (Supplementary Data6). Transcripts in the other upgoing cluster (CL3) were elevated early and late in differentiation and were enriched for genes mediating cell mobility and localisation. Genes of particular interest in the other upgoing clusters are as follows.

a Global gene expression was measured 7 times over 28 days in an air-liquid model of epithelial differentiation (monolayer to ciliated epithelium). A total of 2,553 transcripts, summarised by 8 core temporal profiles, showed significant variation in abundance during mucociliary development. Hallmark functional roles are shown for each cluster. Clusters CL2, CL3, CL4 and CL5 show late peaks of expression and contain genes that can interact with the microbiome. Upregulated chemokines and immune-function genes are also noted within the clusters. b Metabolites (square) measured in the supernatant of the fully differentiated airway cells were linked to genes (circle) identified in bacterial isolates. Arrows indicate if the reactions were reversible or irreversible, with metabolites as substrates and products. These networks were built based on KEGG pathways. c Binary heatmap displaying the presence (1) or absence (0) of genes (columns) identified in the genomic sequences of bacterial isolates (rows). Bacterial isolates are organised into Kegg Ontology phylogeny clusters (see Fig.2). Gene annotations (top) indicate the frequency of the gene: frequent for genes in >75% of isolates, intermediate for genes in 2575% of isolates and rare for those in <25% of isolates.

Mucosal mucins are central to mucosal function and integrity, providing a source of nutrients and sites for tethering of commensals58, whilst restricting the density of organisms through upward flow by beating cilia59. Interactions of mucins with microbiota play an important role in normal function58, and direct cross-talk between microbes and mucin production is likely59.

In our ALI model, progressive up-regulation of the major secreted respiratory mucins MUC5AC and MUC5B in CL2 was accompanied by the membrane-associated MUC20 (Supplementary Data6). In contrast, CL5 contained three membrane-associated mucins (MUC13, MUC15, MUC16). These mucins do not form gels and are anchored to the apical cell surface, where they present a glycoarray for selective interactions with the microbial environment58.

Within CL5 we also found 17 gene families and 175 genes with putative roles in ciliary function, ciliogenesis, or spermatogenesis (Supplementary Data6). Mutations in many of these genes are known to cause primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)60, which results in recurrent pulmonary infections. Other genes in this list are candidates for mutation in cases of PCD without known cause.

The most significant effects (top hits) in CL2 included ENPP4 (which promotes haemostasis); ALOX15 (which generates bioactive lipid mediators including eicosanoids); GLIPR2 (which enhances type-I IFNs); MPPED2 (a metallophosphoesterase active in infection); INSR (insulin receptor); and MIR223 (an inhibitor of neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation in infection) (Supplementary Data6).

Immune-related genes significantly expressed in CL5 included complement factor 6 (C6) which forms part of the membrane attack complex. C6 deficiency is associated with Neisseria spp. infections. CD38 was also highly expressed, and its product is an activator of B-cells and T-cells.

Top hits in CL4 include ADH1C, an alcohol dehydrogenase; GSTA2 with a known role in the detoxification of electrophilic carcinogens, environmental toxins and products of oxidative stress by conjugation with glutathione; ACE2, the SARS2-Cov-19 binding site which cleaves angiotensins; and PIK3R3 which phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol to affect growth signalling pathways (Supplementary Data6).

CL4 contains five members of the cytochrome P450 families with potential roles in the detoxification of microbial products, including CYP2F1 (which modifies tryptophan toxins and xenobiotics); CYP4X1 (unknown substrates); CYP4Z1 (benzyl esters); CYP4F3 (Leukotriene B4); and CYP2C18 (sulfaphenazole). Also in CL4 were transporters SLC10A5 (substrate bile acids); SLC27A2 (fatty acids); SLC1A1 (glutamate); SLC4A11 (borate); SLC25A4 (ADP/ATP in mitochondria); SLC45A4 (sucrose); SLC25A28 (iron); and SLC39A11 (zinc).

Enrichment of genes for detoxification and transport was also present within CL2, which included CYP4B1 (substrate fatty acids and alcohols); CYP4V2 (fatty acids); CYP2A13 (nitrosamines); CYP2B6 (xenobiotics); CYP26A1 (retinoids); and CYP4F12 (arachidonic acids). Transporters included SLC40A1 (iron); SLC13A2 (citrate); SLC15A2 (small peptides); SLC12A7 (KCl co-transporter); and SLC35A5 (nucleoside sugars).

The bronchial mucosa is innervated with vagal sensory unmyelinated fibres that detect airway luminal substances and mediate smooth muscle tone, mucus secretion, and cough61. Airway sensory nerves are directly involved in immune or inflammatory responses, themselves releasing proinflammatory molecules (neurogenic inflammation)62,63. Neuroinflammation can change receptors, ion channels, neurochemistry, and fibre density64. It contributes to the disabling syndrome of cough hypersensitivity and chronic cough65.

A basis for innervation can be seen in top hits from CL2, which included ENPP5 and HECW2, which have putative roles in the development of airway sensory nerves (Supplementary Data6). Interestingly, CL2 and CL4 together contained ten members of the protocadherin beta gene family (PCDHB2, PCDHB3, PCDHB4, PCDHB5, PCDHB10, PCDHB12 and PCDHB18P in CL2; PCDHB13, PCDHB14, and PCDHB15 in CL4). Interactions between protocadherin beta extracellular domains specify self-avoidance in specific cell-to-cell neural connections66, and their abundant presence here may regulate singular neural-mucosal cell coherence.

Metabolites are central to biological signalling, and so we used the same time-series model of AEC differentiation to measure levels of metabolites released into the culture media of the cells (Supplementary Data7).

We then mapped the ALI culture metabolites to enzymes in matching bacterial pathways identified within the KO of isolate genomes (Fig.4b), based on direct reactions, as substrates or products. Notable interactions include amino acids, nucleotides and compounds involved in energy metabolism. The metabolite-related KOs exhibited distinctive patterns within the isolate phylogeny (Fig.4c).

Enrichment of these KOs onto global human and bacterial KO pathways with iPath67 is shown in Supplementary Figs.9 and 10. These suggest folate biosynthesis is ubiquitous amongst airway organisms, valine, leucine and isoleucine metabolism to be of intermediate importance and alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism to be rare functions amongst the isolates.

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Genomic attributes of airway commensal bacteria and mucosa | Communications Biology -

UCLA Receives $4.6 Million Grant from The Warren Alpert Foundation to Launch Computational Biology/AI Training … – UCLA Health Connect

UCLA has received a $4.6 million grant from The Warren Alpert Foundation to establish the Warren Alpert UCLA Computational Biology/AI Training and Retention Program. The program will be housed in the Department of Computational Medicine, and it aims to address the increasing demand for skilled professionals with rigorous training in both Computational Biology and Artificial Intelligence and in particular to address the need for increased diversity in the field.

The grant will support the development of the program, building upon the success of the Computational Genomics Summer Institute, an NIH-funded initiative held annually at UCLA since 2016. Additionally, it will leverage the newly launched Online Data Science in Biomedicine Master's program.

"There is an incredible demand for individuals with expertise in Computational Biology and AI, and our new program will play a pivotal role in meeting this demand," said Eleazar Eskin, PhD, chair of UCLA's Department of Computational Medicine, affiliated with both the David Geffen School of Medicine and the Samueli School of Engineering at UCLA. "We are so thankful for the support from The Warren Alpert Foundation that makes it possible for us to create this program to help advance education and training in this critical field."

An important aspect to this new effort will be its focus on attracting scholars from groups that are broadly underrepresented in science fields, said Dr. Steven M. Dubinett, dean of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The program will leverage existing long-standing relationships with minority-serving institutions, such as HBCUs and Cal State Universities.

Existing collaborations with the NIH Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) program offer additional opportunities for recruiting scholars of diverse backgrounds.

The Computational Biology/AI Training and Retention Program will benefit both students enrolled in UCLA's Master's and Ph.D. programs and professionals seeking additional training in the field. The program will develop a network of scholars and connect them with opportunities in both industry and academia with the goal of retaining them in computational biomedicine. Through the UCLA Biodesign AI program, some of the scholars will obtain their training by collaborating with clinical units in the UCLA Health System to develop AI solutions to clinical problems.

We are delighted to collaborate and contribute to this program, which will provide scholarships to support these scholars and ensure an equitable access to the programs many educational benefits, said Ah-Hyung Alissa Park, the Ronald and Valerie Sugar Dean of UCLA Samueli.

The grant represents The Warren Alpert Foundation's first funding to UCLA.

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UCLA Receives $4.6 Million Grant from The Warren Alpert Foundation to Launch Computational Biology/AI Training ... - UCLA Health Connect

Former Zookeeper Hopes to Share Passion for Biology as a Science Educator – Georgia State University News

story by Claire Miller

When she was growing up, Danielle Nawy would always ask her parents to take her to the zoo or the aquarium.

Her love for science and for animals in particular led her to earn a bachelors degree in zoology and begin a career as a zookeeper.

Nawy spent a few years working as a bird trainer and a grasslands zookeeper for the zebras and giraffes at Zoo Knoxville in Knoxville, Tenn. When she and her husband moved to Atlanta, she joined the staff at Zoo Atlanta, caring for the elephants, naked mole rats and meerkats.

I always get asked about my favorite animal to work with, but truthfully, I find that an incredibly difficult question to answer. There was something extraordinary about every animal I worked with, she said. But if I had to pick, it would be a tie between elephants and giraffes. Elephants are intelligent and they force you to be creative to keep them enriched. And training the giraffes and seeing them make strides towards certain behaviors was one of the highlights of my career.

Nawy also enjoyed talking with zoo guests about animals and conservation issues.

I fell in love with sharing my knowledge with others, she said. I would think about ways to expand my programming so that I could reach more guests and send them home with incredible messaging.

When she decided she wanted to pursue a different career, Nawy applied to Georgia State University to earn her Master of Arts in Teaching in Science Education.

She will graduate this spring from the College of Education & Human Developments Department of Middle and Secondary Education and hopes to find a job as a high school science teacher, where she can share her biology and zoology knowledge with her students.

Educators like Nawy can play a key role in encouraging girls to consider careers in science. This month, the United Nations will celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science as a reminder that women and girls play a critical role in science and technology communities and that their participation should be strengthened.

It is important for women and girls to pursue science because there are not a lot of us. Most of the studies being conducted and decisions being made within the field are coming from a male perspective, Nawy said. Fifty percent of the world's population is women, so our perspectives should be seen within those studies and decisions, too.

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Former Zookeeper Hopes to Share Passion for Biology as a Science Educator - Georgia State University News

Uses BgRT Radiation Therapy to Target Tumor – City of Hope

City of Hope continues to change the cancer treatment paradigm by leaning into available technology and adopting and applying it in innovative ways to care for its patients.

It was only the second institution in the world to begin using a novel radiation machine called RefleXion X1, which allows radiation oncologists to see more tumors throughout the body and specifically target them with radiation while minimizing exposure that can damage surrounding tissue.

More recently, City of Hope made history again by successfully treating its first patient using the RefleXion X1 machine and applying SCINTIX biology-guided radiation therapy, or BgRT. This is a novel and innovative form of radiation delivery that uses a signal generated by position emission tomography (PET) to guide external beam radiation therapy. It is a technology breakthrough that uses live, continuously updated data throughout the entire treatment session to determine exactly where to deliver radiotherapy to biologically active tumors.

What we want to do is shape the beam, so the tumor gets high dosage but the area around it does not, explained An Liu, Ph.D., clinical professor of radiation oncology. The more degrees of freedom we have, the better we can do that, and RefleXion and SCINTIX create that landscape and opportunity.

Using the PET signal may allow us to reduce the beam field size, allowing our radiation oncology team to reduce toxicity and avoid the need to manage motion, added Terence Williams, M.D., Ph.D., chair of radiation oncology.

This technology is evolving, he said. Eventually, it may also allow us to more comprehensively treat patients with many metastases throughout the body for more complete metastatic ablation. Williams said with this first BgRT patient, City of Hope join the ranks of the National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers at Stanford University and the University of Texas-Southwestern in being the first institutions in the world to use RefleXion SCINTIX technology. City of Hope was the third institution to adopt this new technology and install the equipment, just behind Stanford and UT Southwestern, and second after Stanford to begin treating patients.

Radiation oncologist Sagus Sampath, M.D., medical director for Duarte Radiation Oncology, is the attending physician for the first BgRT patient, a 65-year-old lung cancer patient who came to City of Hope late last year.

The patient was newly diagnosed and came to us with his primary tumor in the left lung and a single metastasis in his left femur, Sampath said. We opted to treat the femur first and offered the patient a PET scan to see if he might be eligible for the SCINTIX technology.

The PET scan confirmed a higher PET signal, or bright spot, associated with the left femur metatasis, signaling the presence of cancer cells that could be treated with a potentially more precise, biologically targeted radiation approach.

It was that bright spot that caught my eye, Sampath said. The location of the metastasis within the femur made it feasible to offer a single fraction of treatment. This approach would also minimize any delays in starting my patients chemotherapy.

Sampath explained that RefleXion X1 could zero in on the bright spot in the leg through its SCINTIX technology by using the tumors own biological signature.

The RefleXion machine enabled us to use the patients own PET signal from the patients own tumor to define our approach to how we treat his cancer. Thats the novel piece of this. It was all about the patients biology from start to finish, Sampath said.

With the femur radiation complete, the patient started a course of chemotherapy. He will be returning soon to start a course of concurrent chemotherapy and radiation to treat his primary lung tumor. Sampath said the radiation oncology team is encouraged that this latest success establishes a precedent that can pave the way for more patients to benefit from the BgRT approach.

We have carried this one through and broken through the glass ceiling, Sampath said. We look forward to being able to offer this to more patients who can benefit from this leading-edge technology.

Williams agreed that treating this first patient is an important milestone for City of Hope.

Dr. An Liu and the rest of the physics team in particular Drs. Chunhui Han and Tyler Watkins have been working tirelessly to make this happen, he said. Im also thankful to our Duarte physicians who have helped us identify eligible patients for this treatment, and to Drs. Sagus Sampath and Stephanie Yoon for taking such good care of this first patient. Kudos also to our dosimetry and radiation therapy technology teams for getting us to this first-patient goal.

The patients successful treatment was very much a team effort, Sampath said, one that was years in the making.

The success of completing our first BGRT stems from months of accumulating experience across our entire department, including our therapist, dosimetry, physics and physician teams, Sampath said. I would like to personally thank all my colleagues, especially my fellow physicians, for their critical contributions in helping our department reach this important breakthrough and turning point.

Williams, Sampath and An all agreed that this first treatment marks the launch of a new era of radiation treatments and opens the door to a number of new clinical trials led by many physicians in the department, including Arya Amini, M.D., Jeffery Wong, M.D., Savita Dandapani, M.D., Ph.D., and many more.

Liu said achievements like this are all in service to City of Hopes mission.

The only way we can advance cancer cures is to be a pioneer in the field, he said. Thats who we are at City of Hope.

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Uses BgRT Radiation Therapy to Target Tumor - City of Hope

Renowned evolutionary biologist to speak for SFA’s Darwin Day event | SFA – Stephen F. Austin State University

NACOGDOCHES, Texas In a celebration of scientific curiosity and the contributions of biologists, Stephen F. Austin State Universitys Department of Biology is set to celebrate Darwin Day Feb. 12 with special guest speaker Dr. David Hillis from The University of Texas at Austin.

Embracing the spirit of inquiry that defines Charles Darwin's groundbreaking contributions to evolutionary theory, Hillis will give his talk on Darwins Tree of Life hypothesis.

Hillis is the Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professor in Natural Sciences at UT Austin, where he studies molecular evolution and biodiversity in the Department of Integrative Biology. He is the director of UT Austins Biodiversity Center and also directs the Deans Scholars Program of the College of Natural Sciences.

"We are delighted to have Dr. Hillis on the SFA campus to speak at this special event as we gather together to celebrate, remember and reflect on not only the contributions of Darwin but also the contributions of many scientists in general," said Dr. Carmen Montaa, assistant professor of biology.

Hillis research is focused on the tree of life and how we can use it to understand processes of evolution. He is one of the foremost evolutionary biologists today investigating the evolutionary relationships among living organisms. His work has helped the study of the evolutionary development of a species or a group of organisms throughout most fields of molecular biology in recent years, from studies of the epidemiology of human immunodeficiency viruses to studies of the origin of life.

Hillis research appears in over 200 scientific publications, and he has authored numerous books, including his most recent: Armadillos to Ziziphus: A Naturalist in the Texas Hill Country." In recognition of his contributions to evolutionary biology, he has received many honors, including being elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as well as the National Academy of Sciences. He has served as president of the Society for the Study of Evolution and the Society of Systematic Biologists.

Hillis will give his featured talk, Applications of the Great Tree of Life, from noon to 1 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Miller Science Building, Room 139, on the SFA campus.

ABOUT STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY Stephen F. Austin State University, the newest member of The University of Texas System, began a century ago as a teachers college in Texas oldest town, Nacogdoches. Today, it has grown into a regional institution comprising six colleges business, education, fine arts, forestry and agriculture, liberal and applied arts, and sciences and mathematics. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, SFA enrolls approximately 11,000 students while providing the academic breadth of a state university with the personalized attention of a private school. The main campus encompasses 421 acres that include 37 academic facilities, nine residence halls, and 68 acres of recreational trails that wind through its six gardens. The university offers more than 80 bachelors degrees, more than 40 masters degrees and four doctoral degrees covering more than 120 areas of study. Learn more at

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Renowned evolutionary biologist to speak for SFA's Darwin Day event | SFA - Stephen F. Austin State University

State biologists want you to send them owl vomit – Bangor Daily News

Maine biologists are asking people to send them owl pellets as part of a national study.

Owl pellets can be equated to a cat hairball. When an owl eats its prey, the parts, such as hair and bones, that it cannot digest gather in its gizzard where they are compacted into a pellet. The owl regurgitates or vomits the indigestible pellet.

The owls diet includes small mammals, birds, amphibians and invertebrates, according to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

Researchers hope to learn more about owl numbers, what they eat and the health of the birds and of their prey. The information Mainers gather will be added to a national study of owls.

The Maine Owl Project is a collaboration between the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, University of New England and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

For this and several other research projects, state biologists rely heavily on community scientists, Maine residents who add their own observations based on forms and instructions the researchers provide. The forms stress that the well-being of the owls takes precedence over the research, and ask community scientists to try not to disturb the birds themselves.

Researchers hope that all of the information gathered will give them a clearer picture of owl biology, habits and habitat, plus raise public awareness about the birds.

More than 3,000 community scientists helped with a 40-year project to document numbersand locations of the states amphibians and reptiles. That information will be published next year.

Financing for the owl pellet studycomes from the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.

Owl pellets will be sent to UNE researcher Zach Olson.

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State biologists want you to send them owl vomit - Bangor Daily News